all the way to fairy

Chapter 793 Attribution

Chapter 793 Attribution
Shaohao Luo was dumbfounded. The matter of the Destiny's Daughter was one of the top secrets in the clan, and few people knew about it. Originally, only the third brother knew about it in the younger generation.

And he was told by the elders because he met Shiqi in the lower realm.

After being shocked for a while, Shaohao Luo realized that what Wei Lin said just now was sound transmission, and he was more cautious than him.

His worry eased a little, and he asked suspiciously: "How did you know? Shi Qi told you? It shouldn't be, didn't she have no memory of Xing Que at that time?"

Wei Lin was silent, and said vaguely: "I found out by chance, and the whole thing has been dealt with, so it won't be leaked."

After he woke up that year, Mu Yan avoided everyone and told him that the Mingzhu was related to Ah Li's safety, and the people in Xingque must never know.

For this reason, he ignored the sad parting, found Song Qi and others who had entered the world of reincarnation, and planted a restriction in the depths of their souls. As long as he tried to speak out, he would immediately explode and die.

Even Dodo and Ayou have also imposed restrictions, but of different types, to prevent them from accidentally leaking words.

On the side of ghost repair, when sending Lei Qilin back to the ghost world, he found Tulan and told him, because they had helped ghost repair and helped prevent demons from dyeing clothes. In addition, this matter has nothing to do with Jiuyou Netherworld Tulan promised not to mention it to others, and helped to deal with other ghost cultivators.

At least for now, Tulan has kept the agreement.

Shaohao Luo was still worried, thinking of the feathers on his sword, he did not force him to tell the whole story in detail.

After thinking for a while, he said, "There is one more thing to tell you. Seventeen doesn't remember anything about the lower world. Don't expect too much."

Speaking of this, he could not bear to reveal that Shi Qi had been to the lower realm, which meant that Wei Lin had to get acquainted with Qi Qi again.

But the identities between them are too different, it is difficult to talk to each other, not to mention that the current Seventeen's temper is not as lively and enthusiastic as that of the lower realm, without past experience, it is basically impossible to get her to like him.

Wei Lin smiled, "I know, she told me."

Shaohao Luo:? ? ?

"I knew I would forget you before Seventeen Nirvana?"

Wei Lin nodded.

Shaohao Luo's mood became complicated, this Seventeenth was really beyond his expectation.

After the catastrophe of Nirvana, he would only forget the people and things related to the catastrophe. Previously, he found out that the Seventeenth General had forgotten everything in the lower realm through insinuating.

The occurrence of this situation shows that the key to her calamity runs through the entire mortal experience, and the most likely thing is the calamity of love.

As the saying goes, the authorities are obsessed, but the bystanders are clear. As a person in the situation, it is difficult to know that she is going through a catastrophe, but she actually knew about herself in advance and even told Wei Lin!
Is this to continue the frontier?How did she go through this calamity?

Xuan Er thought of the coincidence that Wei Lin said, and Shaohao Luo suddenly thought about it, thinking that it was also Shaohao Yue who told him, and couldn't help being secretly startled, and it took a while to recover, shrugging, "I wish you good luck."

Wei Lin pursed his lips and asked softly, "Is she alright?"

"pretty good."

"That's good." Wei Lin exhaled slowly, although he knew that she would have a good life when she returned to the Feng Clan and had elders to protect her, but she still wanted to ask in person.

Seeing his silence, Shaohao Luo couldn't hold back, and asked, "You don't want to ask me anything else?"

He raised his eyes slightly, staring at a certain place in front of him, and said softly, "I just need to know that she is doing well."

Shaohao Luo rubbed his arms, his face was full of 'I really don't understand you people'.

Wei Lin chuckled and changed the subject: "By the way, I really have something to ask you for. A friend of mine wants to buy pink glazed white jade peaches. He can accept the price at around [-] water cloud coins."

Speaking of money, Shaohaoluo immediately regained his energy and stopped rubbing his arms, "Which friend of yours is so generous?"

Without waiting for Wei Lin to answer, he said again: "It's easy to say, ahem, I don't have this peach with me now, you tell him to prepare the money, and let him go to Luocheng to pick it up later. No, let him pay first! Well, just 1 Twelve thousand Shuiyun coins, the full amount, must be the full amount!"

Wei Lin was stunned, these words were unreliable no matter how they sounded, it seemed like he would abscond with money at any time.

Guessing that the banquet was about to start, Shaohao Luo lifted the restraint and went out, acted like a good brother at the door, and turned to look for the rest of the Feng clan.

Wei Lin went to join Jun Yushan's brother. On the way, he heard someone sighing, "I don't know what the Feng family thinks. For such a glorious celebration, Yuedian, the top of the list, didn't come. They gave up the glory to the Shen family for nothing. I don’t know, I thought it was Mr. Shen who got the first merit.”

"What do you know, it is the Phoenix Lord who presides over the award ceremony, not the rest of the Immortal League, and that is the greatest honor of the Phoenix Clan."

"What do you mean, friend Xian?"

"You idiot, you have a long head for thinking. Fengjun presided over the celebration, and the celebration banquet was hosted by Shao Haojin. The shining host airs shows that the ownership of Yueqing Realm has been awarded to the Feng clan. For a while, most of them are preparing for the sacrifice of Yueqing Realm."

A voice said leisurely: "What we got is a certificate of military merit, and the reward from Yuedian is Yueqing Realm."

Wei Lin was stunned, it turned out that the final ownership of Yueqing Realm was given to Ali.

His mood soared, and the exhaustion of fighting in the past few months disappeared.

"Brother Wei, here!" Seeing him, Jun Yushan called from afar, with an unconcealable eagerness in his voice.

Wei Lin walked over, but before he could stand still, he hurriedly asked: "Can you help introduce Luo Dian?"

Glancing at Jun Yuqiu who was chatting and laughing happily with a few family members not far away, and then looking at Jun Yushan who was looking forward to and anxious, Wei Lin couldn't help joking after his mood improved: "Brother Jun, do you know that there are people in the mortal world?" In a word, the emperor is not in a hurry, the eunuch is in a hurry, what he is talking about is your current situation."

Jun Yushan looked blank, and said earnestly: "Brother Wei, I'm talking to you about something serious, can you help me?"

Wei Lin Fu forehead, since we met, Jun Yushan has almost always taken Jun Yuqiu's illness to heart, but judging from his contact with Jun Yuqiu these days, the eldest son of the Jun family doesn't care much about himself sick.

He sighed, "My brother is nothing more than that, don't worry, I have asked for you, he wants [-] Shuiyun coins, please give him the money first, and then go to Luocheng to get it later."

Jun Yushan was not at all worried that Shaohao Luo would abscond with the money, and was overjoyed: "That's great!"

Wei Lin shook his head again when he saw that Jun Yushan and Jun Yuqiu were not biological brothers. The first branch of the Jun family was a single lineage, and it was difficult for a single tree to branch off. Therefore, following the example of the Feng family, the first and second branches were ranked according to their talent and potential.

On the other side, the banquet hall where the core children of the four families are located.

The thirteenth miss of the Zhou family, Zhou Youyou, looked at Song Zicheng suspiciously, her eyes full of puzzlement.

Just now, Song Ziyong asked her about the composition of Wei Lin's meritorious deeds. The problem is that she has already explained in detail in the meritorious statistics she submitted.

(End of this chapter)

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