all the way to fairy

Chapter 813 Procrastination

Shaohao Yue shrugged, "I am willing!"

She doesn't like the astringent taste of alcohol, and after tasting it once, she never wants to try it for the second time. Although it is a bit strange not to drink in a tavern, why should she care about other people's opinions.

Xun Xia seemed to have discovered a new world, "I didn't expect you to be so violent, but you actually like this sweet and sour drink! Hey, you make me a little guilty, I feel like bullying a young girl."

"Did you know that you are abnormal?" Shaohaoyue looked surprised, "When you were interested in me at first, I was just a little girl..."

The two played Tai Chi with each other, trying to test each other's intentions. Suddenly, there was a strong fluctuation of demonic energy outside the window, followed by bursts of booing, which was not too big a deal for watching the excitement.

This is a gray city without order and laws. People who will live here all year round are all violent, and it happens here every moment if there is a disagreement.

Shaohaoyue came here to track down a fairy clan, that is a loose fairy, who did not join any forces, before the client of Qucheng's small request contacted the New Moon Army, he and Xin went to take care of the client's daughter Xian had several secret contacts.

After that incident, he disappeared. Until recently, he secretly met the female fairy again, and then he came to Haitangfang City.

There is only the aftermath of the demonic energy, which means that the two parties in the conflict are demons, not their targets. Shaohaoyue didn't want to pay attention to it, but was keenly aware that Xunxia was a little nervous.

She let go of her senses, and soon saw the edge of the city. Five late-stage demons were chasing and killing a young girl in the early stage of the demon realm. Proportional broad machete.

When she ran under a huge stone pillar, the girl turned back suddenly, and swiped the wide and long machete in her hand, cutting half of the neck of the unprepared pursuer.

When the knife was swung like a ghost, in the eyes of everyone, her body clearly turned her back to the pursuers, and she was still running forward, but the machete suddenly reversed and slashed at the pursuers.

It wasn't until the blood gushed out that the pursuer fell to the ground powerlessly, unable to twitch, and the crowd who watched and booed realized that the girl had already turned back, and only the afterimage fled forward.

The machete didn't let up, it finished the remaining arc in the air, causing the girl's slender body to spin half a circle.

Seeing her face clearly, Shao Haoyue was slightly taken aback, it turned out to be her!

That was the only soldier from the Heavenly Demon Realm who escaped her Qiansi Slash in the Mingsha Wasteland. At that time, the girl was keenly aware of it one second before her silk silk flew out, and she gave up her target and fled without hesitation. Mingsha Wasteland.

She was the only survivor of the magic army in the battle of Mingsha.

This is undoubtedly a genius, a genius who has awakened a dangerous intuition. She is comparable to the early stage of the Heavenly Demon Realm, but she killed five demons who were two small realms higher than her. When she grows up like this, how many immortals Will die by his sword.

It was also at this moment that Shaohaoyue felt a killing intent in her heart. The girl with a calm expression and a gentle temperament suddenly straightened her body, turned and fled like a frightened rabbit, completely ignoring her trophies.

The onlookers all looked dazed, and then went to grab the spoils one after another. In less time, there was already a scuffle under the standing stone pillar.

What a sharp intuition!

Shaohaoyue couldn't help admiring, raised his breath and wanted to chase after him, Xun Xia on the opposite side of the table suddenly let go of his aura, if the coercion of the ancient demon realm spread outward in circles, the crowd of melee outside stopped instantly, looking vigilantly In the direction of the tavern.

"Such a small ant, our famous little God of War, wouldn't want to go after her personally, would he?"

Shaohaoyue remained calm, raised her eyebrows tentatively: "Your target is her?"

Xun Xia raised her fingers to make an oath, said with a light smile, "I have deep affection for you, why would I fall in love with the little beauty next to me?"

Sure enough it was her.

Shaohaoyue's brows frowned slightly, what was the origin of that girl, so much trouble to find Xia, the young master of the abyss, to find her in person.

Shao Haoyue was a little hesitant, if the people behind Yan Qi were immortals, she wouldn't startle the snake if she didn't show up; but if the people behind the scenes were demons, even if they weren't Xun Xia, they might startle them.

Soon, she made a decision, and slapped Xun Xia with her palm. While Xun Xia was dodging, she quickly jumped out of the window and chased in the direction where the girl in white was fleeing.

"I'd like to see what kind of little beauty can attract you to meet him from thousands of miles away!"

Shaohaoyue knew very well that it was impossible to catch up to that girl with Xunxia's obstruction, but with her temperament, she realized that Xunxia came for that girl but didn't do anything, so Xunxia must be suspicious.

Right now, we can only take advantage of the mess, lure Xun Xia away, and flatten Haitangfang City in the name of mopping up. At that time, even if Xun Xia suspects, there will be no clues left.

As for that Sanxian, we can only scare him away first, and then think of a way later.

As soon as she swept out of Haitangfang City, she felt a wind blowing in the back of her head, and a sharp force came through the air.

Shaohaoyue moved sideways, passing the whirling scimitar like the moon, Huanshiling flew out from his wrist, and started fighting with Xunxia.

Fortunately, the girl in white fled in the direction of the Demon Realm, and by pretending to chase her, she was able to force Xun Xia out of the realm of Kong Shiyuan.

Half a day later, she separated from Xunxia at the border and returned to Kong Shiyuan. An immortal soldier came to report: "His target should be Baiwei Tower. He walked around the city for several times before entering. As soon as it broke out, he retreated immediately and left Haitangfang City."

When Shaohaoyue heard this, she was so angry that her teeth itch. In such a situation, [-]% of casual cultivators would go to Baiwei Tower, but at the critical moment, they were destroyed by Xunxia.

Why is she so haunted!

"Have you found anything in Budweiser Building?"

Xian Bing nodded, "The shopkeeper of Baiwei Tower is an abandoned disciple of Yixian Sect. He has nothing to do with Sanxian on the surface. He is still in our hands. Do you want to continue to investigate?"

Shaohaoyue let out a long breath, "Let's all stare at it first, don't make any moves for now."

"Yes." The immortal soldier respectfully responded and retreated.

After the immortal soldiers withdrew, Lian Yang reminded: "Your Highness, the Great Court Assembly is about to begin, and you have to go back to Shenzhou."

"No hurry, this matter..."

"As long as the tracking point is reached," Lian Yang interrupted her a little helplessly, "You haven't gone back since you left the customs. Go back early so that you can visit your elders."

The people behind the scenes have big plans for Yan Qi's matter. They want to gain their trust in a short period of time, so they definitely won't do anything.

Besides, for such a trivial matter, His Highness would not need to do it in person. She was just using this to delay time and was unwilling to return to Shenzhou.

Seeing that Shaohaoyue didn't speak, she had no choice but to remind: "Go west, take down Kong Shiyuan, you've been delaying for three years."

After a long time, Shaohaoyue exhaled softly and said sullenly, "Depart in three days."

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