all the way to fairy

Chapter 812 Gray Square City

Chapter 812 Gray Square City
"So let him live well."

Kong Qing was startled, and quickly realized: "Are you trying to use him to divert Xianmeng's attention?"

The cultivation speed is extremely fast, the savvy is extremely high, the strength is far superior to that of his peers, and he is a person who has ascended from the lower realms. He is carved out of the same template as those children of destiny in the past. It is difficult not to make people doubt it.

I'm afraid that Wei Lin has already been on the suspicion list of many people after the award from the Yueqing Realm, and when his current cultivation level is exposed, these people will not be able to sit still.

"Not everyone can be the fairy companion of my phoenix girl." Jiuxi looked calm, and her calm tone showed arrogance.

Kong Qing agrees that if he wants to become His Royal Highness's fairy companion and get the recognition and protection of the Feng Clan, he must contribute something.

Your Highness is the future high priest of the Feng clan, the belief of the whole clan!
In his thoughts, he thought of Wei Lin's cultivation speed again, and felt a little uneasy, "Your Majesty, must the one who owns the Fate Orb be the Son of Destiny?"

Jiuxi raised his eyebrows: "You mean, he is the son of destiny?"

Kong Qing nodded, with a disturbed look on his face: "The Son of Destiny will clear the Xingque, and our Phoenix Clan will also be targeted. Is it just a cover for Mingzhu to recognize His Royal Highness? Destiny will use the power of our Phoenix Clan to ensure that This year's Child of Destiny has grown up smoothly?"

After Goddess Ye Nian, many Sons of Destiny were born, but under the strict control of the Immortal League, they were found out and killed before they grew up.

After a long silence, Jiuxi suddenly asked, "Has Xiao Yueer returned to Shenzhou?"

The topic changed too suddenly, Kong Qing was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "No, a few days ago, Shen An's independent master retreated from Kong Shiyuan. Your Highness should be busy mining the minerals in the small secret realm."

After a pause, he added: "The court will be held soon, and His Highness will go back."

There was another silence as the breeze rustled the leaves.

Thinking of this, Kong Qing was also quite helpless. His Royal Highness did not grow up in Suzaku Divine Continent, and later traveled on the battlefield all year round. He was not close to his clansmen and did not like to go to Suzaku Divine Continent.

After a long time, Jiuxi's voice finally sounded, almost whispering, "Perhaps, it's the deity who is wrong."

Kong Qing was puzzled, and was about to ask, when Jiuxi said seriously: "There is no need to doubt, she has passed the test, she is undoubtedly the daughter of destiny."


Kong Qing still had doubts, but Jiuxi had already turned the page, and ordered: "Go to Shenzhou and get the dossier of the Seven Star Rebellion."

The Seven Stars Rebellion refers to the time when hundreds of demons smuggled into the lower realm and caused chaos in the seven star fields including Qingxuan. Since Goddess Ye Nian established the fairy alliance and stopped the demons in the star tower, there has never been such a large-scale demon in the lower realm. suffer from.

Reminiscent of Wei Lin's experience, Kong Qing was slightly startled, "Do you suspect that there is something wrong with the Seven Star Rebellion?"

"There are too many demons in this small world of Canglan." Jiuxi's eyes were cold and cold. More than [-] years ago, a female demon surnamed Xu made half of Canglan's life miserable, and brought out another demon monk Hui Neng in Qinglan. Mysterious misfortune and chaos;
If Xiaoyue'er hadn't stopped the Gu trouble in Remnant Night Pavilion in time, Canglan would have suffered a terrible fate; in the adjacent world of reincarnation, the daughter of Styx was tricked into a demon.

Such a high frequency has to be doubted.

On the western border of Kong Shiyuan, the vast wilderness is full of weathered stones. At the end of the field of vision, more than a dozen tall stone pillars stand on the horizon.

Under the stone pillars, there is a rough building without city walls, and the houses are low. The three-story building is the tallest building.

This is a gray city on the border, or it can be called a mobile city. There is no legal order at all, and people die inexplicably every moment. Here, only strength is reliable.

Here, you can see that immortals and demons chat happily and bargain, and even demon shops hire fairy employees, or fairy shops hire demon employees.

This type of city is widely distributed along the borderline. The official maps of the two ethnic groups are not marked, and the time and location of their existence are not fixed. Every once in a while, the frontier troops of the two ethnic groups will sweep around the surrounding area. Naturally, this kind of gray square city has to be replaced. local reconstruction.

At this time, two people wearing large cloaks stepped into the city one after the other. The other was wearing a hood and a veil, and his face could not be seen clearly, only a woman could be vaguely distinguished.

However, the moment they saw them, the nearby immortals and demons all backed away a few steps calmly, and the bustling crowd also froze for a moment.

Although they couldn't see clearly the cultivation base of the second daughter, they were keenly aware that the other party was not easy to mess with.

The two women didn't even look at the passers-by, they walked straight across the street and left quickly.

As she was walking, the first person stopped suddenly, and looked up at the third floor obliquely in front of her. A flash of surprise flashed in her dark red eyes, and Xuan Er tensed up.

It was a tavern, the only tavern in Haitangfang City. In front of the street window on the third floor, stood a girl in white clothes. When her eyes met, the girl's eyes flashed with surprise.

The tension didn't last for a moment, but the woman downstairs quickly relaxed, turned around, and walked towards the tavern.

"Why are you here?" Xun Xia knocked on the door, walked in uninvited, looked at the girl in front of the window with a half-smile, "Could you be chasing me?"

Shaohaoyue secretly cursed that it was unlucky, she met Xunxia when she first came here, and she was investigating a fart, but she explained with a serious face: "That's not true, a mortal has a good saying, a small farewell is better than a newlywed.

I've been looking at your beautiful face for more than three years, and I'm a bit tired of it. I'm not planning to patrol the territory, go shopping, and change my mood. "

Xunxia was stumped, Haitangfang City was located on the border of Kong Shiyuan, it was originally a gray square city in the Demon Realm, but now that Kong Shiyuan has changed hands, Haitangfang City is naturally under the control of Xianyu.

She took a deep breath, and complained bitterly: "You heartless girl, you promised to be with me all the time, and it's only been three years, and you're actually tired of it."

Xun Xia's thoughts raced, guessing why Shaohaoyue appeared here, Haitangfang City was not worth her personal inspection.

Shao Haoyue was also thinking about the reason why Xun Xia appeared here, she came here to investigate Yan Qi's clues, so coincidentally, Xun Xia also came, judging by her expression, she seemed to have a clear goal.

Could Xun Xia be behind Yan Qi?

She felt a little regretful, she shouldn't have rushed over after finding out some clues, at least she shouldn't have come here in person, she might have scared the snake.

Holding the clear glazed cup, she took a small sip and teased with a smile: "How can it be, such a delicate and beautiful face, I will be willing to see it for many years."

"It's more or less the same." Xun Xia winked at her, and poured wine for herself with the wine pot.

After drinking it, the sweet and sour juice spread in her mouth, she was stunned, "Isn't it wine?"

"Drinking is a mistake." Shaohaoyue said solemnly.

Xun Xia was speechless, "This is a restaurant, you don't drink alcohol when you go to the restaurant, but drink fruit juice, it's really weird."

(End of this chapter)

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