all the way to fairy

Chapter 798 Intention

Chapter 798 Intention
Nan Mi smiled, and asked without answering: "You left the imprint of the soul, isn't it wrong?"

Shaohaoyue understands what she means, this is a conditional contract, and only when the conditions are met, will the corresponding debt be incurred.

There is nothing wrong with the imprint of the soul, the debt is real, and it doesn't matter what the reason is.

In the lower realm, she would find Nan Mi who had no relationship with her, which meant that she was desperate, Nan Mi could help, and she could only be grateful.

However, Nanmi took advantage of the characteristics of the conditional contract to deliberately conceal the reason for the transaction, and his blatant malice made people very unhappy.

She lowered her eyelashes, calmed down, and then said slowly: "The debt is indeed real."

"If you really want to know the reason, I can tell you. Of course, this is a different price." Nan Mi smiled deeper.

That hypocritical, ulterior smile disgusted Shaohaoyue, and made her extremely vigilant. Obviously, Nan Mi deliberately disgusted her.

But what about the purpose?

As soon as I met Nan Mi, I showed malice. In this case, I would never trust her, and I would not believe her if I actually bought a specific transaction from her.

So on the surface, she is preventing herself from knowing the content of the transaction.

But the strange behavior, the smile with deep meaning, aroused my curiosity and led me to investigate.

People are often convinced of the 'truth' that they find out step by step, so is her real intention to lead her to investigate?

Thoughts were spinning, Shaohaoyue quickly made a decision. She raised her hand and made a tactic, calling out the origin of a medium world and throwing it at her, "The origin of Jiuge Starfield."

Nan Mi caught it, and praised with a smile: "Yuedian is refreshing!"

The moment she took it, the debt contract rune collapsed, and two spirit imprints flew out, respectively sinking into the eyebrows of Shaohao Yue and Nan Mi.

"The princess has something else to do, so I'll take my leave first. Lian Yang, let's go." Shao Haoyue nodded slightly to signal, and finished speaking in one breath, without even saying anything to Nan Mi, turned around and left.

When she came to the door, she stopped and said without turning her head: "The debt is settled, we are both settled, the saint is a smart person, and I don't think she will do stupid things."

It is not appropriate for Xianmeng to know that she has been to the lower realm.

Nan Mi's expression remained unchanged, "Naturally, Goddess Palace and Yuecheng can't even get a piece of each other. The Holy Maiden and Yuedian have never met before."

Obtaining the promise, Shaohaoyue left the restaurant.

On the way, Lian Yang couldn't help asking via voice transmission: "Your Highness, shall we investigate?"

"Investigate, but it doesn't take too much trouble, just follow the routine investigation." Really investing a lot of people in this matter may be in the hands of Nan Mi, so it's better to follow their original rhythm.

Watching them leave, the smile on Nan Mi's face disappeared instantly.

"Why bother?" Qiao Yun, who was standing beside her, sighed quietly, "She doesn't have the memory of that person now, so if you do this, you can only disgust her, and it won't do any good."

"I know," Nan Mi turned around, looking at the bustling vendors and pedestrians outside the window again.

"Shaohaoyue has always acted resolutely and resolutely. If she knows the reason, even if she has no memory, she will believe in her own judgment and decision in the past and go to Wei Lin. But why should I help her achieve her wish?"

Qiao Yun was helpless, "That would be beneficial to our Goddess Palace, and it would also win Yue Palace's goodwill."

With Wei Lin's current status and strength, it is not a good thing to be favored by Shaohaoyue. He will be targeted by her enemies and become another Lingzhou.

The only difference is that Yue Dian really cares about him and will fight back for him.

At that time, the peace of the Xianmeng will not be peaceful. Once the superficial peace is torn, the hatred and friction that has been accumulated for many years will break out, and the Goddess Palace will have a chance.

Nan Mi lightly brushed against the window lattice, and said calmly: "You underestimate her too much, the disciple taught by the God of Jiuxi is really a willful and reckless person."

After a pause, she said again: "Compared with this, I look forward to Wei Lin destroying the Song family."

When he was in the Qingxuan Starfield, when Wei Lin's strength rose to a certain level, he approached her through Dodo and said that he would do the killing of Song Zicheng.

At that time, she didn't pay attention to it, but now it seems that it is not impossible.

Qiao Yun expressed doubts, "Song Zicheng and Yuan Fei are completely incomparable in Japanese, and the Song family is not comparable to the Tana family."

"It's okay, if he can't finish it, it won't be too late to find Shaohaoyue. If he really kills Song Zicheng and destroys the Song family, that's something to be really happy about."

Qiao Yun was stunned, then shocked: "What do you mean, he might be the Son of Destiny?! But, he didn't have any destiny in the first place, so how could he be the Son of Destiny?"

Looking at the eternal light blue sky, Nan Mi sighed faintly: "The destiny is unpredictable, who can really guess it."

Qiao Yun soon realized that she was only a superficial person, and the saint cut off the contract had a deeper purpose, to verify whether Wei Lin was really the Son of Destiny.

If he can really survive Song Zicheng's interception, it is very likely that he is the Son of Destiny who is destined to wipe out the stars!

She was a little excited, and her tone became hasty, "If that's the case, then Wei Lin and our Goddess Palace are truly in the same line!"

Nan Mi sneered, "The Goddess is the Goddess, the Goddess Palace is the Goddess Palace, and the Son of Destiny is naturally the Son of Destiny."

Suddenly she smiled wryly, the weighing of pros and cons had penetrated deep into her bones, she wanted to just vent her anger for Ling Zhou, but subconsciously weighed the pros and cons.

Time flies, and it has been more than three months in a blink of an eye, and there is nothing unusual about the investigation of the Goddess Palace, so Shao Haoyue just put it aside.

The Goddess Palace has already been excluded from the Immortal League, so there is really no need to bother too much.

After reacquainting herself with the business, she decided to go westward to expand the territory of Yuecheng, and make up for the loss of losing a part of the world.

In the Kongshi Yuan in the Demon Realm in the west of Yuecheng, it is connected to a secret realm with a single rule, and there are rich mineral deposits in it, such as Jinpo Stone, which is used to make the military standard armor Mingguang Armor. Lan Jiaoli and others.

Although they are all common materials, they have a large output and a wide market. After disposing of the magic energy, they can be mined and sold for cash.

Several meetings were held with the subordinates to finalize the details of the westward advance one by one, and decided to go to Kong Shiyuan to investigate first.

Before leaving, Lian Er Pi Dian Dian came to him, "Your Highness, I have a small request, do you want to take it?"

"Small entrustment" is their special name for those commissions that are not dangerous but extremely rewarding, and are generally requests from small forces at the bottom.

"Take it! Why don't you take it up!" Shaohaoyue was annoyed, since this kind of work is tacit understanding.

Lian Er took a step back, "Our casualty indicators are not enough."

Shaohaoyue:? ? ?

She looked at Lian Er, "If I remember correctly, the latest casualty indicator has just been assigned."

These days, in addition to dealing with those things that must be handled by her, she also browsed through the latest military affairs.

(End of this chapter)

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