all the way to fairy

Chapter 808 Doubt

Chapter 808 Doubt
Nightingale's face was very calm, but her tone was self-deprecating, "We cultivators are after the Dao, and we are lucky to have like-minded people walk for a while, how can we ask to walk together all the time.

Furthermore, we have long passed the age of passion and jealousy, and Taoist couples are actually a little closer friends. This small dispute was quickly put aside, and we even maintained our fellowship, and occasionally provided each other with some help within our capabilities. help. "

Mu Yan faintly smelled the smell of conspiracy. The authorities are fascinated. After the experience, looking back at the past, some things will naturally emerge.

"Until I heard that his fairy companion Song Wanran's cultivation stagnated, and it was also after becoming a fairy companion with him." Nightingale let out a long breath, leaned back, pressed the weight of her upper body on the trunk behind her, and opened her eyes slightly. With squinting eyes, he looked at the sky that had been cut by branches.

"The string of doubt in my heart was tensed at once, and I don't even know when the seed of doubt was planted in my heart.

Maybe a long time ago, I had doubts about him, but I subconsciously didn't want to tarnish that feeling. That's Bai Xi, who coincides with half of my life experience, deny him, and deny most of my life.

But the seeds of doubt are planted in the bottom of my heart, and they are stimulated to break out of the ground and grow wildly. You can't suppress it anyway, and all the details are magnified.

It is true that Song Wanran will be singled out by the Song family to recruit talents, and her talent will not be very good, but before she becomes a fairy couple with Bai Xi, her cultivation level is still improving slowly, and being a fairy couple has a double cultivation bonus, why? Instead, it stagnated?
As for me, before I was injured in the battle between good and evil, my cultivation speed had already slowed down, but I am an ethereal fairy body, so even if my speed slowed down, I was faster than ordinary people. up.

However, after leaving Baixi after those long-term closed-door retreats under anxiety, there has been slight progress in cultivation.But at that time, my comparison target was still Baixi Qingluo, so I didn't take that slight improvement seriously, and naturally I didn't study the reasons in detail.

Of course, the biggest doubt is that after he ascended, my cultivation speed increased. "

"Have you found any evidence?" Mu Yan asked, feeling hopeless in her heart. When Nightingale's cultivation speed slowed down in the lower realm, which has always been accustomed to maliciously speculate on others, her elders should have secretly launched an investigation.

Nightingale closed her eyes, and suppressed all the disappointments, she regained her composure, "No. I have analyzed carefully, and the cultivation of his good friends, close relatives, and even his enemies has not been affected.

Only Song Wanran and I have stagnated in cultivation, so the problem must be in the dual cultivation, he stole our cultivation through some special means.

Our dual practice is from the Shenyin Sect, and many Taoist couples in the sect practice it, so there is no such problem; but now his and Song Wanran's dual cultivation is different from ours, so we can basically rule out the practice question.

It's not about the cultivation technique, or about the magic weapons and utensils that I carry with me. I can only think of three possibilities.

First, he has a special physique, and will actively or passively steal the other party's cultivation base when he and his partner are practicing dual cultivation; second, he has practiced a special secret method that can only be used during dual cultivation; A hidden magic weapon that can only function in a special way.

But either way, he deserves to die! "

In the last sentence, Nightingale's voice carried a murderous aura.

Mu Yan nodded in agreement. As the beneficiary, Bai Xi had already noticed it, no matter if he was active or passive, but he never did anything, which already explained the problem.

If these suspicions are true, then Bai Xi will be very scary, with deep scheming, cautious actions without leaving evidence; cold-hearted, selfish.

With such a character, it is too suspicious for him not to leave the high-level sword art to his family!
Deliberately not leaving the last pose in Baidi Garden, is it to ensure that those who practice Ye Luo's volley will definitely go to him?
Mu Yan's scalp was numb. Now that Senior Brother Wei is famous in Xingque, his swordsmanship must have attracted the attention of many people. It will be a matter of time before Bai Xi finds out.

Kong Shiyuan.

In the evening, a black tide surged from the sky, it was the army of demons who came.

The Kuroshio parted to both sides, Xun Xia's fair and heroic face was so gloomy that water dripped out, and there was a taste of gnashing of teeth in his words, "I have retreated for more than 3 years, if I don't go back to your bird's nest to visit the elders at this time, I am not filial!"

Shaohaoyue held back her mouth, her delicate eyebrows were wrinkled, and she looked aggrieved, "Didn't I miss you? It's like not seeing you every day."

Before she could breathe a sigh of relief, she became cheerful again, "I thought that if the mountain didn't come, I would be the one, so I would just come to the mountain. Didn't you just come here to meet me?"

The corners of Lian Xiao's mouth twitched. Although he had seen such a scene countless times, he was still very unaccustomed to it. Every time he met an opponent like Xun Xia, his highness would play with his upper body. If the two of them hadn't fought very viciously, you would stab I inserted a silk, and he would suspect that the two of them had a taboo relationship.

Xun Xia on the opposite side was so angry that his eyes burst into flames, "Since you miss me so much, why don't you go back with me and be together all the time!"

She bit the four words "always, moment and moment" extremely hard, almost slamming every word.


Shaohaoyue's excited voice soared, she raised her hand, rubbed her spiritual thoughts into her voice, and said loudly: "Brothers and sisters, to celebrate your Highness's success in chasing love, come, set off fireworks!"

The formation masters in the rear tried their best to hold back their laughter, and pushed a bunch of magic crystals found in the magic castle into the corresponding formation eyes.

A row of standing towers shook in unison, sending out earth-shattering roars, and hundreds of black mushroom clouds shot out, hitting the neatly lined demon army.

Xun Xia's complexion changed suddenly. These magic flame balls in the Chengfang Fortress were nested in Kong Shiyuan's original defense system, or she personally approved them. She is very clear about their power.

"Everyone is free to evade!" She raised her voice to order, and flew out suddenly, intercepting the magic flame ball with her own tyrannical magic energy.

Several powerful generals in the magic army also followed her to intercept the magic flame ball.

However, their number is limited, and the magic flame balls intercepted are also limited, and more magic flame balls smash into the army formation.

Where the magic flame ball fell, the low-level magic soldiers within ten feet were blown away, and the magic soldiers in the center were blown into soot. Even some high-level magic soldiers who couldn't react in time were not spared.

After the pitch-black flames, several gaps appeared in the Kuroshio in the pavement, almost forming a line. The demon soldiers outside the gaps were chaotic, and many demon soldiers crowded into a group, and they were no longer neat.

(End of this chapter)

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