all the way to fairy

Chapter 796 World

Chapter 796 World
Three months later, at the bottom of the calm void vortex, an invisible air wave swayed, and the stirred void turbulence became more and more massive.

The huge and unparalleled Yueqing Realm suddenly shook, and Xuan Er returned to calm.

In the center of the lava in the center of Yueqing Realm, a thick gray mist spread like a veil, split from the middle to the mouth, and spread to both sides, and the figure of Shaohaoyue slowly appeared.

She stretched out her hand, wisps of gray mist gathered in the palm of her hand, and slowly sank into her body.

The few people who were waiting at the side hurriedly looked over, with smiles on their faces, and said in unison: "Congratulations to Yue Dian."

Shaohaoyue put away her hands in satisfaction. Yueqing Realm is indeed a world with potential second only to Xingque's native land. The world's original system is very complete. After the rules have evolved completely, it can be used for the life and practice of practitioners who practice Qi to the Heavenly Wonderland.

In addition, during the refining process, she also refined the remaining source blood, and successfully broke through the middle stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

She saluted Feng Jun first, "Thank you father for helping me suppress it."

Feng Jun's eyes darkened, he sighed inaudibly, and waved his hands: "There is no need to say thanks between you and my father and daughter, let's take a look at Yueqingjie."

Shaohaoyue nodded, her mind communicated with the gray fog, every plant, every tree, every flower and every soil in Yueqing Realm was under her control, and all the secrets were revealed to her.

At this time, Shen Nian felt a little strange, she let out a light sigh, and in her mind, the surrounding scenes changed seamlessly, a group of people appeared on the top of a towering mountain, and there was a round rock in front of them.

The eyes of several people fell on a palm-sized pit in the lower right corner of the rock almost at the same time. At this time, there was a little faint breath, and there were traces of magic runes on the edge of the pit.

The green-clothed scribe was puzzled: "Are you breathing?"

"It's the sacred soil of Xiyang." The middle-aged beautiful woman said in a deep voice, "There should be a grain of Xiyang here."

"Xi Rang!" Lian Yang couldn't hold back and exclaimed.

Shaohaoyue observed for a moment, then corrected: "It's more than one grain."

"Sacred soil." The tone of the green-clothed scribe was full of regret, and the soil is the top sacred soil. With it, there is a fixed source of the origin of the birth soil, which can solve the problem of many people's evolutionary world.

Shaohaoyue is also a bit regretful, self-evolving the world requires the source of the five elements, the Phoenix family is a beast, with all the five elements, and those with some talents will choose to evolve the world by themselves, the source of the five elements has always been in short supply.

Looking around the surrounding area, she recognized that this was Xiling, the original demon-occupied area, which fell into the hands of the immortals after a counterattack recently.

Combined with the remains of the devilish runes around the pit, it can already be concluded that the soil was taken away by the demons in this area.

She couldn't help scolding Song Zicheng secretly in her heart, seeing Tian'er misfortune mermaids weaving silk, good things delivered to the door, can be taken away under his nose, just like this, you still want mermaids, rubbish!

"It's just a few grains of soil, nothing to regret." Feng Jun was only surprised for a second, and soon returned to normal, saying: "Perhaps, Yueqing Realm has greater potential than we expected."

Shaohaoyue's eyes lit up, and the regret in her heart faded a lot.

Yes, before the evolution is complete, the top-notch sacred soil has already been born. It has great potential, as one can imagine!

After Shaohaoyue sensed all of Yueqing Realm, they were also ready to leave.

Feng Jun looked at her: "I have to go to Xianmeng for my father, how about you, where are you going?"

Shaohaoyue said without hesitation, "Let's go to Yuecheng, I haven't been back for so long, I have to deal with the backlog of affairs first."

Feng Jun sighed again, pinching the center of his brows, "After you've dealt with it, go back to Shenzhou, your mother misses you very much."

The mainland of Xingque is composed of eight fairylands, each of the four families and four clans of the Xianmeng sits in one region, and the Feng Clan governs the Cangyu Fairyland.

Suzaku Divine Continent is located in the Cangyu Immortal Territory, which is the core territory of the Feng Clan, and only the Feng Clan can enter.

Others can only go to Suzaku City outside Shenzhou, even Shi Yan, one of the two great ancestral realms of Xingque, is no exception.

"Daughter knows." Shaohaoyue's expression was very calm, without any ups and downs, and his tone was completely business-like.

Feng Jun shook his head helplessly, and left with his two personal guards.

Watching them leave, Lian Yang sacrificed the fairy ship and said, "Your Highness, we will also set off."

Shaohaoyue nodded, and asked again: "Is the origin of the earth in the clan about to be produced?"

"Yes, there are only two this time."

Shaohao Yue jumped onto the fairy ship and stood still on the side of the ship, "You apply for one in my name."

Lian Yang was pleasantly surprised. She already had four sources of the five elements, and she was short of the source of the earth. After a moment of joy, she reluctantly declined: "Your Aya Nei world also needs it. Wait a minute, and besides, the points of the subordinates are not enough. Woolen cloth."

"My Ayanei world is still early, don't worry, I will make up for the rest of the points, you have already comprehended all the laws of the five elements, there is no need to wait any longer."

When it comes to the world within the ling, Shaohaoyue thinks of the fragments of the fantasy ling left in some corner, and has a headache. What excuse should he find to go to the lower world?

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Speaking of this, Lian Yang did not continue to refuse, this is the most important thing for her, and only by owning a world can she truly establish a fairyland.

Lian Xue was also really happy for her, and said with a smile: "Congratulations Captain, the world is hopeful!"

The fairy ship sailed out smoothly. In the vast void, the Yueqing Realm became smaller in view. Lian Yang smiled with her lips bent, but her eyes were a little sore. Both the Great Thousand World and the Small Thousand World are the privileges of the local forces of Xingque.

For hundreds of millions of years, among the Ascension Immortals in the Lower Realm, only Baixi has owned a world.

Shaohaoyue was keenly aware of Lian Yang's emotional ups and downs, and her thoughts couldn't help drifting away. She thought of the stubborn woman she met when she first met, who never wanted to be inferior to others.

Later, in the face of the monopoly of the Immortal League, for the sake of a long-term immortal journey, this woman had to succumb.

Some rules, even if she does not recognize them, with her current strength and status, she is powerless to change them.

After thinking about it, Shaohaoyue decided to say a few words: "Some roads are difficult, but that is the most correct and solid way."

Lian Yang smiled, and the boredom of recalling the past was swept away, "This subordinate understands."

In Xingque, there are two ways to become the way of heaven in a world. One is to sacrifice the origin of the world without an owner, provide it with protection, and gain the belief of all living beings; the other is to understand the laws and evolve the world by itself.

One is off-the-shelf, and the other is from scratch. The difference in difficulty can be imagined. The vast majority of people in Xingque choose the first type. Only a very small number of geniuses will develop the world from scratch.

The Feng Clan is an absolute big force. The number of Great Thousand Worlds with complete rules is limited, but there are quite a few Small Thousand Worlds under their control, and there are not many members of the Phoenix Clan. As long as they want, each member can distribute a few.

But the direct descendants of the Feng family, whoever has talent, all choose to evolve the world by themselves, and it goes without saying which path is the best.

A few days later, the fairy ship finally arrived at Yue City on the border of the Cangyu Immortal Territory. Amid the shouts of the city residents, Shaohao Yue returned to the City Lord's Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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