all the way to fairy

Chapter 799 Bills

Chapter 799 Bills
Lian Er smiled, and took out the bill from his arms and gave it to her, "This is the casualty index we owe all these years."

Looking over the bill, Shaohaoyue's eyes suddenly went dark, "Three thousand six hundred! What did you do? How could you owe so much?"

The soaring voice passed through the study and resounded through most of the courtyard.

Lian Yang and others outside secretly rejoiced that they were not the ones who lost, and they didn't have to face His Highness's anger immediately.

Lian Xue looked sympathetic, "Lian Er is so miserable, he is the one who loses every time."

"Then you go next time?"

"Uh, he has thick skin and thick face, he should be used to it." Lian Xuefei quickly changed his words without any hesitation.

All the guards snorted and continued to pay attention to the movement in the study. They owed the casualty index bill together. If they don't settle it, it will affect the subsequent work.

In the study, Shaohao Yue was so angry that he almost grabbed Lian Er's ear and growled, "Brains are for thinking!"

The Immortal League is huge and unparalleled. In addition to the simple racial disputes with the demons, there are also internal power struggles. In order to make the elite legion or core children less constrained when performing such tasks, a casualty indicator is given. Those involved will not be held accountable.

But the quota is limited. The New Moon Army only has five quotas per year. Fortunately, they owed her [-] in one go. How can such a big gap be smoothed out!

"The main reason is that some scumbags are too irritating. You don't know, what they have done is beyond words. Only chopping them up is enough to relieve their hatred." Lian Er slapped his thigh fiercely, his face full of righteous indignation.

Shaohaoyue was angry: "Isn't there Qiuxi Building? The indicators are not enough and you don't know how to change names?"

Lian Er presented the paperwork for this request, and spread out his hands, saying: "Not all requests can be resolved as the killer of Qiuxi Building."

Shaohaoyue flipped through the paperwork. This time, the employer she entrusted was a woman from a small family. Her parents died in battle a hundred years ago, leaving her a small thousand world. Temporarily replaced by his uncle.

Her uncle did not want the woman to take back the position of home master, cut off her cultivation resources, prevented her from breaking through the fairyland, and restricted her personal freedom.

If it weren't for the fact that Fang Xiaoqian World's source was military merit awards, after the woman died, she would have to be handed over to the local military headquarters, and she would have been murdered long ago.

The missions issued by all the forces in Xingque, the minimum threshold is the fairyland, and the cultivation level is not enough, and the woman does not even have the hope of earning money by herself and buying the Feixian Pill.

Also due to insufficient cultivation, she can only accept the protection of the power of faith in the small thousand world, and cannot be transferred out to sell.

In desperation, the woman broke the boat and was willing to use half of the power of faith in the world to borrow the prestige of the New Moon Army to kill her uncle in exchange for the elixir.

Shaohaoyue understood that this kind of matter has been entangled for many years, and the local military forces must also be involved in it, wanting to kill the woman and take back Xiaoqian World.

The main purpose of the woman asking the Crescent Army to act is to deter the local military.

If not, promising a small amount of power of faith would be enough to ask someone to help kill her uncle in exchange for Feixian Pill.

In addition, there are concerns that other people will be greedy and directly kill her and seize the world. In this regard, the New Moon Army is still very reputable.

This request is very simple for them, they only need to turn a corner when they go out to perform missions, go to that border town to cause a little trouble, kill the girl's uncle, and return it to the casualty indicator.

But how to smooth out the gap of more than 3000?
Seeing that there was no movement in the house, Lian Yang and others outside felt relieved, His Highness had already exhausted his anger, and the next step was to think about how to smooth it out, so they didn't have to worry about it.

Just as he was about to leave, a voice suddenly sounded in his ear, "What are you all doing here?"

The guards were startled, their bodies tensed up suddenly, and they turned their heads suddenly. A young man in red clothes appeared beside them at some point, and even stood shoulder to shoulder with them. He stretched out his head and looked towards the study room. A stern-looking girl in black.

After seeing the person coming, all the guards relaxed and saluted together, "Luo Palace."

Shaohaoluo obviously just asked casually, and didn't really want them to answer. Seeing that the study room had not activated the restriction, he walked in and said as he walked, "No need to report, I will go in by myself."

As soon as he walked to the door, he heard Lian Er's flattering voice, "Although we owe a lot, we also earn a lot."

He was a little confused, "What do you owe, what do you earn?"

"Brother Fifteen, why are you here?" Shao Haoyue stood up in surprise.

After some greetings, Shaohao Luo said carelessly: "Hey, don't you think that you haven't been to your city of Yue yet? My brothers and sisters, how can this be done? It just happens that I have nothing to do recently, so I came to identify the door .”

"Huh?" Shaohaoyue was stunned, would the commander-in-chief of a city be free?Why do I always have things I can't finish?

"Ahem," Shaohao Luo rolled his eyes quickly a few times, and asked seriously, "What did you owe and what did you earn?"

Shao Haoyue signaled Lian Er to go to work first, and raised the bill in his hand: "Here, the casualty index bill."

"How can this thing be owed?" Shaohao Luo was very surprised. The casualty quota is distributed every [-] years, and there are not so many power tasks to deal with on weekdays.

In astonishment, he casually glanced at the bill in Shao Haoyue's hand, his mouth shut in shock, "So much? Do your New Moon Army perform those tasks every day?"

"Could it be that you have some left?" Shaohaoyue's eyes lit up, "Lend me for emergency."

Shaohao Luo was very straightforward, and immediately turned to ask the girl in black outside the door, "Jing Xiao, do we have any remaining casualty indicators?"

"No." He answered cleanly.

"I can't help you." Shaohao Luo shrugged and asked casually, "What did you earn?"

"Don't you know?" Now Shaohaoyue was surprised, and it was tacit understanding to make extra money with casualty indicators.

Seeing that Shaohaoluo was still in a daze, she briefly explained a few words, and then remembered Lian Er's last words, saying that after she came back, she hadn't checked her property yet.

For these requests, she can get some share. After so many years, she should have accumulated a lot of money.

She simply found out the dividend list, Shaohao Luo looked at it, her eyes were hot, and regardless of the occasion, she called Jing Xiao in to question.

"Such a good thing, why didn't we overuse the casualty indicator?"

"Exceeded, Princess Yao gave us all the casualty indicators, and we will pay you back with work." Jing Xiaomu replied with a calm tone and the same speed.

Shaohaoyue always felt that she should change her name, Jingping or Jingjing was more suitable for her.

"Then why didn't I get a dividend?" Shaohaoluo was suspicious.

"It's all used to pay off your debts. The dividend statement is presented to you every hundred years, and it's in that pile of bills."

"That's it." Shaohao Luo groaned, his fierce tone suddenly softened.

(End of this chapter)

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