all the way to fairy

Chapter 784 Style

The old lady of the Zhou family was calm and unhurried, her green wooden staff whirled, and a gust of wind blew up on the flat ground, and the flying arrows were stopped by the gust of wind.

All the soldiers heaved a sigh of relief when the strong man of one's own side stopped the strong man of the enemy.

The army of the magic army crossed the ground like black lightning, and plunged into the formation, obviously wanting to break through the formation and kill the formation mage before the formation was completed.

Wei Lin took a deep breath, raised his sword, and found a demon soldier of the same realm. Mo Li swung his sword, blocking the opponent's way, and then followed a few quick swords to break through the demon soldier's body protection defense, and the long sword swept away , took off the head of the magic soldier.

Then he stepped slightly, and came to another demon soldier of the same realm. He was about to kill the demon soldier in the same way, when a familiar and violent offensive wave came from obliquely in front of him. In the early days, the demon soldiers were forced to retreat steadily.

The green light surged around the demon soldier, constantly tearing at his protective demonic energy. It was a formation that restrained him. Unfortunately, the effect was very limited. was corroded.

Wei Lin's heart trembled, and he carefully looked at the young demon soldier. The dark purple and gold robes were exquisite and elegant, and the magic light flowed in his movements, obviously not ordinary;
Looking at the appearance again, the sword eyebrows are awe-inspiring, as sharp as a sword drawn from its sheath, even if he retreats, he has not seen panic.On the contrary, his eyes hide arrogance, disdain, and mixed emotions of expectation, excitement, and unwillingness.

Obviously, this young man is a person of status in the demon clan, and he is probably a talented young man of a famous school. Could there be some way to hide that obscure and complicated look?

Without thinking too much, Wei Lin eliminated the enemy in front of him in twos and twos, moved across like a ghost, and Mo Lijian stabbed at the demon boy silently.

The young man's perception was very keen, and at the moment when Li Lijian was about to stab, his body tilted 45 degrees at an incredible speed, just avoiding the stabbing long sword;
Mo Lijian changed from stabbing to slashing, and slashed down suddenly. The sword body gleamed with azure light, and could easily corrode the magic energy contained by the formation. In front of Qingye Jianyi, it was no different from ordinary gas, and was easily split.

The young man was shocked, and the devilish energy surged out of his body, and the dark purple light in his exquisite and elegant robe blocked the sword.

Then, he resolutely gave up killing Jun Yushan, turned his long sword around, and flung Mo Lijian away.

Wei Lin didn't continue, he came to kill the enemy to make meritorious deeds, and it is better to hand over the enemies who are higher than one level to others.

The demon youth didn't attack immediately either, his eyes slowly shifted from Mo Lijian to Wei Lin's face, and suddenly said coldly: "It seems that killing you is more valuable."

When Jun Yushan, who had just escaped from danger, heard this, he was so angry that he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.The demon youth came to him earlier because he saw that he had great potential and wanted to eliminate future troubles.Changing the target of the attack now is because Wei Lin has greater potential than him.

Although deep down in his heart, he also knew that this was the truth, but it was still a bit difficult to accept, especially the contempt revealed in the demon boy's tone.

As soon as the demon boy finished speaking, he raised his sword and attacked Wei Lin like autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves.

Wei Lin's move was to rescue Jun Yushan, now that Jun Yushan's crisis was resolved, he would not fight head-on with an enemy who was one level higher, and immediately turned around and flew towards the direction where Nightingale was.

His speed was very fast, like a ghost, which aroused the murderous intent of the demon youth, and he pursued him closely.

"Young Master, come back!" A guard shouted, but the young man turned a deaf ear to him and chased Wei Lin wholeheartedly.

What a joke, let an enemy whose cultivation base is one level lower than his own escape, how will he mess around when he goes back?
The middle-aged guard stomped his feet, turned around and chased after him.

After chasing and chasing, the demon boy suddenly felt a strange wind blowing, and then his neck felt cold, and the incomparable chill penetrated his limbs and bones.

Until he fell down, he didn't see who the shot was.

Seeing this, the guards who were chasing after him were so frightened that their guts were splitting apart. The demon youth didn't see the person who made the attack, but he saw it clearly from behind.

It was a woman, a woman with no visible cultivation!
Ordinarily, on the battlefield, seeing such a person would definitely cause alarm, but for some reason, the young master who passed by the woman completely ignored her, and he only paid attention to her after she made a move.

There are two possibilities for this situation, one, the other party has a special secret technique, and two, the other party's cultivation base is much higher than theirs.Judging from her fluttering move, it was obviously the second situation.

The middle-aged guard turned around and fled without any intention of avenging his son.

Next, Wei Lin continued to kill the enemy, targeting the early and middle stages of the Earth Demon Realm, and occasionally cooperated with others to kill the late-stage Demon Soldiers. Wherever he passed, low-level demon soldiers fell in pieces.

His swordsmanship is fierce, and his attacks are as fierce as fire. In the early stage of the Earth Demon Realm, he can take his life with just one face-to-face encounter.And he can clearly kill the late stage of the Demon Realm alone, but he has to find someone to cooperate, and he will never take the lead.

Nightingale has been paying attention to him all the time, and naturally soon realized that he is invincible in the same realm. Such a sharp swordsmanship can completely hold back the strong in the Heavenly Demon Realm, and even intervene in the battle between the strong in the Heavenly Demon Realm, assisting his own strongmen to quickly kill enemy.

But Wei Lin didn't mean that at all.

She couldn't stand it anymore, and couldn't help but send a voice transmission: "I said nephew, what you inherited is Ye Luo's volleying sword technique, the sword technique of leapfrogging the enemy, can we find some strong people to fight, don't always bully miscellaneous!" fish!
Back then, your master challenged powerful enemies all the way, even came to find someone to fight, and also practiced Ye Luo's volleying sword art, why is there such a big difference! "

Wei Lin rolled his eyes. Those who can escape at this time are the elites of the demon race. Who knows how many powerful people are hidden in it? Why was Jun Yushan targeted by that genius boy of the demon race just now? Isn’t it just too ostentatious Is it?

Compared with face, he still thinks his life is more important!
However, Ye Ying, a cheap uncle, deserves a bit of face. Wei Lin began to kill more demon soldiers in the late stage of the Earth Demon Realm. Of course, if he could cooperate, he would not kill alone.

Nightingale was left speechless, she really didn't know what he had gone through, to cultivate such a strange style after practicing the elegant and sharp sword art like Ye Luo Lingkong.

In the center of the demon army, a silver-haired old man bent his body, his body was dark and deep, he looked over here, and said softly: "Miss, there is a strong man over there."

In front of him was a young girl with a slender and petite figure, and her palm-sized face was made even more delicate by the wide black cloak.

She was also looking in the direction of Wei Lin and Nightingale, and said: "She has been paying attention to that young man, he should be his bodyguard, you lead her away, I will go from there, and deal with that young man by the way."

He was cultivated in a mere fairyland, but he was guarded by a Daluo Jinxian. The identity of that young man must be unusual, and he was probably a genius of a family hidden in the army like her.

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