all the way to fairy

Chapter 804 Kong Shiyuan

Chapter 804 Kong Shiyuan (1)

Lian Yang was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized, "The aura of pink glass and white jade peach on Yan Qi's body is too strong!"

Back then, when the flower demon energy entered her body, her soul flew away, and she went through reincarnation, it is impossible to still retain such a strong breath of the sacred tree!
"So, Your Highness, you knew she was a fake from the very beginning?!" Lian Yang praised sincerely, "Good acting skills."

If it wasn't about the yard, she really wouldn't have noticed it at all.

Shaohaoyue frowned slightly, a little dissatisfied: "I can't hide it from you, and my acting skills still need to be improved."

"Do you want to change her to Huazhuo Courtyard?"

"No, don't dirty Huahua's yard."

Shaohaoyue lowered her eyes, looking at the petals that fluttered around and fell to the ground, her eyes turned cold, "You should check her history yourself, I want to see, what kind of bastard would dare to poke me against the scales! "


Cangxuan Immortal Territory, Pinglu City.

Wei Lin, who was cultivating in the cave, felt a summoning talisman fall on the restraint, he opened the restraint, picked up the summoning talisman, and looked at the emblem of the Jun family in the corner.

Immortal power popped up and the talisman was activated. Jun Yushan's brisk voice sounded in the cave, "I have received the news. Luo Dian said that we can pick it up at any time. We decided to set off at the first hour of the morning tomorrow. Don't miss the time."

Wei Lin exhaled slowly, got up and went out, and knocked on the door next door, "I'm going to retreat, Mu Yan will trouble Master Uncle a lot."

After returning to the mainland of Xingque, he transferred the meritorious service to Nightingale, and exchanged all of it for cultivation resources in the name of Nightingale. In the next time, he will upgrade two levels in a row and break through to the Heavenly Wonderland.

It's no secret that Song Zicheng is thinking about Jiaoxiao in Xingque. As Song Zicheng, it's not surprising that he has Taoist ancestral guards under his command.

He must break through to the Celestial Immortal Realm as soon as possible, and raise the defense power of Jiaoxiao to the Dao Ancestor Realm, only then will he have the confidence to face the next danger.

Fortunately, everyone now thinks that he was recruited by Shaohao Luo, and that he is Shaohao Luo's subordinate. Many people who were about to make a move have silenced, and Song Ziyi did not dare to make a move at this time. He must seize this opportunity!

Just in case, he didn't retreat immediately after he came back, he had to wait for Jun Yushan to receive Shaohao Luo's message, and go to Luo City to get the powder glass white jade peach.

The Xingque Immortal Territory has a vast territory and stretches for thousands of miles. The distance between the Immortal Domain and the Immortal Domain is very far, and it takes at least a month or two to get there by taking a fairy boat.

The quickest way is the inter-regional teleportation circle established by Xianmeng, but its price is very expensive, even for a low-rank family like the Jun family, it is very difficult.

Purchasing pink glazed white jade peaches is already a big expense, and the rest of the expenses can be saved if possible. The Jun family chose Xianzhou without any hesitation.

Wei Lin has a good relationship with Jun Yushan, and it is the most cost-effective and safest way to go to Luocheng with Jun's family. No one would think that he did not leave at all.

After a month or two, Jun Yushan and his party arrived in Luocheng. Even if someone found out that he hadn't arrived in Luocheng, the first reaction was that he left halfway, which bought him a lot of time.

Nightingale nodded, "Don't worry, their target is you, and they won't attack Mu Yan easily." After a pause, she said, "You really don't need me to protect you?"

"Uncle Master has already helped us a lot, so don't delay Uncle Master to do the task."

"Oh, vigilant boy." Nightingale didn't insist, and waved him to leave quickly.

In the Cangyu Immortal Territory, two women stood high in the sky, looking at the Demon Realm Kong Shiyuan in the distance.

At this time, a small black dot flew from the direction of Kong Shiyuan, and quickly came to them, saluted, and replied: "The outer sentinels have checked clearly, and the demon general Botu and his elite guards are all in the demon abyss." Inside……"

Shaohaoyue nodded, and with a flash of orange light on his wrist, he sent Lian Er into the fantasy world silk.

She put on the big hood, and the drooping brim of the hat almost covered most of her face, she turned her head and said to the woman beside her, "Let's go, I'll see you next."

Kong Shiyuan is a Demon Realm, one of the local demons. Unlike the temporary defense zone, it has a complete defense system.

To attack these places, the first thing to break through is their defense system. If a strong attack is adopted, countless troops and resources will be consumed.

This time, she has a good pawn.

The two of them flew all the way without making any cover up. Before Kong Shiyuan appeared in their field of vision, they already felt an invisible force falling on them. It was Kong Shiyuan's investigative formation.

They didn't hide, just flew towards Kong Shiyuan in such a big way, and after a while, they reached the range of Kong Shiyuan's spiritual sense to warn the demon soldiers.

"Who is it?" Someone yelled, his voice was like thunder, piercing the sky, rolling towards him. It was the little leader in charge of security, who was in the late stage of the Heavenly Demon Realm.

No, in the face of his inquiry, the visitor ignored him and flew towards them at a constant speed.

The little leader's heart sank, and he immediately cast away his spiritual thoughts, wanting to find out the identity of the person who came, but his spiritual thoughts fell on the first person, and he felt that it was obscure and deep, and he couldn't see anything clearly.

Suddenly, the obscurity surged up, like a bottomless abyss, and his divine sense sank uncontrollably.

The divine sense that fell on the latter person was met with a strong counterattack.

The little leader snorted, and quickly withdrew his divine thoughts, blood oozed from the corner of his mouth, his eyes were filled with horror, and the devilish energy around him also became unstable.

"Captain!" A soldier asked with concern.

The little leader waved away the hands supported by the soldiers, and flew out from the tower, "A big man is coming, go and report to the general."

Halfway through the flight, the person finally appeared within the little leader's field of vision. Both of them were wearing large dark purple cloaks and hoods, covering most of their faces, only revealing their delicate white jaws. Judging from their figures, , should be two women.

The cloak looked ordinary at first glance, but upon closer inspection, it was discovered that the dark lines were actually array lines, and every detail was perfectly decorated from head to toe.

On the upright neckline, there is a dark purple mandala flower, which is the emblem of Abyss, one of the four famous sects of the demon clan.

The little leader didn't dare to look any further, lowered his head, and saluted respectfully: "I've seen the two adults, but I don't know why the two adults came to our Kong Shiyuan?"

The two women were still flying at a constant speed, with no intention of stopping at all, the little leader could only dodge to one side, and follow them when they came over.

The woman who was one step behind turned her head, revealing a beautiful face, her charming eyes were full of arrogance, and her cherry red lips showed a smile that was not a smile: "What? Need to report to you?"

"No, no, dare not..." The little leader's face turned pale, and cold sweat poured from his forehead. He already knew that this woman was in the late stage of the Youmo Realm in the short confrontation of spiritual thoughts just now!
"Okay, don't scare him." The woman in front spoke, her voice was beautiful, but it was not soft, on the contrary, it was crisp and sweet.

(End of this chapter)

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