all the way to fairy

Chapter 802 Trust

Chapter 802 Trust
"Yes, but he doesn't want to eat his contract partner." As cold as Shao Haoyao, she couldn't help admiring her.

From a small snake to transforming into a python and a dragon, he resisted all the temptations. In the end, he was able to eat Yu Xuemei, complete the bloodline evolution, become a divine beast, and completely get rid of Yu Xuemei's imprisonment, but he was unwilling. up.

Shaohao Yao exhaled lightly, and continued: "The black cloud flood dragon took a fancy to Little Peach Blossom Immortal who bears the spirit of a god, and ambushed them when they sneaked out of Tianyu Mountain to play again. He Trapped Shiqi in the snake formation, planning to eat Xiaohuaxian."

"It didn't work, did it?" Shaohao Luo was a little nervous. Even if she got the deity's celestial spirit, she was just a little flower fairy. Once the Heiyunjiao ate her and turned into a real dragon, she would be a core member of the dragon clan. Pay some compensation and be done.

"No. Seventeen stopped him, but Xiao Huaxian stayed in his mouth for too long, the snake venom entered his body, and his body, which was not delicate at first, became weaker and weaker, and his eyes became blind as a result.

Seventeen anger, with the absolute suppression of high-level blood over low-level blood, blocked the warning of Yu Xuemei in the inheritance of the snake clan. "

"This..." Shaohao Luo was stunned, Yuxuemei was not only related to the Black Cloud Snake Clan, but also other snake clans, which was equivalent to interfering with the immortal journey of the entire snake clan!
He couldn't help sighing again: "Seventeen actually values ​​Xiao Huaxian so much!" He valued it more than he originally thought.

On second thought, if it was him, his friend who had been with him for tens of thousands of years almost died, he would also be very angry.

Shaohaoyao's tone became complicated, "Where is this? At the feast of the Immortal Alliance, Song Zi was drunk and molested Xiaohuaxian, and Seventeen slapped him in front of everyone."

"Huh?" Shaohao Luo was stunned, he was the number one heir of the Song family, this was equivalent to a feud, or a family feud!

No wonder the brothers and sisters are committed to weakening the Song family!
Although it happened many years ago, looking back, Shaohaoyao still feels shocked. At that time, all the dignified lords and immortals of the Xianmeng League were there, and Seventeen rushed in aggressively. Before everyone could react, a blow Take the Cloud Palm and throw it with a 'slap'.

Song Zicheng was dumbfounded on the spot, half of his face was swollen high, five fingerprints were clear and bright red, imprinted on the hearts of all the Song family.

If it wasn't for the Jiuxi God, he would be sitting at the top, and if the Song family didn't have elders who could stand up to the Jiuxi God, Seventeen would have been besieged by the Song family on the spot.

What's even more irritating is that after asking the reason, the God of Jiuxi attributed it to the children's quarrels, and easily exposed it.

After that time, Song Zicheng almost became a joke of the upper echelons of the Immortal League. You must know that Qi Qi is not only two realms lower than him in cultivation, but also half his age. Even if there is a reason for drunkenness, it is too embarrassing.

Shaohao Luo was so startled that he didn't know what to say, and it took him a while to find his voice, "Why have I never heard of this?"

"Such a shameful thing, to mention it is to trample Song Zicheng's face under his feet, who has nothing to mention this."

Shaohaoyao picked up the teacup and moistened her throat, then turned the topic back to Xiaohuaxian again, "You also know that our Feng clan is very popular, and many people don't like us, but it's because of our cultivation background that we don't dare to talk about it." Show it.

That little flower fairy has a face similar to the two of us, and her cultivation base is very weak. She has become an outlet for many people to vent their dissatisfaction, bullying her openly and secretly.

Shi Qi protected her in an almost decisive way. All those who bullied her, no matter what their racial status, Qi Qi would blatantly and fiercely retaliate back. It was also at that time that she was known as cruel and willful. "

Shaohaoluo was startled and had a bad premonition, suddenly felt that Wei Lin's existence had to be told to the elders.

He collected himself and asked, "What happened later, how did she die?"

"She went to Yuecheng to visit Shiqi, and was caught by a fleeing magic army as me, and she threatened Qiqi to retreat, Shiqi agreed..."

"What!" Shaohao Luo stood up in shock and interrupted her narration, "A major military matter is a trifling matter, how can you retreat so easily!"

Shaohao Yao was silent for a while, then asked: "If the enemy catches me and threatens you, will you retreat?"

"Of course!" Without hesitation, Shaohao Luo patted the table and said viciously: "Which devil dares to touch you, I will crush him to ashes!"

Shaohaoyao looked at him and didn't speak, he realized it, paused, and explained in a murmur: "How can Xiaohuaxian compare with you."

"For Shi Qi, she is also incomparable."

Shaohao was at a loss for words.

"Xiao Huaxian's body was already weak, surrounded by so much devilish energy, how could she bear it, she died before Seventeen retreated.

Seventeen rushed back to Tianyu Mountain with her body, and asked the god to save her, but the god was angry that she abandoned the army and was furious.

However, judging from the current results, she should finally agree to her request. "

The more Shaohao Luo listened, the more he couldn't sit still. He didn't expect Shi Qi to value one person so much that he didn't care about it!

No, Wei Lin must report to the God of Jiuxi!

A few days later, Tianyu Mountain, a small building in the language of the mountain.

After listening to Shaohao Luoyiwuyishi's narration, Jiuxi God Venerable raised his eyes and asked softly: "Little Seventeen used feathers to forge the natal sword for him?"


"Okay, I see." Jiuxi looked very calm, as if saying that the weather is fine today.

Shaohaoluo was a little anxious, and couldn't help reminding, "Seventeen is so affectionate, if she still falls in love with Wei Lin, will she..."

"Xiao Shiwu," Jiuxi God called him, and asked unhurriedly: "What is the core factor for our Phoenix clan to stand tall in the stars?"

The voice was soft and lazy, reminiscent of the warm sun shining through the courtyard windows after the snow falls and the wind calms down in winter.

Although Shaohao Luo didn't understand why he asked this at this time, he still answered honestly: "Unity."

"No, the premise of unity is trust. No matter when and where we are, we must trust our people."

His words were gentle and gentle, like a summer breeze, calming Shaohaoluo's impetuous heart; and like the sun tearing through thick dark clouds, making Shaohaoluo feel enlightened.

Yes, trust.

It is precisely because the brothers and sisters trust him and believe that he will not harm the Feng Clan or their interests, even if they are curious about his relationship with Wei Lin, they will not force them to ask.

It is precisely because of trust that the ancestors defeated the enemy's sowing dissension again and again, and after years of circulation, they firmly occupied a seat in the Xianmeng.

Now, his anxiety and what he did, in the final analysis, is because he doesn't trust the seventeenth sister.

Thinking of this, Shaohao Luo stood up and bowed solemnly, "I know I was wrong, thank God for teaching."

Jiuxi showed a hint of relief, "I will remember it in the future."

"Fifteen is kept in my heart."

Shaohao Luo responded respectfully, thinking to himself, he was really confused, Shi Qi was cultivated by the God of Jiuxi, how could he do something harmful to the Feng Clan.

(End of this chapter)

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