all the way to fairy

Chapter 800 Peach

Chapter 800 Peach
When guests came to visit, Shaohaoyue naturally had to entertain them warmly, so he immediately asked his subordinates to prepare a banquet.

No, Shaohao Luo hurriedly waved her hand to stop her: "No, no, I just came to identify the door, just sit down and leave, don't bother."

Shaohaoyue:? ? ?

If she remembers correctly, he just said that he is quite free these days.

Shaohao Luo also quickly realized the inconsistency in his words, and made up for it hesitatingly: "Uh, actually, I'm not that free, um, I squeezed time to come over for a stroll while I'm busy."

Even a three-year-old child can't be fooled by such a lame reason. Shaohaoyue sensed the aura vaguely, and confirmed that the person in front of him was Shaohao Luo, not a fake.

She lost her temper immediately, and chuckled, "Then I'm really taking pride in myself, and I've made time out of your busy schedule to check in."

Shaohao Luo laughed, as if she didn't understand her sarcasm at all, considering that it was the first time the other party came to the door, she decided to hold back, forced a smirk, and suggested: "Then let me take you for a stroll around the city , a small, remote town with no real background, but the food is pretty good. The Ling Chef of the restaurant in the city, but I dug it from Seventh Brother’s Zuixiang Restaurant..."

"Ahem, don't be in a hurry in the city. It's more important to know the door. The mansion is more important. Let's take a look around the mansion first."

Shaohaoyue: "..."

Isn't this really a spy sent by the enemy?
In a daze, she took Shaohao Luo for a stroll around the City Lord's Mansion, and explained to him as she walked, "Yue City was expanded on the basis of the original small city, and the City Lord's Mansion is almost the original site of the original small city, and the clan sent people to design and build it." of.

The deacon hall, training office, practice room, kung fu hall, criminal affairs hall, etc. are similar to your Luocheng. "

While speaking, she looked at Shaohao Luo from time to time, hinting vaguely: So if there is anything to visit, wouldn't it be good to know the door and know where Yuecheng is.

If you have free time, it's good to sit and chat for a while.

Shaohao Luo didn't seem to have noticed her frequent hints, and he went shopping vigorously, stretching his head out to take a look at every courtyard and hall, with a look of great interest.

If it wasn't because he was Shaohao Luo, her fifteenth brother, she would have suspected that the enemy was investigating her City Lord's Mansion.

"Hey, what's behind this garden?"

Standing on the trail, you can see a quiet garden at the end of the road, and behind the garden, a moon gate is faintly exposed.

"The residence refers to the design of the mortal garden."

"The mortal garden?" Shaohao Luo immediately became interested, "Then you have to visit it carefully, I heard that mortals will enjoy it the most..."

Shaohaoyue stopped thinking about his inexplicability, and started to take him around the garden again.

Perhaps, this fifteenth brother is just out of tune.

Along the way, Shaohao Luo sighed and almost praised the flowers, plants and stones passing by, and finally turned to sit in the pavilion beside the waterside pavilion.

"Ordinary people will enjoy it. Look at this garden, every flower and grass are unique!"

Shaohaoyue took the food box placed next to it and opened it, brought out a plate of snacks, and chatted casually, "Ordinary people are indeed miraculous. Although life is short, they have created so many weird ways of entertainment."

Shaohao Luo picked up a pink glass white jade peach and gnawed on it, chatted a few words about mortals and Yuanzi, and asked her what she was up to recently.

"Accurately go west and take down Kong Shiyuan."

"Kong Shiyuan?" His conversation finally ceased to be superficial, he frowned and thought for a while, and said: "After taking down Kong Shiyuan, Yuecheng will be alone."

The impatience on Shaohaoyue's face also decreased a bit, and he thought to himself: Although this fifteenth brother is out of tune, he is still sharp in military affairs.

She said: "I have already sent someone to contact the Fifth Brother and Bai Leling of the Tiger Clan. If I can persuade them to advance the front line together, the blockbuster..."

After chatting for a while, Shaohao Luo grabbed a glass pear and white jade peach and threw it into the air, caught it again, and finally got up to say goodbye: "It's getting late, I'm leaving first, we'll talk next time when we return to Shenzhou."

Shaohaoyue was still at a loss, and didn't understand at all why he came here today.

Her eyes fell on the peach in his hand, and she thought about it, and handed it over with the fruit plate, saying earnestly: "No matter how many debts we owe, we have to eat well, we are still growing up. Don't leave the family members in the future. The rationed food is sold, and the debt is paid slowly, and life is still long."

Old Shaohao Luo blushed, he wanted to say that he didn't sell the rations to pay off the debt, and that he just wanted to sell the Fenli Baiyutao to others, but this was more embarrassing than selling the rations to pay off the debt.

"Let's go, don't leave behind." He waved his hands indiscriminately, almost fleeing in despair.


Followed by the maidservant who waited on her, she laughed, and when Shao Haoyue looked over, she held back her smile and explained: "A few days ago, the two adults, Jing Xiao and Jing Xiu, sent a powder glass white jade peach to Liyuan City for auction. Only [-] Shuiyun coins are willing to sell, and the auction is almost passed. Luodian came here today, and it should be for Fenli Baiyutao."

Shaohaoyue was startled, "You mean, he took peaches from me to sell?"

The little maidservant suppressed a smile, "It should be."

Shaohaoyue was stunned for a while, and finally realized that visiting the mansion and the garden were all excuses, he was just looking for pink glass white jade peaches.

As for why he didn't just ask her for it, among brothers and sisters, if he likes to eat, of course he can ask for it casually, but his purpose is to sell it, this temperament is different, no matter how big the face is, he can't This kind of thing comes.

"How much debt does he owe?" Shao Haoyue said that he has learned a lot.

At this time, a fairy ship flew out of the clouds and landed outside the gate of the mansion. When she saw the logo on it, she was startled and stepped out to check.

The fairy ship belongs to Lian Er. The problem is, he was on a mission to investigate Kong Shiyuan, and he went to complete the request. At this time, logically speaking, he has not arrived at Kong Shiyuan, so why did he come back?

As soon as she arrived at the gate of the mansion, before she could see the situation clearly, she heard Shaohao Luo's startled voice, "Who is she?"

Looking up, at the hatch of the fairy ship, a girl in a light pink dress is standing timidly, a face that is almost similar to her is full of nervousness, her almond eyes are flickering, and the light pink petals under the corner of the left eye are full, as if to Like being blown away by the breeze.

Shaohaoyue's mind buzzed, and his field of vision was completely white in an instant, only the figure of the girl was clearly visible.

"Huahua." She called softly, her eyes were filled with heat, and tears burst out uncontrollably.

As soon as Shaohao Luo went out, he saw Lianer's fairy ship returning. He looked a few more times out of curiosity, and saw a familiar face on it, who had the phantom experience of Houxie. He immediately understood that this might be It was the girl who looked similar to Yaoyao and Shiqi.

After Yueqing's counterattack was over, he asked the guards about this issue, but they didn't know much, they only said that the girl was Shiqi's maid and Shiqi liked her very much.Then somehow, it disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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