all the way to fairy

Chapter 785 Misunderstanding

After Nightingale shot out from time to time to kill the strong demons, Jun's private army blocked the first wave of the demon army's charge and stabilized the position.

At this time, a net of magic flames suddenly flew out from the edge of the formation, swept across the sky and landed on the magic circle. The killing sound was also very clear on the battlefield, and it came to an abrupt end soon.

Those were the formation mages who had set up the formation. They had just taken a breather when the formation was completed, but they were affected by the momentum of the strong demons breaking the formation.

Without giving your family's private army more time to react, another fire net flew out and went straight to the formation. The nearby soldiers hurriedly dodged, but the speed of the fire net was extremely fast, and it arrived in an instant. How could they hide? It's open.

Accompanied by the screams, a large number of private troops of the emperor's family were buried in the net of the magic flame.

Nightingale frowned, flew up, and when another net of magic flame flew out, it stopped and locked on its owner, an unusually old man.

The old man's cheeks were shriveled, his eye sockets were sunken, and his body was as thin as a stick. He looked like a dying mortal, but his aura was extraordinarily tyrannical.

There is a strong man in the ancient demon realm!
Wei Lin took a look, the place was a little far away from where he was, so he immediately fought and moved, moving towards the edge of the position, intending to walk outside the battle circle between Nightingale and the old man.

I don't want to, just after moving a short distance, suddenly a warning sign appeared in his heart, a nearly transparent flower appeared in front of his heart out of nowhere, the bright light armor shone with dazzling brilliance, and then there was a slight cutting sound.

It was not a small flower, but a flower-shaped hidden weapon, an extremely sharp hidden weapon, easily broke through the protection of the bright light armor, and broke through his protective immortal energy while flying and swaying!

Wei Lin's scalp exploded, the hairs all over his body stood on end, and his whole body was screaming for danger. At the critical moment, his well-trained fighting instinct allowed him to immediately activate the crocodile hair, which spread to the whole body, and at the same time turned his body to avoid the danger. important.


The transparent flower brushed against the edge of the chest cavity, a deep cut appeared in the bright light armor, and the built-in magic circle stopped functioning, and it was already scrapped, so it could only rely on the toughness of the manufacturing materials to block ordinary attacks.

Wei Lin sweated profusely, from his underwear to his hair was soaked in an instant, as if he had been fished out of the water.

Shark silk is too precious, even those who are strong in the Dao Ancestral Realm can hardly resist the temptation, and if people find out, they may face endless assassinations, so he only uses shark silk to protect his vitals on weekdays.

The attack carried by that little flower's hidden weapon just now seemed harmless, but it was actually very terrifying. He couldn't resist it, not at all.This is the first time to activate the crocodile to protect the whole body.

He turned around quickly, his eyes moved, and he saw the transparent little flower flying slowly and fast, falling into the hands of a slender girl.

The girl's white fingertips held the flower-shaped hidden weapon, and she let out a soft 'huh', but there was no blood on the petals.

Her blow, apart from destroying the armor, did not cause any damage!
The girl looked over and met Shang Weilin's gaze, her eyes filled with undisguised killing intent.

"Yuan Fei! Yuan Fei of the Tana Clan!" A voice suddenly sounded, so sharp that it was distorted.

However, the girl didn't take the opportunity to leave, she still looked at Wei Lin, spinning flowers on her fingertips.

After all, Wei Lin's time in Xingque was short. Apart from the top four famous families of the demon clan, he was only familiar with the demon clan that attacked the Xiling area. He had never heard of this Tana clan, let alone the girl's identity.

However, the reaction of his comrades made him more or less guess that the Tana clan should be a well-known and powerful force in the demon clan, and this girl is obviously a young genius of the Tana clan.

What's more, there are several young strong men beside the girl. Not only are the costumes exquisite and uniform, but also the wide and black cloak of Yishui, and even the weapons are very uniform. In the early stage of Youmo Realm, black ink-colored pointed spears.

This is obviously a guard specially trained for the talented juniors in the famous sect.

At this time, he received a voice transmission from Jun Yushan: "Brother Wei, she is Yuan Fei from the Tana clan, let her go, don't fight her."

Wei Lin was speechless, the other party was in the Youmo Realm, even if his brain was kicked by a donkey, he wouldn't want to fight him. The problem now is that the other party's murderous intent is awe-inspiring, and obviously he doesn't intend to let him go.

The girl raised her bare hands lightly, and the transparent little flower swirled again, appearing and disappearing on the way, and the flight trajectory was unpredictable.

A Taiyi Golden Immortal from the Jun family wanted to block it, but when the magic weapon hit it, the transparent little flower became illusory for a moment, then solidified again in front of it, and continued to whirl towards Wei Lin leisurely.

The Taiyi Golden Immortal expert wanted to make another move, but the girl's guard made a move, and fought with the Jun family's strong man, and other Jun family's other strong men also started attacking the other guards.

Wei Lin concentrated, and Mo Li swung the sword, spreading a circle of sword light protection around his body, and at the same time, gray fog lingered around him.

Taking precautions, he simply approached Nightingale's direction.

Flying flowers whirled around, bumped into Li Lijian lightly, and an unrivaled attack came from the sword. Wei Lin was thrown upside down and fell heavily to the ground. run around.

The gap between the two great realms is really irresistible.

With his palms on the ground, he quickly jumped up and fled around the battle circle between Nightingale and the old man, "Master, help!"

During the attack, Wei Lin's heart skipped a beat. He already understood why the girl would not let go of him. It was probably because Nightingale took too much care of him before, which caused the other party to misunderstand.

This is so careful, so cautious, but in the end it was the powerful protector I hired that made me fall into the eyes of the powerful magician.

Wei Lin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, this was probably the result of blessings and misfortunes, and misfortunes and blessings.

The girl's face was full of astonishment, Xuan Er's eyes lit up, "The net worth is very rich."

Jun Yushan and the others were even more surprised. They knew very well that Wei Lin was just a fairy who had just ascended to the star tower, not a disciple of a great sect, and had no family power to support him.

A fairy who has just ascended to the ascension, unexpectedly has a defensive magic weapon that can forcibly resist the attack of the Youmo Realm!
Jun Yushan only felt that the origin of this new brother became mysterious. For a moment, he remembered that Yeying lied to be Wei Lin's uncle, and thought of Yeying's and Wei Lin's same sword tactics. He couldn't help but start to suspect that Yeying was really Wei Lin. Uncle Shi.

That day Li Yuancheng Weilin really wanted to save Nightingale, and relieving Jun's family was just an excuse, all these days were just a play by these two people.

In the sky, Nightingale suppressed the shock in her heart, and said via voice transmission: "You lure her here, hold her up, and I'll help you when I have my hands free."

During the sound transmission, her offensive became fierce, attacking the old man's vitals with every move.

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