all the way to fairy

Chapter 801 Yan Qi

Chapter 801 Yan Qi

Right now, Guan Shiqi's behavior and reaction didn't look like she was responding to a little fairy maidservant. A few days ago in Yueqing Realm, when the father and daughter reunited, she just said that the father is well, without any intimacy or joy.

At this time, Shaohaoyue, who was in tears, rushed to the fairy ship like lightning, and came to the girl in pink, her eyes were glued to her face, and she couldn't bear to look away.

"Huahua, you're back." She called out again, stretching out her hand to hug the girl, but stopped when she was about to touch it, as if she was timidly close to home, but also as if she was afraid that this was a dream that would shatter if touched Lose.

The girl flinched, and looked at the person next to her for help. Only then did Shaohaoyue notice that there was another immortal soldier. She took a deep breath, calmed down her turbulent emotions, and asked the immortal soldier, "What's going on?"

"Something went wrong on the fairy ship. It made an emergency landing in Qucheng and accidentally killed a little fairy. Many people gathered to watch her, and she was one of them. Master Lian Er suspected that she was the reincarnation of Huahua Fairy, so he asked his subordinates to come and see her first." Send her back."

"Is she showing off in Qucheng with this face?" Shaohao Luo couldn't believe it, he looked at the girl with suspicion, and quickly sent a voice to Shaohao Yue, "Calm down, this matter is weird, it is very likely It's a set against you."

Xian Bing shook his head: "That's not true. She has changed her appearance. Master Lian Er noticed the aura of a phoenix on her body and broke her method of disguise."

"The breath of the Feng family," Shaohao Luo whispered, subconsciously probed, "Huh? It's the Nine Streams God! How could she..."

He couldn't believe it, he actually felt the aura of the Nine Rivers God on this Peach Blossom Immortal!

He looked at Shaohaoyue, but saw that her eyes were still on the girl, her orange eyes filled with water vapor lit up a little, as if she was more convinced of the girl's identity.

She asked in a very soft, reassuring tone, "What's your name?"

"Yan Qi." The girl clenched her fists, trying to maintain her composure, and wrote in the air while answering.

"Tao Li does not say anything, it's a nice name." The corners of Shaohaoyue's lips curled up, and the water vapor in her eyes became more and more hazy, making it difficult for people to see the emotions in her eyes clearly.

After some questioning, it turned out that the girl had just ascended to the star tower in the past year. Because of her roughly similar appearance to the two little princesses of the Feng clan, she received attention in the reception hall and was sent directly to the city lord's mansion of Qucheng.

"Which faction controls Qucheng, obviously with bad intentions!" As soon as Shaohao Luo's angry voice fell, there was an urgent cry from the sky, "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding."

An obese middle-aged man flew over from the sky, took a few breaths, and bowed to several people repeatedly: "Yue Dian, Luo Dian, my lords, this is a misunderstanding, a huge misunderstanding.

Xiaoxian was lucky enough to meet Fairy Huahua once, and knowing that you value Yuedian, she wanted to let her live in Qucheng first, and then send her to Yuecheng when you come back. "

Shaohaoyue ignored him, glanced at the townspeople who were watching from afar, and said softly to the girl: "Don't be afraid, I said I will protect you, we will go to the mansion first."

Yan Qi pursed the corners of his lips and mustered up his courage: "Yue, Yuedian, you may have misidentified the person, I am not the reincarnation of Huahua Fairy."

"It's okay, go in first, and leave the rest to me." Shaohaoyue smiled at her, quickly suppressed her smile, and called out, "Lianxue."

Lian Xue came out and said to the girl, "Fairy, please follow me."

The girl bit her lower lip and followed Lian Xue in step by step.

When the girl's back disappeared into the gate, Shaohaoyue finally turned around and cast his eyes on the city lord of Qucheng who kept wiping away his cold sweat, "What the lord of the city means is that our city of Yue is a den of dragons and tigers. If I'm not here, we won't be here." Is it safe?"

"No, no, that's not what I meant, I, I..." The fat city lord was in a panic, with sweat pouring out of his face, stammering, unable to utter a complete sentence.

"You don't need to make excuses. This princess likes to investigate by herself. If she feels wronged by you, Qu Cheng..."

She bit the word 'one point' hard, and didn't say anything after that, she just sneered, and the cold killing intent swung away, making the fat city lord feel cold from head to toe.

In a certain city in the middle of the Cangyu Immortal Territory, there is no aftermath of border fights, no invasion of demonic energy, and the sky is as clear as ever, unchanged from ancient times.

Different from the solid and simple gold and stone structures on the frontier, the buildings in this city use a large number of immortal woods, high platforms, pavilions, and cornices, which are exquisite and delicate.

At this time, on the platform facing the water, a beautiful young girl in white clothes and a white skirt held an ancient scroll with her back against the backdrop of a lake and mountains, her eyes fell on it, and she looked at it seriously.

Blue sky, clear water, green trees, and a girl in white clothes form a natural landscape painting.

Suddenly, a ray of red light flew from the sky, the calm lake surface was pierced by the air current, and ripples appeared, and a young man in fiery red clothes appeared on the hanging platform.

The beautiful girl put down the scroll, raised her eyes, and said helplessly, "I've said it a few times, come here and be quiet, my few pillars of misty water lilies will not survive the disaster."

"I'm in a hurry." Shaohao Luo sat down opposite her, "Do you know the origin of Shiqi's maid named Huahua?"

"She is not a maidservant."

"No?" Shaohao Luo was surprised, "I asked Jing Xiao, and she said yes."

"This is just a public statement. Don't say that in front of Shiqi, otherwise she will definitely turn against you." At this point, Shaohao Yao paused, raised his eyes and asked: "What did you ask her for?"

Shaohao Luo hurriedly told Hou Xie to pick up the photo stone, causing Shaohao Yue to go berserk, and told about the girl in pink today.

That day, he was very curious about the girl's identity and wanted to ask Shi Qi, but she cared about this and that to Yan Qi, and had no time to talk to him at all.

Ask her personal guard, hesitating and vague, he can't force her to ask, so he had to leave first, after leaving Yuecheng, the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, so he simply came to Yaoyao.

"She was reincarnated?" Shaohao Yao was very surprised, "Did the god still agree to her?"

It was obvious that he knew the inside story, Shaohaoluo hurriedly asked, "Tell me quickly."

Shaohaoyao organized the language, and said eloquently: "This matter has to start from the seventeenth year. She has insufficient eggs, and she has been living with the gods in the back mountain of Tianyu since she was born."

"Forbidden place?"

"Yes, Uncle Kong Qing is not allowed to enter the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain. The body of the little peach blossom fairy is a peach blossom, and it takes a breath of immortal energy to cultivate into a fairy body. Seventeen has been with her since childhood, and regards her as a friend. No one is allowed to bully her.

Back then, the two of them sneaked out of Tianyu Mountain to play, and they were seen by a black cloud dragon. "

"Didn't the Black Cloud Flood Dragon lose its body after eating the contracted Yuxuemei when it was added to its body by Tribulation Thunder, and completely cultivate into the body of a real dragon?" Shaohao Luo was a little strange.

(End of this chapter)

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