all the way to fairy

Chapter 805 Kong Shiyuan

Chapter 805 Kong Shiyuan (2)

This voice is somewhat familiar, and it is a voice that must be remembered.

The little leader looked over subconsciously, and met the gaze of the other party who tilted his head. From his position, he could only see a side face, but it was enough to recognize the person.

"Young master!" The little leader's eyes widened, and it turned out to be Xun Xia, the young master of their abyss!
The little leader was hurriedly saluting, the young master of the abyss 'Xun Xia' ordered lightly: "Go and call your general."

Only then did the little leader realize that he had already arrived in front of Kong Shiyuan, he hurriedly responded, turned around and flew towards the magic castle.

At this time, the other guards also saw 'Xun Xia' and saluted one after another, "See young master!"

'Xun Xia' hummed lightly, although he stopped flying, his feet didn't stop, he took a step in the air, and walked towards Kong Shiyuan.

Anyone who enters an important military area needs to check their identity tokens. Seeing that the adults behind 'Xun Xia' didn't intend to hand over the tokens, a guard stepped forward bravely, "Please show your identity tokens, sir."

They didn't dare to stop 'Xun Xia', they could only block the woman's way.

"Presumptuous!" The woman's face turned cold, and the coercion in the late stage of the Youmo Realm was suddenly suppressed. Many soldiers fell to the ground spurting blood, and many of them were weak, and died immediately.

"You are so brave, young master, you dare to stop him!" The woman's voice was cold, her eyes were as sinister as hell's evil spirits.

A group of guards hurriedly lowered their heads and confessed that several demon realms, including Kong Shiyuan, were under the jurisdiction of Xun Xia. In other words, Xun Xia was not only the noble young master of the abyss, but also the supreme commander directly under them.

Stop the supreme commander, even if the opponent doesn't follow the rules, they will be terrified. After all, the biggest rule in this demon realm is Xunxia.

They, who were in panic, naturally didn't see the orange light flashing on the young master 'Xun Xia' who was walking in the air, and several figures appeared beside her, and then blended into them silently.

Shaohaoyue smiled slightly, the demon general Chu Ying who had come over for refuge was very useful, at least when she pretended to be Xun Xia and mixed into the Demon Realm, it was very useful.

After all, she is a fairy, and no matter how much she pretends to be a demon, she will easily show her flaws. At this time, a follower of the Youmo Realm is very useful.

As soon as Chu Ying got angry, no one dared to stop her. This is the border of immortals and demons, and the cultivation base of Youmo Realm is the best pass.

Halfway through the walk, the waist accessories shook slightly, three short and one long, which meant that the important sentinels had been resolved and the reconnaissance array was under their control.

The smile on Shaohaoyue's lips became even bigger, her figure disappeared suddenly, and she came to Kong Shiyuan's headquarters - in front of the magic castle like lightning.

Relying on Xun Xia's face and her cultivation in the Youmo Realm for the first time, she walked into the Demon Castle almost without hesitation.

The magic castle is not only the headquarters, but also Kong Shiyuan's strongest military fortress integrating defense and attack. The magic soldiers who can live in it are all the best of the best.

The city defense department can still forcefully break through, but to forcibly break through the defensive array of the magic castle, it is possible to have a few big Luo Jinxians attack together and attack continuously.

However, under her command, Da Luo Jinxian has only four personal guards, Lian Yang, Lian Xiao, and Qi Lianyi. Lian Qi sits in Yuecheng and must not move.

In order to prevent the magic army from raiding other territories, two Da Luo Jinxians must be left to adapt, that is to say, she can only bring out one Da Luo Jinxian at most.

In the past, if she wanted to take down Kong Shiyuan, she would have to borrow a few people from other brothers and sisters, but now, I have to say that the general of the demon clan is very useful!

Shaohaoyue raised his hand, and a dozen or so formation masters suddenly appeared, and before the magic soldiers surrounding them had time to react, they were killed by the formation formation masters who had been prepared for a long time.

The speed of Shaohaoyue's feet did not decrease, and he said to Chu Ying: "Aren't you good at formations, the magic castle's formations are entrusted to you."

"Yes!" Chu Ying replied respectfully, knowing that this was an opportunity for her to prove her strength.

With a cultivation base in the Youmo Realm, it is certainly useful, but not irreplaceable, for Shaohaoyue to pretend to be a demon to clear the way.

She is a formation mage, and if she really wants to gain a foothold under Shaohaoyue's command, she has to play the role of a formation mage.

A dozen of her crescent army formation masters went straight to the eyes of the magic castle formation, trying to destroy the magic castle formation in the shortest possible time.

"General! The young master is here, full of anger!" A messenger hurriedly rushed to Botu, and the little chief of Chengfang who came to report had just finished reporting.

Porto was stunned, "So fast?"

As soon as the words fell, a woman in a dark purple cloak appeared at the door, half of her face was exposed, with a cool smile on her lips.

Botu's heart shuddered, and he almost blurted out: "Young master, why are you here?"

When the boss comes to visit, naturally he will not wait at the sideline of Kong Shiyuan, but, according to common sense, he will slow down to the magic castle surrounded by the magic soldiers, so as to allow time for his subordinates to greet him.

At this speed, he was obviously extremely angry, but Botu was at a loss and didn't understand what he had done, which made his immediate superior angry.

At this time, he found the commotion in the castle, the screams of the soldiers, and the sharp alarm sounded almost at the same time. In the castle, at least [-] elite soldiers from the fairy clan broke into the castle!
Botu's heart beat wildly, his pupils shrank suddenly, "Who are you?"

His voice trembled uncontrollably, even at this time, he didn't find anything wrong with the young master Xun Xia who came over.

Shaohaoyue raised her hand to untie the dark purple cloak, put it in the storage space, and smiled slightly, "I don't think you would want it to be mine."

As the words fell, orange silk flew out from her wrist, and a dozen or so immortal generals appeared beside her out of thin air, all dressed in tea-white uniform armor with light gold patterns engraved on it.

"Huanshiling! You are Shaohaoyue!" Botu cried out, the fear in his eyes almost overflowing.

His eyes fell on the young man beside Shaohaoyue, and his fear was even worse. The young man was wearing a helmet, covering most of his face, leaving only a pair of sharp eyes and a stern jaw exposed.

But judging from the dark blue spear in his hand with a square edge and flat head, it can be confirmed that it is Lian Xiao!The second master of the New Moon Army, Jiutian Kunpeng Lianxiao!

Shaohaoyue sighed lightly, with a troubled expression on his face: "Hey, why am I so unpopular?"

Botu and the others were about to go crazy, Shao Haoyue, the evil star of the Phoenix Clan, led his second best master and broke into the magic castle!

Most of the magic castle's formation defenses are external, how can this be stopped?
Without giving them more time to react, Lian Xiao raised his gun and rushed towards Botu, and the other New Moon elites also found their opponents one by one.

Botu dodged Lian Xiao's long spear, and a strand of silk flew towards him, silently appearing at his vital point.

Botu was so horrified that his hairs stood on end, the little crimson color on the silk was the fire of Nirvana, a little bit of it could cause serious injury!

With a loud roar, his body bent in an incredible arc, barely avoiding Lingsi, and forcibly received Lian Xiao's move.

(End of this chapter)

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