all the way to fairy

Chapter 803 True and False

Chapter 803 True and False
The sky is light blue, misty clouds and smoke pervade the entire sky, and the sun is much softer.

Lian Xue led a little maidservant, walked through the veranda shaded by green shadows, and stepped into the exquisite courtyard. A girl in light pink was sitting at a round table under a tree in a daze. Jumping mottled light and shadow fell one by one.

"Flower Fairy," Lian Xue called out with a smile.

The girl at the table quickly stood up and greeted with a smile, "Lian Xueshangxian."

Lian Xue signaled the maidservant behind her to come forward, and said, "This is Xi Ying, who was originally His Highness's maidservant. His Highness was worried about you, so he specially appointed her to take care of your daily life."

The witty Xi Ying bowed her knees and saluted, and said crisply: "Little fairy Xi Ying, I have seen fairies."

Although it has been more than half a month since I arrived in Yuecheng, Yan Qi is still not used to it, she quickly waved her hand, "Don't dare, you are a senior in the Heavenly Immortal Realm, how can you take care of me."

Xi Ying was in the late stage of the Heavenly Immortal Realm, and Yan Qi just couldn't make it to the ascension. Only the early stage of the Earth Immortal Realm, if he met someone whose cultivation level was higher than that of a big realm outside, he had to avoid the road and back down.

Lian Xue comforted softly: "You are someone His Highness values, so you can naturally afford it. If you need anything in the future, just tell her. If you want to go out, tell her too, and she will come to me."

After speaking, he was afraid that she might misunderstand, so he quickly explained: "Although Yuecheng is a force of our New Moon Army, it is inevitable that there will be secret chess spies from other parties. If we were more careful back then, we wouldn't be able to..."

"Shangxian doesn't need to explain, I understand." Yan Qi hurriedly said, paused, bit his lips and asked, "Can you please stop calling me Huahua, no matter what happened in the past, now I am just Yan Qi."

Lian Xue was stunned, and asked, "Fairy doesn't like the name Huahua?"

Yan Qi raised his head slightly, looking at the green paulownia leaves rustling by the wind, "For some reason, I always resist when I hear this name."

"Understood, Fairy Yanqi." Lian Xue nodded slightly, "I will give orders."

After Lian Xue left, Xi Ying stepped forward and put the tray in her hand on the table, on which were neatly placed jade slips.

"Our New Moon Army does not have a dedicated alchemist. This is the alchemy recipe that His Highness asked to search in the city. There are common alchemy recipes in Xingque. His Highness said that you should learn slowly, so there is no need to worry."

Seeing these, Yan Qi was overjoyed, even less restrained, and immediately flipped through the pages, "Yulu Dan, Ruyi Dan, Meng Qing Dan..."

She read slowly, and every time she read one, the joy on her face became more and more. After checking a jade slip, she stopped her excitement a little bit, looked at Xi Ying, and smiled embarrassedly: "After arriving at Xingque It’s the first time I’ve seen so many danfangs, and several of them are the ones I’ve always wanted to buy, which makes you laugh.”

Xi Ying shook her head, respectfully praised: "Fairy is obsessed with alchemy, admirable and admirable."

Yan Qi smiled slightly: "Your Highness is so kind to me, I have to do my best for Yuecheng. I am not good at other aspects, so I have to refine more pills."

Next to this yard, on the tall attic, Shaohaoyue was wearing a willow-yellow dress and standing at the corner of the attic. She didn't look at the situation in the yard, but stared at a single-petalled cloud peach tree in the yard. .

Lian Yang walked over slowly and replied softly: "Master Guan Nan has already sent him away."

Shaohaoyue nodded, but did not speak.

Lian Yang asked again: "The departure tomorrow, do you want to inform Fairy Yanqi in advance?"

Lian Yang came from behind and didn't know about Yan Qi's request to Lian Xue. These days, unless she was in front of Yan Qi, she would call her Fairy Yan Qi at other times.

The language used at this time is to inform, not to say goodbye.

There was a slight smile on Shaohaoyue's lips, "You think she is fake."

"Of course I didn't see that her personality is quite different from Huahua's, but it fits her upbringing experience, reincarnation, family background and upbringing experience are different, so it's natural for her to have a different personality;

But the core character has not changed, the heart is tenacious and clear-headed, and the goal identified will overcome all difficulties to complete it. "

This is completely opposite to their Highness, who looks perverse and tyrannical on the outside, but is actually very naive and fragile on the inside. He is a child who has not grown up at all, and he actually believes in the high-sounding words in the book that treat people with sincerity and that all beings are equal.

Lian Yang sighed secretly. Of course, it was precisely because she saw equality in her eyes that he was willing to follow and become her personal guard.

She continued: "I have the immortal aura of the Nine Rivers God, and more importantly, the divine aura of Fen Li Bai Yu Peach. Hua Hua's real body is Fen Li Bai Jade Peach. Few people know this. At this point, it is almost certain that she is Huahua's reincarnation.

And Master Guannan's Tianji Technique also calculated that Huahua has already reincarnated, and is likely to go to Xingque, which can be regarded as a certainty.

He is also obsessed with alchemy, and likes to study all kinds of strange alchemy methods. It seems that he still remembers the agreement with you deep in his soul. "

Shaohaoyue's smile deepened, "I'll add one more thing to you, just now she begged Lian Xue not to call her Huahua in the future."

Lian Yang was taken aback, "There are so many details, it's hard not to believe it."

She was the first to follow Shaohaoyue, and she also knows the most about Huahua. Huahua thinks that "Huahua" is not a name, and has always wanted a name of her own. This can be said to be a knot in her heart.

Shao Haoyue asked: "So much evidence proves that she is Hua Hua's reincarnation, why don't you believe it?"

Lian Yang smiled, "It's your attitude that tells me that she is fake. If she is real, you should arrange her in this Huazhuo Courtyard, not your Qingtong Courtyard."

In the heart of His Highness, Huahua is her equal family, and Yuecheng is their common home. She has a yard, and Huahua must also have a yard, so Huazhuo Courtyard was built.

In Qingtongyuan, His Highness is the host, and Yan Qi is the guest.

Shaohaoyue felt a pain in her heart. They had been together since childhood, and they always thought they were the same. When they realized that they were different in Master's heart, Huahua desperately wanted to be recognized by Master.

She wanted to have an official name, and wanted to have an independent courtyard in Shanyu Xiaozhu, but the master disagreed, so she built two main courtyards in Yuecheng, which were designed to be like Shanyu Xiaozhu, imitating the mortal world. Beautifully landscaped.

"So, how did His Highness find out?"

The breeze blew, and the peach blossoms flew down, and the delicate petals were blown up to the attic by the wind. Shaohaoyue reached out to catch them, but before the petals fell, he turned his hand and caught the peach petals with the back of his hand.

She closed her eyes gently, as if she was feeling the peach blossom carefully, and replied gently: "Because it is too strong, she is not a peach tree, not a branch of peach blossom, nor a peach blossom."

She slowly opened her eyes, moved her hands, and flew away from the light pink and white petals, "Her real body is a peach blossom."

(End of this chapter)

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