all the way to fairy

Chapter 797 Debt Collector

Chapter 797 Debt Collector
"Your Highness, you are finally back." In the City Lord's Mansion, a dignified and handsome man made a gesture of Xizi holding a heart, looking at Shaohaoyue with tears in his eyes.

Shaohaoyue rolled her eyes, "Can you stop disgusting me?"

Lian Er has a strong figure, a broad chest, and an invincible majesty. It is really eye-catching to show such a weak and sad appearance.

The crowd laughed.

Lian Er squeezed his throat and made a complaint: "Your Highness, don't you like your subordinates?"

"Huh—" Shaohaoyue rubbed the goosebumps on her arms, and called out, "Lian Yang."

Lian Yang walked out from behind her, summoned two swords and waved, "Your skin is itchy, I'll help you pluck your hair."

As the words fell, the two swords gathered ice flowers and slashed towards Lian Er. Lian Er ran away in panic while begging for mercy, "Captain, be gentle, ouch, my small body cannot withstand your beating."

Shaohaoyue couldn't help but rubbed his arms again, this majestic Nine Heavens Kunpeng, why is his hobby so unique, it's a crime.

His begging for mercy was regarded as a provocation by Lian Yang, and the attack became more severe. Lian Er couldn't stand it anymore, and hurriedly shouted to Lian Xiao: "Brother, help—"

"I want to shave your hair too." Lian Xiao looked disgusted, and then lamented the misfortune of the family, and everyone laughed again.

Shaohaoyue was overjoyed to see this treasure, and while laughing, she caught a glimpse of the white and blue on Lian Xiao's body from the corner of her eye, and suddenly felt that it was very beautiful.

She turned her head and looked seriously at Lian Xiao's outfit today.Wide white sleeves fluttering, covered with a dark blue sleeveless gown, three thousand black hair hanging loose, a forehead inlaid with Wang sapphire jade, the whole person is noble and lazy.

"Your clothes look pretty nice today."

Lian Xiao:? ? ?
The rest of the guards also looked at her strangely, but they saw her thinking, "The coat is a little lighter in blue, and it will look even better if you tie up all your hair. There will be a youthful spirit, as sharp as a drawn sword." Feel."

The guards were even more surprised, when did their highness care about the clothes of his subordinates?
She doesn't even care about her own, whenever she buys a new cassock, she doesn't even bother to pick the style, and just let people keep it as usual.

In order not to make people think that the Feng clan is dying of poverty, the core juniors can't afford new clothes. Whenever the Feng clan routinely buys cassocks for the juniors, His Royal Highness's cassocks are all in the same style as Princess Yao's.

In addition, during non-wartimes, Lian Xiao has always been a dignified and elegant son-in-law, and the outfit she mentioned does not conform to Lian Xiao's usual style.

Shaohaoyue didn't feel anything wrong, guessed it was almost done, and called Lian Yang and Lian Er who were fighting, "Okay, what should I do?"

After finishing speaking, he walked towards his study.

Lian Qi, who was in charge of Yuecheng's affairs, hurriedly followed her, and reported back as he walked, "The matters that need to be handled by you have been placed on your desk, and we have handled them for you..."

Just as he was reporting, the Yabai wat board on his waist was emitting a soft light, Lian Qi looked at it, and immediately showed a strange expression, "Your Highness, Goddess Gong Nanmi heard that you have returned to the city, and invites you to a restaurant in the city."

As he spoke, he made a trick, and a name card flew out from the wat board, "This is her name card."

"Nan Mi?" Shaohaoyue suspected that she had misheard, she searched all over her memory, but couldn't find any intersection with Nan Mi.

Lian Qi thought for a while, and said: "You have a little indirect contact with her, because you are special to Ling Zhou, many people pay attention to him, and Nan Mi also got in touch with him."

"Wait, who is Lingzhou?" Shao Haoyue interrupted him.

"You made an exception to participate in the academy assessment, the little mermaid."

"It turned out to be him." Shaohaoyue suddenly realized, and motioned him to continue.

"Goddess Palace has always wanted to return to the Immortal League. Nan Mi contacted him probably because he believed those ridiculous rumors, and wanted to use the boat to stir up the discord between the dragon and the phoenix, and take advantage of the opportunity."

Lian Qi's eyes are cold, Ling Zhou's identity is very embarrassing, in the eyes of most people, he is a vase with little strength, it is naturally impossible for the Feng family to agree to him becoming His Highness's Taoist partner;

His Highness's status in the Feng Clan is too high, if Ling Zhou becomes her Taoist companion, the tide will rise, and most of the Dragon Clan will not agree.

But the Dragon King valued this illegitimate child very much, and he would make his husband a wife, so naturally he would not let go of such an opportunity. At that time, the conflict between the Dragon King and his clan would be aroused.

In the eyes of many people, His Highness at that time was willful and brutal, disregarding the overall situation. If she persisted, the Feng Clan would not be at peace.

Nan Mi has a good plan.

Shaohaoyue was also disgusted in his heart, and threw away the name card, "No see."

"Uh, Your Highness, you should read the content of the post."

Although Lian Qi didn't like what Nan Mi did, it was strange that the other party didn't come to ask for a meeting, but an invitation post without any direct contact.

In addition, the wording also has a vague meaning of nostalgia.

Shaohaoyue was helpless, took the post again and opened it, glanced at it, she was stunned immediately, closed her eyes, and opened them again, she read right, Nan Mi was indeed looking for her to collect debts!

She was confused, when did she owe Nan Mi a debt?
Shaohaoyue's face darkened, a little spark shot out from her fingertips, burning the name post to ashes, she said after a long while: "Tell Lian Yang, accompany me to the restaurant in a while."


Half an hour later, Shaohaoyue brought Lian Yang to the restaurant.

When the shopkeeper saw her, he hurriedly came up to greet her, and while saluting courteously, he sent a voice transmission: "They are in room No. [-] in Tianzi, there are only two people, the saint and the priest Qiaoyun."

This restaurant was established by Shaohaoyue when Yuecheng was first built. It is the official restaurant of Yuecheng. The name is simple and casual, so it is called the restaurant.

Shaohao Yue nodded slightly, stepped into the restaurant, and came to Tianzi No. [-] room, before they could knock on the door, the door opened, the priest Qiaoyun stood by the door, and said respectfully: "Please, please."

Inside the house, the woman was standing by the window in a long dress with blue sky and water. When she heard the movement, she turned around and said with a faint smile, "Long time no see, how is Yuedian?"

Shaohaoyue's eyes narrowed slightly, and she stood still in the middle of the room, "Give me the debt deed."

Nan Mi was stunned, Xuan Er chuckled, "What are you doing in such a hurry, we haven't seen each other for many years, don't you want to catch up?"

Shaohaoyue didn't answer the question. Nan Mi's words for many years are most likely in the lower realm, but Nan Mi may also be telling her a story. There are many mistakes in what she said. After getting the deed and knowing the reason for the debt, she can also speculate. .

"You are much more boring than when you were in the lower realm." Nan Mi clicked his tongue and handed her a contract document.

"A medium world?!" Shao Haoyue couldn't believe it, and Lian Yang looked over in shock, the contract only had a short line, 'Remuneration for a medium world, one. '

There is no seal of Shaohaoyue on it, but there is the seal of her soul, so it is true.

Shaohaoyue quickly suppressed her surprise, and asked in a deep voice: "This contract has been intercepted, what is the reason for the debt?"

(End of this chapter)

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