Afterwards, Jun Yushan took Weilin to the Xianmeng Trading Bank to pre-purchase a set of Mingguang armor. This armor is the standard armor for immortal soldiers. The upper body is as if there is nothing, taking into account the defense of magic and faith.

These are all second, and the most important thing is that a special magic circle is engraved inside it, which can not only store immortal energy, but after activation, it can also absorb immortal energy from the surrounding environment independently, dissipating is the power of faith and storing it in the armor. At the critical moment when the immortal power is exhausted, these can be used as an emergency.

Due to the scarcity of materials, Mingguang Armor is not only expensive, but is usually only open to purchase qualifications for official generals above the deputy battalion commander level. Previously, only Zhang Duo and Lian Ge owned the entire Third Battalion.

This time, the Xianmeng was generous, and even let go of the purchase qualification. This also shows that the Xianmeng attaches great importance to this general attack.

Not long after, the desolate and distant expedition horn sounded, and the various ministries began to gather. This time, the forces of the Jun family in the Yueqing Realm encircled an army.

Jun Yushan hurriedly took the two of them to find his elder brother Jun Yuqiu, "This is my elder brother Jun Yuqiu, and this time my elder brother has full power over my own private army."

Jun Yuqiu was congenitally deficient, and was severely injured by Yan Yuan, his skin was so pale that it was almost transparent, his eyes were gentle and calm, and he had a kind of weak beauty that was not affected by human fireworks.

Jun Yuqiu glanced at the two of them, his eyes fell on Wei Lin, and he smiled gently: "You are Wei Lin, right? Xiaoshan keeps mentioning you and admires your swordsmanship. If you have a chance, you should ask for advice."

"Brother," Jun Yushan frowned slightly, "whoever admires him, my swordsmanship is not bad."

In front of the eldest brother Jun Yuqiu, Jun Yushan has a much more straightforward personality, and it can be seen that the two brothers have a good relationship.

Having been the head of the sect for many years, Wei Lin has already handled this kind of scene with ease, and now he has a humble face, "Your Excellency is ridiculously praised, it is not enough to ask for advice. Although Xiaoxian came to Xingque for a short time, I have heard that the master's magic skills are amazing. If there is any Opportunities need to be contested.”

Jun Yuqiu smiled more and more warmly, and went to look at Nightingale who had concealed her cultivation, "Xiaoshan, who is this girl?"

"This is Ye..."

"I'm Wei boy's uncle." Nightingale started suddenly, interrupting Jun Yushan's introduction.

Jun Yushan was stunned, and turned to look at Wei Lin in a daze. Isn't it a cooperative relationship? How come he has advanced to become an uncle.

Wei Lin was also speechless, even if he didn't want to reveal his identity, there was no need to talk about it.

Nightingale saw what he was thinking at a glance, and said via voice transmission: "You practice Ye Luo's volleying sword art, and you can be regarded as Qing Luo's successor. I come from the same school as her, so it's not too much for you to call me uncle?"

The thigh that was delivered to the door was not hugged in vain, Wei Linma slipped back: "It's not an exaggeration, it's my honor to have such an uncle like you."

But I couldn't help complaining in my heart. Since I practiced, I have really been taught by my master, but after only a year, I have to rely on my own scrambling.

Jun Yuqiu naturally saw the strange expressions of the three of them, but he didn't ask any more questions. After the shock, Jun Yushan told him that Nightingale was Da Luo Jinxian, and he was surprised, and then treated Nightingale with respect. .

The army had been prepared for a long time, and the mobilization was completed in a short time. After a short time, the first army flew out of the camp, and then armies from all walks of life swarmed out like a tide.

The Jun family's private army has long been ready to go, but it has not waited for the order to start. For such an important large-scale offensive, the specific combat plan will be sent to the execution troops just before the departure. It will detail the order of dispatch, Marching route, predetermined position, and combat purpose, etc.

A quarter of an hour later, the camp was mostly empty, and only a small part had yet to set off. Only then did the messengers come and deliver the battle plan.

Jun Yuqiu only glanced at it before changing his expression. Seeing that the situation was wrong, Jun Yushan poked his head over his eyes and exclaimed suddenly: "Surround Silverfjord! Wipe out the demon army, who assigned this task? Is there a mistake?"

Hearing this, Wei Lin couldn't help but change his face, capturing the Yinliu Fjord and completely wiping out the enemy army are two concepts, and the degree of danger is not the same.

It is said that the poor should not chase after them. The task of the Jun family this time is to break the back of the demons and prevent them from running away. This means that they have to bear the desperate counterattack of the demon army!
This kind of task has always been the task of the elite troops. The Jun family is just a small low-ranking family, and there is no strong person in charge. Assigning such a task to the Jun family is tantamount to letting them die.

The messenger confirmed it again, and said, "That's right, this is for you."

The private army of Jun's family started to stir up a commotion, but the messenger's expression turned serious, and he shouted, "What are you shouting about!"

Before, he had a bit of respect for Jun Yuqiu, but now that he learned of the battle plan that the Jun family had received, his respect was gone, and he looked businesslike: "Please, Mr. Jun, lead the team to go out immediately. Punish it with the crime of desertion!"

As soon as this battle plan came out, all fools knew that the Jun family's troops would never return, so naturally there was no need to be polite to a young man of the Jun family.

Jun Yushan was furious, and his neck was blushing and he was about to argue with the messenger, but fortunately Jun Yuqiu quickly grabbed him with his eyes.

Jun Yuqiu glanced at the army, smiled wryly, and said, "Let's go!"

"Big brother!"

"Military orders are like mountains."

One sentence blocked Jun Yushan and made the restless army move.

Wei Lin took it seriously. In Xingque, it is far easier for the superiors to destroy one side than the lower realms.

Fortunately, with Nightingale, the Great Luo Jinxian, the Jun family's elite troops can still survive.

It was not only the Jun family's troops who undertook the outflanking task, but also an elite battalion of the Zhou family. The two troops made a large circle and arrived at the back of the Silver Stream Fjord.

At the end of the consciousness, fires continued to rise. The main force of the army had already started a fight with the demons. A black line was spreading towards them. It was the troops that the demons were about to evacuate first.

And this group of people must be the elite of the magic army, and there are many strong people in them, so they have to stop them.

"Array master is ready." Jun Yushan raised his voice and issued the first order.

This is correct. Their purpose is to cut off the rear of the magic army and prevent these people from escaping. The siege is the best way.

Soon, the magic army found them, and a sharp arrow as black as ink quickly magnified in everyone's eyes, and the icy breath made everyone shudder.

Ancient Demon Realm Powerhouse!
Wei Lin involuntarily grasped the Mo Li sword tightly, this battle is really dangerous.

From the Zhou family's elite camp, an old woman flew out, holding her skinny five fingers in vain, causing everyone's terrified sharp arrows to stop in the air, and they couldn't get any closer.

A few more arrows pierced through the air, and the speed became faster and faster. The archer also appeared in the range of Wei Lin's consciousness. He was a middle-aged man with sharp eyes and a pair of curved horns on his forehead.

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