all the way to fairy

Chapter 807 Doubt

Chapter 807 Doubt

Mu Yan nodded: "Yes, he must ask Immortal Baixi to take the last move when he cultivates the Fallen Leaf Lingkong Sword. We want to know what kind of person he is.

Ye Luo Lingkong is so exquisite, it's so strange that he doesn't help Qingdi find a successor among his descendants. "

Nightingale pursed her lips and asked without answering, "What's your relationship with Wei Lin?"

After a pause, he explained, "I'm just a little curious. You seem to trust each other, but the relationship is not close. You are not relatives, lovers, or confidants."

Speaking of this, her tone inevitably became low. Bai Xi and Qing Luo also trust each other very much. They are like rivals in chess and cherish each other.


Mu Yan's voice pulled back Nightingale's thoughts. She was not very satisfied with the answer, "When you meet like-minded friends, you can indeed trust each other. But you ascended from the lower realm, and it's not like Xingque in the lower realm. Do you want to learn how to fight?"

Mu Yan thought for a while, Bai Xi's matter obviously involved Nightingale's secret, if she was not honest, how could she let the other party reveal her secret.

She said: "I didn't give up learning fighting skills because of him, but another person. In fact, there are several people we can trust, but they haven't ascended yet.

When we were in Canglan, we came together for various reasons to establish a sect, and then ascended to Qingxuan one after another to re-establish the sect. "

Nightingale was stunned, and Xuan Er envied, "That's great."

During the journey of cultivation, there are too many temptations. Many people lose their original intentions and fellow travelers, and end up alone.

They always say that the avenue is lonely, but the avenue is the avenue. Whether you are lonely or not is just a matter of personal choice and encounter.

Mu Yan winked at her and said with a smile: "Furthermore, just because I'm an alchemist doesn't mean I don't have the power to resist. Medicine and poison are never separated."

Nightingale laughed lightly, her suppressed heart relaxed a bit, she looked at the light blue sky, and said in a daze: "Actually, I don't know what kind of person Bai Xi is now, you are from Qingxuan, and you have heard of the gods. Hidden sect?"

Mu Yan honestly shook her head, "No."

Nightingale became sad, "That's my home, at our time, our Shenyin Sect was the Qingxuan giant, the top sect.

I was born in the same line as the head of the family. I was the eldest daughter of the family. I was loved by the elders since I was a child. They named me Ruge. I hope my life will be as beautiful as the song. "

Mu Yan's eyes are full of envy, the name is a lifetime blessing.

"When I was seven years old, I tested my aptitude and found out the Ethereal Immortal Physique. I was fully tilted by the family's resources, but after more than a year, I broke through to the Fusion Realm, and my foundation has not yet become unstable.

At that time, I was young and full of enthusiasm, thinking of becoming famous all over the world. In order to stand out in the star field junior competition a few years later, I left the guards and went to the demon field to practice alone.

After all, I have little experience and lack of experience. I was wounded by their parents when I injured a few little demon queens in the same realm. I barely escaped with the magic weapon given by my family.

Then, I ran into Baixi who was hunted down by Sanxiu. He could have escaped by himself and left me to Sanxiu to delay time, but he didn't. He took me to escape together. We escaped for a whole year. Out of the demon domain.

Later, in the competition of the younger generation of Star Field, I met him again, and only then did we know each other's identity.

As expected, we came to the fore in the competition. In that competition, we also killed a dark horse—Qing Luo.

She is different from the two of us, she was born in the mundane world, and her aptitude is not the best, but she has a high level of understanding, a tough character and can endure hardships, even Bai Xi and I can hardly parry with a sword dance.

After the competition, the sect also began to focus on cultivating Qing Luo. As the future successor of the sect, I also have to make friends with her.Fortunately, her personality is quite to my liking, and she is very comfortable to get along with. We quickly became friends and often exchanged ideas and practiced.

Before that, I always thought that I was working hard, but it turned out that I was still lazy. In the sparring with Qing Luo, I made rapid progress.

Whenever I make progress, I go to Bai Xi and show off to him.Later, Bai Xi also joined us. The three of us competed with each other and practiced together. We chased after each other, and soon left our peers far behind.

Qingluo only cultivates the sword, Baixi is the master of music, and I am the master of magic. Relying on the ethereal body, others who are interested will specialize in one or two.

Later, Bai Xi and I had mutual affections, with similar family backgrounds, similar aptitudes, childhood adversity, youth companionship, we are the golden boy and jade girl in everyone's eyes, the couple of gods and gods, and we became Taoist couples under the blessing of the entire star field. "

"Taoist?" Mu Yan was surprised. As we all know, Immortal Baixi is the son-in-law of the Song family. He is...

Nightingale understood what she was thinking, smiled wryly and acquiesced, and continued: "The battle between good and evil, I was injured, after the injury recovered, the speed of cultivation gradually slowed down, I put aside all miscellaneous studies and concentrated on cultivation, but after the Mahayana period Cultivation is still stagnant."

Her tone became weak, as if falling into that bad memory again, "I was left behind by them, far and forever. I started to retreat, closed for a long, long time, but still made progress Xu Wei.

It seemed that all of a sudden, I was no longer the darling of heaven. I became more and more irritable and fearful, but there was nothing I could do.

Qingxuan's most shining genius has changed from three to two, the two sisters of Shenyin have become the only one, and Qingxuan's three stars have become Qingxuan's twin emperors. I am no longer worthy to be side by side with them.

Later, Baixi Qingluo ascended on the same day, and when the guiding light descended, Qingluo said, in her heart, I have always been the most talented one, and she is waiting for me in the fairyland, and we will become the twin sisters of the fairyland together.

Perhaps her encouragement had an effect, or maybe it was because I no longer had to be compared, my mood improved, and my cultivation finally stopped stagnant and improved.

After breaking that terrible endless loop, everything began to improve. Although the cultivation was not as easy and fast as before, it was far superior to others.

When I broke through to the early stage of crossing the tribulation, some demons secretly descended to Qingxuan, and Baixi Qingluo was sent to help us kill the demons. We fought together again. Although we were no longer fighting side by side, it still made me happy.

In the end, we drove the demons to the void to siege and kill them. When the victory was in sight, the demons fought back and Qingluo fell. Our hometown Canglan Tianyu jumped away from Qingxuan and was reduced to a small world.

When I finally ascended to the fairy world, I learned that Bai Xi already had a fairy companion.He said that he thought I would not ascend, and he said that Xingque suppressed the Ascension Immortals, and he didn't want to give up the end of the road.

I was angry for a while, but soon relieved, ascension is like a newborn, and the spiritual pet contract doesn't count, let alone an equal Taoist companion. "

(End of this chapter)

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