A few days later, in Suzaku City, Shaohaojin's mansion.

Shao Haoyue took the tea from the maid and drank it slowly, drinking one cup after another, as if he just came here to sit and drink tea.

Suspicion flashed in Shaohaojin's eyes, he cleared his throat, and said with a smile: "This is Jiyun fruit tea, made from Wanmeng fruit, fire durian fruit, etc. It tastes light and sweet, I guess you will like it."

Shaohaoyue was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he didn't greet her with Yunding Xueya this time, and after a little thought, she understood.

In the past, she was against all the clansmen, and except for business matters, she rarely met them, and on those necessary occasions, she kept a straight face and would not reveal her preferences.

After this catastrophe, his mentality has become much calmer. Shao Haojin should have noticed his preferences from the two meetings.

Yunding Xueya is rare and expensive, but it tastes slightly astringent, which she really doesn't like.

Perhaps, she is not close to everyone, and there are some reasons for her.

Rubbing the cup with her fingertips, Shaohaoyue smiled lightly, and praised: "Brother Seven is as careful as a hair, this tea is full of fairy spirits, and it also has the effect of calming the nerves and nourishing the soul. Wanmengguo and Huoliuguo should not be so sweet. Does it work?"

"You are still keen, except Yaoyao and the alchemists, only you and the third brother have different products." Shao Haojin smiled brightly, "It's Yuxue Spiritual Ginseng."

"Jade Snow Spirit Ginseng?!" Shaohaoyue was astonished, almost unable to hold the teacup in his hand.

Yuxueling ginseng is one of the nine wonder medicines of heaven and earth, and there are only three plants in the entire Feng family, all of which are in the Zhesu medicine garden near the Chuanxin pool, "You take them..."

"It's just some roots. Those three little guys are very playful. When you go back next time, bring them some fun things. I'm sure you can get some roots."

Shao Haojin was keenly aware of her attitude and turned around, and was happy to chat with her about homework. He pointed to the teacup and smiled like a spring breeze, "Get some fairy fruits, put a little root, and the price will be as high as Yunding Xueya."

"A profiteer!" Shaohao Yue almost blurted out.

For 700 water cloud coins, Yunding Xueya can sell ordinary fruit tea for the price of famous tea just by adding some roots, and what he pays is just to buy some toys for the three little guys!
Shocked, she quickly thought of Shaohao Luo who sold her pink glass white jade peaches, and muttered to herself, "Don't tell Brother Fifteen about this method, if he knows, he won't squeeze the little ones bald."

Shaohaojin smiled gently, "Don't worry, I've told them about Fifteen's financial problems a long time ago, and they will definitely go around Fifteen."

Shaohaoyue didn't know what to say anymore, he always knew that Brother Qi had no plans to spare, but he didn't expect to be so black-bellied towards his brothers and sisters.

Seeing the harmonious atmosphere, Shaohao Jin cleared his throat and said, "Tell me, what do you want from me?"

Previously, Shaohaoyue had been silently organizing his words, but now he suddenly felt that those asking for help were not so shy.

"I want to borrow casualty indicators."

Shaohaojin was not embarrassed, "How much do you want to borrow?"

He practiced the technique of heavenly secrets, planning the layout of the chapter is the way to practice, and he can find a suitable solution after thinking about it. Therefore, his casualty indicator is the one with the most remaining brothers and sisters, and people often come to him borrow.

Shaohaoyue didn't expect him to be so straightforward, and he was overjoyed at the moment, "I owe more than 600 at present, and I may owe more later, let's borrow [-] first."

"More than 600?" Shaohaojin gasped, "Are you Crescent Army picking up jobs every day?"

"Isn't this a general ledger of more than 3 years? It was dealt with in time before, and it was barely able to balance the account." Shaohaoyue bit the bullet and explained, trying hard to maintain the image of his subordinates.

The subordinates who can't leave Shaohaojin with her are a group of lunatics who don't use their brains and only solve things violently. This is frightening, how can they ask him for pointers in the future?
"Brother Seven, you must lend it to me." She softened her voice and begged.

Shaohaojin was speechless, "I don't have four thousand, I only have fifteen hundred..."

"Xie Qige! It should be enough for you to lend me the indicators for your next distribution."

Shaohaojin: "..."

Shaohaoyue laughed like a flower, and quickly offered a bunch of flattery: "A genius like Seventh Brother who is so brilliant, extremely intelligent, and hard to find for thousands of years can come up with a lot of conspiracies and schemes in the blink of an eye. Use indicators."

Shaohaojin was completely speechless, is this still the indifferent Shiqi?
"It's okay to borrow from you. Repay the water cloud coins and meritorious service. I have some special goods. It is inconvenient for my people to come forward. I will borrow your people to escort them."

"No problem, the casualty quota is enough, and the Crescent Army will be at your service at any time." Shaohaoyue smiled, this is a big customer, the cooperation is good, and the casualty quota will be resolved in the future.

After the two discussed the details, she stood up and said goodbye. Shao Haojin sent her out. Just as she walked out of the study door, Lian Xiao came up to report: "Lu Chi, the Dragon Clan, please see Your Highness."

"Lu Chi?" Shao Haojin suspected that he had heard wrong.

He knows Lu Chi, he is also a well-known general in the Dragon Clan, he has been fighting on the front line for tens of thousands of years, killing countless demons, although he is only a dragon, if he is cultivated, he will become the mainstay of the Dragon Clan in the future.

However, coming to his house to ask Shi Qi to see him, his brain is broken.

At this moment, he felt the air around him stagnate for a moment, and the invisible coercion seeped out, and when he turned his head, he saw that Shaohaoyue's previous relaxation was gone, and his complexion was particularly gloomy.

"Seventeen you..."

Before he could finish asking, Shaohaoyue took a deep breath and interrupted him, "Brother Seven, let me borrow your study."

Her eyes were dark and bottomless, as if there were endless beasts trying to come out of it.

Shaohaojin nodded, and signaled the attendant to bring him in, while ordering the idlers to retreat. Soon, there were only him, Shaohaoyue, and Lian Xiao left near the study.

Not long after, a stern young man dressed in black came in and knelt down on the ground, "Lu Chi, the sinful dragon, please remove the inheritance shield from Yuedian."

Shaohaojin was taken aback, inheritance shield?Seventeen targeted the inheritance of the Black Cloud Snake?This is a big punishment, how could a mere dragon offend Shi Qizhi?
His eyes wandered over Lu Chi and Shaohaoyue, thinking silently.

Shaohaoyue looked at the kneeling person, and the past came vividly before her eyes. For a moment, she seemed to return to that cold and sticky snake pit, back to that time of powerlessness.

An endless chill enveloped her, taking away all her body temperature, faint cries sounded in her ears, and the anger rose, dotted with dots, instantly starting a prairie fire, almost burning her sanity.

She clenched her fist tightly, kept calm, and squeezed out each word from her teeth: "Who gave you the courage to come to me?"

The voice was cold, like a ghost in hell grinding its teeth and sucking blood, Shaohao Jin and Lian Xiao who were watching couldn't help shivering.

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