Chapter 789
"That's right! Famous families all hold grudges. It's not that ordinary strong men who are gifted disciples on the reward list can't kill them, but they can't afford to kill them."

When he said this, Jun Yushan's expression was very complicated. The Jun family is also a member of the aristocratic family, and he has received a lot of benefits because of this. Unfortunately, the Jun family is at the bottom of the aristocratic family, and its deterrence is limited.

Soon, he got rid of the complexity, and the sympathy in his eyes became even more sympathetic, "You don't know the Tana clan, right? There are ten clans under the four famous families of the demon clan, and the Tana clan is one of them. The inheritance is ancient, There are many strong people in the family, and it is rumored that the ancestor of the Tana family in the late stage of the Demon Ancestor Realm is still alive.

Yuan Fei is the third-ranked heir of the Tana family, and is highly valued by the current patriarch. Well, that patriarch is also the old monster in the mouth of Linglong's mother-in-law, in the early stage of the Demon Ancestor Realm. "

Speaking of this, he paused, and murmured in doubt, "It's strange to say that, in her capacity, she shouldn't appear here."

Soon, he shook off his doubts, patted Wei Lin on the shoulder, and suggested: "You should find a way to get rid of Yuan Fei's things later, it's too dangerous to carry with you.

It’s okay to be in Xingque’s native land, even if the old monster senses it, it won’t dare to come over, at most it will send a junior to intercept and kill you; if he doesn’t perceive it in Xingque, he can rush over and kill you with a single thought. "

Wei Lin suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Jun Yushan had let Yuan Fei go before. Thinking about it again, when Yuan Fei insisted on killing him, no strong man stepped forward to help him. Perhaps there was also a reason for this.

Seeing his expressionless face, Jun Yushan comforted him, "Don't worry too much. After you go back, you can do missions in Xingque's land like Senior Nightingale. They don’t dare to act too aggressively.”

Wei Lin nodded, and asked again: "What is the reward list?"

Speaking of this, Jun Yushan's expression immediately relaxed, "In order to encourage the immortals to hunt down potential geniuses and famous strongmen of the Demon Race, the Xianmeng set up a reward list and offered generous rewards.

Yuan Fei is on the list. I remember her bounty is about [-] water cloud coins.During this general attack, the reward was [-]% higher than usual, which was [-] water cloud coins. "

He patted Wei Lin's shoulder again, "It's not all good, right? This is equivalent to the credit for annihilating a main force. Well, enjoy yourself while you're suffering, think about it."

Being chased and killed by strong men too many times, Wei Lin is actually quite used to it. Hearing such a generous bounty, he feels much better. Shuiyun coins have more purchasing power than meritorious deeds, which is 650 million in exchange for meritorious deeds.

After sending Jun Yushan away, he decided to deal with the loot first. Since it is a means of saving his life, he would not put it in the storage space. Underneath is a Qingsiluopa and a jade pendant made of an unknown material.

If there is no accident, the life-saving magic weapon given by the old monster is between Luopa and Yupei. Don't move them easily before deciding to improve your cultivation base.

Then, he set his sights on the bracelet, which is just a high-level storage space. For a child from a rich family like Yuan Fei, it is mostly used to store unimportant items.

After a cursory sweep of his consciousness, Wei Lin was stunned, it turned out to be the crape myrtle wood that the immortals used to make space magic weapons!

With a thought, he released his consciousness to check inside, the space was empty except for a jade box the size of a palm, exuding a strong sense of immortality.

It seems that the space of this bracelet is specially used to place the jade box.

Wei Lin was even more curious, so he simply took out the jade box and opened it. The lid had just been pushed open, and a soft, holy light radiated out, and there were three grains of yellow sand quietly lying on the bottom of the box.

Wei Lin's expression changed drastically, and he snapped back the lid of the box, his chest rose and fell sharply, and his fingers that were holding the jade box casually trembled slightly.

It turned out to be the sacred soil of breath soil!
The Divine Soil of Breathing Soil, also known as the Soil of Chaos, is said to be the divine mud left by Pangu when he opened up the world.

According to legend, the fulcrums of the Ninefold Star Tower were built from the sacred soil of Xiyang!

He took a deep breath, quickly sealed the jade box, and put it in his Immortal Mansion, so as not to be detected by others.

Two hours later, the rest was over, and a group of people rushed to join the Zhou family's army. In order to give the soldiers more rest time, the Jun family took out the fairy ship to send them off.

Soon, they arrived at the eighth war zone, which was originally under the charge of the Wang family. Not only did the battle line fail to advance, but was instead broken by the demons. Fortunately, the Zhou family's army came in time and stopped it.

Now the war is basically over, ready to go to the next place.

Looking at the corpses of the immortal clan piled up into mountains, everyone couldn't help their scalps tingling. After asking, they found out that the entire army in the eighth war zone was wiped out, and the Wang family's private army was completely killed and injured.

Even though the Jun family was oppressed by the Wang family in the past, with constant grievances and grievances, in this situation, the Jun family can't help but feel the sorrow of hurting others.

The Wang family is a middle-ranking family, and the private army sent to Yueqing Realm is more generous than the Jun's family. There are four direct main forces, seventeen direct descendants, more than thirty side branches, and some strong recruits.

After this battle, it was a trivial matter for the younger generation of the Wang family to fail, and more importantly, this loss was enough to make the Wang family downgrade!
In the entire Yueqing Realm, the defense line of the demon clan was torn apart, and it expanded bigger and bigger.

Soon the magic army couldn't hold on, and began to withdraw one after another, already giving up the battle for Yueqing Realm.

In March, there was no more Demon Race in Yueqing Realm, and the Demon Race fleet outside the void also evacuated. The Immortal Clan won a complete victory and planned to hold a grand celebration ceremony in Yueqing Realm.

Wei Lin also received a military order ordering him to go to the ceremony and accept the reward.

Because of beheading the core disciples of the Tana family, he barely climbed to the bottom of the list of military merit awards, and at the top of the list was impressively written: Feng Clan, Shaohaoyue.

The surprise came so suddenly, Wei Lin felt an electric current hit his soul directly, trembling all over, and couldn't be more excited.

"Jun Feng personally presents the reward!" Jun Yushan on the side was even more excited than him, grabbing the military order and confirming it repeatedly.

Wei Lin snatched back the military order, rubbed his fingertips in front of the first row several times, and finally calmed down a bit.

"Hey, the first meritorious service turned out to be Yuedian!" Jun Yushan noticed the list and was very surprised. Although he admired Yuedian very much, how could he still occupy the top military merit list after being absent for more than 3 years?
Nightingale glanced at him lightly, "What's so strange, 3 years ago, she beheaded the demon king Ye Shiyu, this feat alone is enough to overwhelm most people, and getting back the attack and defense map is another great achievement .”

(End of this chapter)

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