all the way to fairy

Chapter 788 Booty

Chapter 788 Booty

All the demons were woken up by him, especially Yuan Fei's guards, the young lady died, they were weak in protection, and they couldn't survive if they went back. They went crazy at the moment, and the strong men of the Jun family who intercepted them were soon wounded.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

Wei Lin, who had recovered some of his immortal power, flickered and disappeared from the spot, hiding himself in the army.

It is too difficult to find a person who deliberately hides on the chaotic battlefield, not to mention the immortal clan blocking him.

There was a scream from the sky, and the shaken old man in the ancient demon realm was caught by Nightingale, and he was seriously injured in one fell swoop. Wei Lin in the dark verified his guess, and Nightingale was good at assassinating secretly.

Yuan Fei died, the old man in the ancient demon realm was seriously injured, and the morale of the demon clan was greatly reduced. The army of immortals in Yinliufjord annihilated the remaining demon soldiers and chased them.

A few hours later, Yinliufjord was littered with corpses, and there was no more demons. The thirteenth lady of the Zhou family who was in charge waved her hand and led the vast army to the eighth war zone next door.

Jun's private army suffered heavy losses due to the arduous task, so they were left to rest on the spot. Wei Lin immediately set up a barrier, took out the cabin, and prepared to practice and heal his injuries.

Everyone is innocent and guilty, although there is no magic soldier, it does not mean that there is no danger, and it must be recovered as soon as possible.

He had just sat down cross-legged when the ban rang.

With a sweep of consciousness, the person who came was the old woman who intercepted the fleeing army with them, Da Luo Jinxian.

Wei Lin's heart trembled slightly. In the previous battle, after the old woman of the Zhou family stopped the first sharp archer, she remained in a stalemate. She waited until the army arrived, and then joined forces with the other strong members of the Zhou family to surround and kill the sharp archer. .

In other words, her consumption is not high, and she is a great Luo Jinxian, and she exists like a pinnacle on the battlefield. Generally speaking, she should go to other theaters with Miss Zhou.

There were two possible reasons why she stayed. One was the sudden appearance of the Great Luo Jinxian Nightingale, so she had to be on guard; the other was herself.

Now it seems that her goal is herself, or the Zhou family's goal is herself.

Wei Lin sighed lightly. His set of restraining circles was useless to the old woman and had no effect at all. He had anticipated this situation when he exposed the silk, but in that situation, he had no choice.

He stood up, stabilized his mind, opened the restraint, and asked calmly: "What is the matter with Xiaoxian, senior?"

The old lady raised her eyelids, without going around in circles, "In Yuan Fei's relics, there should be a protective treasure given by the old monster of the Tana family. My lady wants to buy it from you."

Wei Lin was stunned for a moment, he was in a hurry to use his skills to heal his injuries, and he hadn't checked the spoils yet, only then did he remember that important children of great powers would have life-saving means given by their elders.

Yuan Fei underestimated the enemy, so she didn't have the chance to use it, and fortunately her life-saving item was not a passively triggered stand-in, otherwise, no matter how many Nine-Turn Xuanyuan Pills he had, it would be useless.

Most of these life-saving objects have the spiritual imprint of the giver. Once activated, they will be sensed by the old Tana monster. He has no way to remove the spiritual imprint, so he can't use it.

Miss Zhou's coming to buy it can be regarded as solving a hidden danger for him to a certain extent.

But, that would be a good deterrent!

With that life-saving object in place, those strong men who want to snatch Shark Shark will have to weigh it carefully. If he is in a hurry, they will take it out and die together.

Furthermore, if the Miss Zhou family covets his shark silk, if he sells Yuan Fei's life-saving item to her, wouldn't it be a cover-up for the enemy?

These thoughts quickly turned in his mind, and he showed a embarrassed look, "Although Yuan Fei died at the hands of Xiaoxian, but without the uncles to stop the old man in the ancient demon realm, and without the seniors of the Jun family to stop her guards, Xiaoxian also It is impossible to kill her. The handling of the spoils must be discussed with them."

Their conversation was not deliberately concealed, nor did they lower their voices, not to mention the people around them, the entire Silver Stream Fjord could be heard by anyone who cared.

But no matter the nightingale not far away who closed his eyes and rested his mind, or the Jun family who silently ordered the soldiers to rest and heal their wounds, and patrolled and guarded, they were silent.

Wei Lin heaved a sigh of relief, the last thing he wanted now was for them to immediately declare that the loot would belong to them, so he could only bluntly refuse.

Being rejected, the old lady of Zhou's family didn't get angry, she just said "so", and left Yinliufjord.

Of course, Wei Lin knew very well that this was the work of Nightingale, after all, on the surface, this Ruge Immortal was his uncle.

Watching the old lady of the Zhou family leave, he turned back, and before the restriction was activated, Jun Yushan stepped over and entered the restriction.

"Brother Wei, I have something to tell you."

After saying that, when he saw the wooden house in the forbidden area, he couldn't help being stunned, "You are an immortal, how do you use the wooden house? You don't have a fairy house, do you?"

After that, he didn't believe it himself.

As far as he knows, in the intermediate plane, ordinary fairy mansions are very common, and there are people with a little wealth. Only those fairy mansions with complete small worlds are relatively rare.

With Wei Lin's status before his ascension, if he didn't have a complete small world, he should have an ordinary fairy mansion no matter what.

Wei Lin smiled, did not answer, but changed the topic: "Brother Jun, please tell me something."

Jun Yushan suppressed his expression, turned his head to look, and signaled him to close the restraining circle, Wei Lin did so suspiciously.

"That's right, I want to ask you, don't sell Yuan Fei's bodyguard to the Zhou family."

Wei Lin was stunned for a moment, and quickly understood. From the tasks assigned to the Jun family this time, it can be seen that the Zhou family is not very friendly to the Jun family. If the treasure falls into the hands of the Zhou family, the strength of the Zhou family will increase, and the pressure on the Jun family will increase. will be bigger.

"I will try my best." This did not conflict with his goal, Wei Lin readily agreed, and then talked about the distribution of the spoils.

Since he said something in front of everyone, he had to do it, at least he had to make a good gesture.

No, Jun Yushan shook his head like a rattle, "No need, no need, the spoils of those you kill are yours."

Wei Lin thought, "It's not him who took the initiative to stop Yuan Fei's guards. Even if he is the son of the Jun family, he can't make decisions for those strong men in this kind of matter."

He was about to remind him tactfully, when Jun Yushan said again: "Don't worry, Mr. Xu and the others definitely won't want it. As for Senior Nightingale, I guess she probably won't want it either."

There was sympathy in his eyes when he said this!
Wei Lin felt strange in his heart, his expression became serious, and he hurriedly asked: "Brother Jun, what's wrong with this?"

"Your time to get to Xingque is still too short." Jun Yushan sighed, "Do you know why there are so many troops attacking the Feng Clan, only the Desperate Nightmare was wiped out?"

Wei Lin shook his head, trying to recall what was so special about the nightmare of despair.

Jun Yushan raised a finger, "Remind me, the demon king Ye Shiyu was born in Yushan."

Wei Lin suddenly realized that the nightmare of despair was Yu Shan's army, "Is it revenge?"

(End of this chapter)

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