all the way to fairy

Chapter 795 Consideration

Chapter 795 Consideration
Shaohaojin bit the word "plan" very hard.

Not to mention the vicissitudes of the battlefield, even on weekdays, there are often accidents that lead to changes in the original plan. As a coach, you must not only know how to adapt to changes, but also consider various unexpected situations in advance.

Song Zi choked. In the layout of the seven, eight, nine and three theaters, he really took a risk. He sent all the main reinforcements to one place, trying to wipe out the magic army as quickly as possible and expand the results of the battle.

But Shaohaojin was clever at calculating and good at reading people's hearts, so he did something if he couldn't keep everything in order.

"Okay, today is the celebration banquet, what are you talking about." Seeing that the atmosphere was about to be tense, Shen Canghao, who had been silent all this time, spoke.

He raised the wine bottle in his hand and said with a slight smile: "We have been in the robes for many years, don't you want a drink?"

"Right on my mind."

Soon, the banquet hall resumed its joy and harmony.

The next day after the banquet ended, armies from all walks of life boarded the ship one after another and turned back to the mainland of Xingque. In less than a few hours, the Yueqing Realm became cold, leaving only the center of the earth to worship Shaohaoyue and his party in the Yueqing Realm.

On the fairy ship, the descendants of the direct line finally had some time to spend alone. The thirteenth-ranked girl Shaohaoke asked curiously for the first time: "Xiao Shiwu, quickly tell me, what is the origin of your new subordinate? , Awesome! There is also shark hair!"

"Well, he's not my subordinate."

Shaohao Ke rolled his eyes, and immediately changed his words, "Understood, brother, brother, your brother, tell me quickly."

They, the fifteenth brother, are pure-minded. For those who look down on them, the other party's breathing is wrong, but for those who agree with him, they are heart-to-heart, and they are used to calling his personal guards and subordinates brothers and sisters.

"Well, I mean, I didn't recruit him."

"What?" Shaohao Ke was stunned, "Then why are you looking for him in such a hurry?"

Seeing that Shaohao Luo didn't speak, she asked in disbelief: "You don't really want to catch up with him, do you?"

"That's not true." Shaohao Luo quickly denied it, and then he didn't know what to say. Facing more than a dozen pairs of eyes waiting for explanation, he suddenly had one head and two big eyes.

How to answer this?He can't lie to his brothers and sisters.

"I...he...that..." He scratched his head, his brain was about to explode.

"Okay, Xiao Shiwu must have his reasons."

When he was in a dilemma, Shaohaoheng opened his mouth, ended the topic, and asked Shaohaojin, "Seventh brother, didn't you want to catch evidence of their collaboration with the Wang family? How did you change your mind?"

Shaohao Luo heaved a sigh of relief, finally he didn't have to worry about it anymore, he happily picked a fairy fruit, gnawed it until it was crunchy, and listened leisurely to his brothers and sisters talking about business.

Only Shaohaojin said indifferently: "There was an accident, a boy from a low-rank family made an appointment to fight with someone, and happened to run into the Wang family's deal with the magic army, and a surprise came.

That wretched old man of the Wang family is really, cowardly as a mouse, and his cultivation is also a pretense, and the two juniors can't catch him. "

After a pause, he continued: "This small family has some skills. I thought it would be wiped out by the Wang family within a month, but I didn't expect it to survive. I suspect that the high-ranking members of the Wang family who died strangely before the war were from the Jun family." made."

Your family?Shaohao Luo was startled, couldn't it be the Jun family that Wei Lin was talking about looking for him to buy powdered glass white jade peaches?

Boy from the Jun family, make an appointment...

He suddenly had an ominous premonition, swallowed his saliva, and interjected: "Seventh brother, what is the name of the kid from the Jun family who smashed the Wang family's collaborators? Who is the person who made an appointment with him?"

As a person who doesn't like to think and only likes to fight, Shaohao Luosu never likes to get involved in these things. Seeing him interrupting suddenly and looking very eager, everyone was a little surprised.

Shaohaojin was stunned for a moment, and said, "I'll check."

He activated the Tianji fan and quickly found relevant information, "Jun Yushan."

Shaohao Luo's eyelids twitched, and the ominous premonition grew stronger. The so-called friend Wei Lin mentioned was Jun Yushan!
On the way Wei Lin and his party fled from Yueqing Realm to Liyuan City that day, they had always acted in the name of Jun Yushan. Wei Linyin was hidden among the soldiers of a battalion. On the guest list, Wei Lin's name was found, and he was in the same private room as Jun Yu Shan that day.

Shao Haojin was stunned, this Wei Lin had already entered into his intelligence system, but he just didn't pay attention.

In a daze, Shaohao Luo's question sounded again, "Brother Seven, have you found the person who made an appointment with him?"

Shaohao Jin lost her surprise and nodded, "Based on Jun Yushan's personality, the person who will make an appointment with him is probably Wei Lin."

"Wei Lin?"

The disciples of the Feng clan were astonished, and turned to look at Shaohao Luo again, only to see that he was scared and almost jumped up, "You almost killed him!"

Shaohaojin corrected angrily, "The point of your concern should be that he sabotaged my plan."

Shaohao Luo blurted out: "A small aristocratic family, Seventh Brother, you can achieve it in another way. If he dies, it will be bad."

The curiosity that everyone suppressed before resurfaced again. A middle-grade family was nothing in their eyes, but what Shaohao Luo said was clearly saying that this Wei Lin was more important than a middle-grade family.

Everyone looked at Shaohao Luo in unison, wanting to ask but unable to.

Shaohao Luo's head is going to be bald, why today's topic is difficult for Wei Lin, the key is that he can't ignore it.

That is the prospective son-in-law identified by Seventeen, who wants to continue the relationship after the calamity, and is likely to be a family in the future.

And Seventh Brother has always suffered countless casualties when he shot, just look at the Wang family this time, Seventh Brother just changed the time, and the entire army in the Wang family's war zone was wiped out.

Afterwards, even if Song Zicheng had doubts, he could not find any evidence.

With a sad face, he said, "Seventh brother, do you still have to deal with the Zhou family?"

"What do you say?"

Shaohao Luo wanted to cry, but the Jun family was also a family under the jurisdiction of the Zhou family, and Wei Lin had a good relationship with the Jun family, so if he dealt with the Zhou family, it would inevitably bring disaster to him.

"Seventh brother, when you plan, think more about him."

Shaohao Jin stared at him fixedly, until Shaohao Luo's scalp became numb. Seventh brother has always been a human spirit, and he also practiced the art of celestial secrets. A little bit of information can deduce the truth and cover up in front of him. It's really too difficult.

After being nervous for a while, Shaohaojin didn't ask, but said, "To what extent have you considered it?"

Shaohao Luo breathed a sigh of relief, "Don't endanger your life, don't hurt your cultivation foundation."

Shao Haojin nodded, and said again: "I'm afraid he won't be able to wait for me to hurt him. You know how insane Song Ziyong is looking for Jiaoxiao. I think you might as well let him go to your Luocheng."

"No way!" Shaohao Luo flatly refused.

When Wei came to Luocheng, wouldn't it be an opportunity for him to get to know Shiqi and get along with him? If the elders disagree with this marriage, he, the matchmaker, must not be hammered to death.

Someone put his shoulders on his shoulders and said with a smirk: "Xiao Shiwu, your attitude is so strange. You want to protect him and stay away from him at the same time. What's the matter, you love and hate at the same time?"

Shaohao Luo: "..."

 Finally, the foreshadowing is over, and the next plot will be based on the heroine's perspective.

(End of this chapter)

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