all the way to fairy

Chapter 794 protect the short

Chapter 794 protect the short
In the past few days, Song Zizheng did not send anyone to look for Wei Lin, Zhou Youyou thought he had other arrangements, or other arrangements.

She is also a human being, and quickly realized that there must be something wrong with some link in the middle, so she didn't argue, and immediately explained the composition of Wei Lin's meritorious deeds.

As soon as Shaohao Luo walked to the door, he heard a female voice, "Wei Lin beheaded Yuan Fei of the Tana clan alone..."

He petrified, narrowly missing the door.

Rao is that everyone in the hall is the elite of the top forces of the Xianmeng, and they are well-informed, so they can't help but be surprised.

It's unheard of for Earth Fairyland to kill Youmojing alone!

What's more, it was Yuan Fei of the Tana clan who killed him, so how could he be an idiot with no cultivation to become the third heir of the Tana clan?
After a while, Song Zicheng asked again: "How did he do it?"

Since he missed the opportunity to solicit, he might as well ask in front of everyone.

Zhou Youyou looked thoughtful, "I'm not sure about the specifics, but according to the soldiers present at the time, he was a swordsman who had comprehended the state of sword heart, and there seemed to be a combination of moves between his moves.

He also used Yuan Fei's attack to break the world wall, introduced the power of the void into the moves, and blocked Yuan Fei and the attack with the source of space.

Yuan Fei should have underestimated the enemy, the deadly move broke out in an instant, and Yuan Fei didn't even have time to defend. "

From these few simple sentences, many people present have summed up Wei Lin's style and image.

Swordsman, sharp attack, good talent and understanding; smart, step by step, good at grasping opportunities to turn disadvantages into advantages.

This is a true genius!A genius who can stand shoulder to shoulder with them!
Missing such a subordinate with extraordinary potential made Song Ziyong even more annoyed, and it was difficult to offend Zhou Youyou in front of everyone. After all, her previous performance had already shown that the problem was not her.

He gritted his teeth and continued to ask: "Where is the defense?"

Attacking is one thing, and defense is another. In the case of a huge difference in cultivation, a high-level powerhouse can tear apart the protective fairy shield of a low-level practitioner just by coercion.

Regardless of Yuan Fei's soft and weak appearance, she is practicing the art of assassination. She pays attention to killing with one blow. You have to take a high look.

"He has crocodile silk." Zhou Youyou sighed secretly, and said in his heart: Let yourself be blessed.

Song Ziyao was obsessed with the business of sharks, and his real purpose was sharks. Under the eyes of everyone that day, he couldn't hide this matter at all.

On the list submitted, she made a statement exactly, and after the list was handed in, Song Ziyong remained silent, and Wei Linshun came to the celebration smoothly, so she was surprised at first.

I don't know who tampered with the reward list, Wei Lin?Or his uncle of the Great Luo Jinxian?Or does the Jun family want to protect him?
Several guesses, Zhou Youyou felt unreliable.

"Shark silk!" Sure enough, Song Zizheng exclaimed, the teacup in his hand shattered in response, the light brown tea was spilled on the table, and the tabletop was covered with a hazy brilliance, evaporating and dissipating the tea.

He was so angry that he felt an unknown fire burning in his chest, which made him almost lose his mind. He wished he could immediately find out the person who tampered with the list and tear him to pieces.

Song Zicheng, who was red-eyed, turned his eyes and saw Shaohao Luo who was sitting, and finally found a place to vent his endless anger.

He almost sarcastically gritted his teeth: "Congratulations Luo Shidi, you have added another capable officer. I didn't expect that the lower realm is a crouching dragon and a tiger. If we knew that we should also visit the lower realm, maybe we would make some great subordinates."

Shaohao Luo realized that they had misunderstood, but his mind was too confused now, he had no idea how to respond to Song Zicheng's sarcasm, and he was worried that he would open his mouth casually and be caught by these people.

It would be bad if they guessed that Shiqi had gone to the lower realm, but it was not a big problem, and someone would help him go back.

After venting his anger, Song Zi managed to recover most of his rationality, and immediately knew that he had done a stupid thing. The sixteen direct descendants of the Feng clan were all there. Shaohaoluo was not talkative, but the others were quick.

Everyone also knew that Song Zicheng was confused, and they all looked like they were watching the show. You must know that the people of the Feng clan are the most protective.

A young man with a gentle face and about the same age as Shaohaoluo spoke first, "Brother Song Shi is short of capable subordinates. No wonder, I heard that there was a war zone in Xiling where the entire army was wiped out. Tsk tsk tsk, it's tragic!"

This is mainly about yin and yang.

The girl with a firm expression rolled her eyes to the sky, "He will save a few mermen by scouring him, and spend more money on recruiting soldiers, so the entire army will not be wiped out. I see, those people have suffered eight lifetimes of misfortune before they will be killed." Be his subordinate!"

This is a straight punch.

Shaohao Yao gently put the teacup on the table, and opened her lips coldly: "Sister Thirteen's remarks are one-sided, and the entire defense area is wiped out. How can recruiting a few more soldiers change it? Brother, you may wish to review it again." The book of war, learn how to use soldiers."

"Pfft!" Someone couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.Affected by it, everyone roared with laughter, and for a while, the entire hall was full of haha.

Song Zicheng's face turned pale, and he stood up abruptly. Before he could speak, another clear voice sounded, "Fourteenth younger brother, thirteenth younger sister, and sixteenth younger sister, don't be rude."

Feng Crown Prince Shaohao Heng stared, stopped the three of them, and apologized to Song Ziyong with apologies, "My brothers and sisters are young and ignorant, and if they speak violently, Brother Song, please don't be as knowledgeable as them."

Song Zicheng's breath got stuck in his throat, he couldn't spit it out, couldn't swallow it, "where the words are fierce", thanks to him being able to speak!

The core children of the other three families and three clans were also amused by this miracle. A few young and high-ranking ones immediately held their stomachs and laughed, and some people pretended to worship Shaohao Heng As a teacher, learn the way of speaking from him.

Ordinary people make apology, it is only the words that offend, but he is good, the words are fierce, isn't it saying that Shaohao Yao and the others did not say anything wrong, but they were not euphemistic enough.

Amidst the roar of laughter, Song Zicheng's face turned dark, and he said coldly: "Speaking of this matter, I am confused, and I want to ask Brother Feng Qi to answer. On the attack and defense map, the Seventeenth Army of the Dark Fire arrived on May [-], why is it actually Will it be May [-]th?"

The difference of three days meant that the eighth war zone, which originally only needed two days to wait for reinforcements, needed five days to wait until Zhou's private army annihilated the enemy and rushed over.

To make matters worse, several high-ranking members of the Wang family died bizarrely before the battle. The eighth war zone barely survived for three days before being breached.

Shaohaojin's expression remained the same, his gentle smile was still like a spring breeze, warm and intoxicating, "Brother Song is asking a strange question. You should ask the Dark Fire Seventeenth Army why they didn't march as planned."

(End of this chapter)

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