all the way to fairy

Chapter 817 Patience

Lu Chi's forehead was dripping with cold sweat. Under the huge coercion, he could hardly maintain his kneeling movement. He gritted his teeth, tried his best to stabilize his figure, and repeated again: "The 10-year punishment period has come, please Yuedian release me. Clan inheritance shield."

Shaohaoyue laughed, very coldly, the 10-year penalty period had arrived 500 years ago, Lu Chi didn’t go to the master to unblock, but at this time, Baba came to Suzaku City, and even waited Before she could go back to her mansion, she came to see her.

With no one behind her, she wrote her name upside down.

Regardless of whether Lu Chi knew it or not, the people behind the scenes made it clear that he was using him to test whether she really believed that Yan Qi was Huahua's reincarnation.

She glanced at Lian Xiao, then turned her head in Shao Haojin's direction.

Lian Xiao understood, and immediately sent a voice transmission to Shao Haojin, telling him about the grievances between Lu Chi and her, and the sudden appearance of Yan Qi three years ago.

Shaohaoyue's eyes were as cold as a knife. This time, she wanted everyone to know that anyone who dared to use her weakness to attack her would have to pay a heavy price.

"So what if it's due?" Cool eyes swept over Lu Chi, and her lips curled up in a contemptuous arc, "After serving the sentence for the crime of coveting the gods and immortality and hurting the princess of the Phoenix clan, are you dereliction of duty? Corruption and bribery?" ? There are a lot of crimes.”

"You..." Lu Chi only felt that his limbs and bones were soaked in chills, and he wanted to commit crimes. There was nothing to worry about. The difference in status is here. There is no way to contend.

"Ahem," Shao Haojin cleared his throat, and stopped her with staring eyes, "Seventeen, what are you talking about."

He looked at Lu Chi and smiled gently, "Don't take it to heart, if you are angry, you can't take it seriously."

As he said that, he pulled Shaohaoyue aside, put on an elder brother's posture, and persuaded him earnestly, "Seventeen, our Feng family is one of the eight pillars of the Immortal League. How can we say what we say, so how can we go back on what we say."

Shaohaoyue still had a hostile expression on his face, as if he didn't want to let oil and salt in.

Shaohaojin sighed lightly, and said again: "This matter was promised by Jiuxi God himself, and we must fulfill it."

Shaohaoyue stiffened her neck, stared at Lu Chi, her eyes were blushing, and she inadvertently pinched the edge of the table with one hand. Because of too much force, her nails turned white, and her five fingers were almost broken.

After a long while, reason finally overwhelmed her anger, and she raised her hand in resentment.

Lu Chi breathed a sigh of relief, and bowed his head, "Thank you Yuedian."

Seeing the magic formulas seeping into nothingness, somewhere in the dark, a certain blurred place in the inheritance began to become clear, and the boulder that had been pressing on Lu Chi's heart for tens of thousands of years was finally removed.

A careless move almost cost the entire snake clan 10 years of development, and he almost suffocated from guilt.

A sneer came from the top of his head, with gritted teeth, "Don't be too happy, I will always stare at you, if you make any mistakes, don't blame me for being rude!"

This enmity has long been forged, and Lu Chi's attitude towards her is already prepared. He is already very satisfied that he can successfully lift the shield of the Snake Clan's inheritance during this trip.

Immediately he replied respectfully, as if he didn't hear the threatening meaning in Shaohaoyue's words, "Xiaoxian will keep in mind Yuedian's teachings, and will abide by the law in the future, think twice before acting."

After he saluted and left, the study room became quiet, and Shaohaoyue's expression also returned to calm.

After a while, Shaohaojin took the lead to break the silence and asked, "Will the people behind the scenes believe it?"

Shaohaoyue's eyes were still cold, and her words were murderous, "I will make him believe it, and if he doesn't believe it once, it will be twice. Acting, I am very good at it."

Shao Haojin nodded. The more tentative and cautious the people behind the scenes were, it meant that the bigger the plan was, the bigger the result they would get.

In this round, the competition is who is more patient.

Shaohaoyue slowly exhaled the turbid air in his chest, and said, "Seventh brother Lao sent someone to watch him secretly, especially the people he has been in contact with recently."

Shao Haojin nodded, "Don't worry, leave it to me."

After thinking for a while, he analyzed: "Lu Chi has great potential, not comparable to those mascots of koi carp and dragon transformation. Once he passes the dragon barrier and becomes a real dragon, he will definitely play an important role in the dragon clan. Unless the person behind the scenes is the dragon clan , otherwise he should be ignorant."

Shaohaoyue understands what he means, and the next investigation can find out whether he knows about it first. If he knows, then the people behind the scenes can be directly locked in the Dragon Clan; if they don't know, they can exclude the Dragon Clan.

In conclusion, the scope of the investigation can be narrowed.

After thinking for a while, she took out a portrait and handed it to Shao Haojin, "You also help me keep an eye on this Sanxian."

The trip to Haitangfang City may have already alarmed the snake. If the Sanxian is really related to the people behind the scenes, he must be very alert to the forces in Yuecheng. Under such circumstances, it is difficult to investigate clues.

Seventh Brother's Yinquan Firm is spread all over large and small cities, and there are people from all walks of life under him, so it is much easier to follow.

Shao Haojin took the portrait and replied, "Okay."

This matter is pressing down on the bottom of my heart. Haoyue, the next day's meeting leader, has been absent-minded. However, the form of the meeting is more important than the substance. Those really urgent matters will not wait for the meeting to be resolved. It doesn't matter if she messes around.

After the end, she was about to go back to Yuecheng, but before she left, she received a letter from the God of Jiuxi, asking her to secretly go back to Tianyu Mountain.

Shaohaoyue had no choice but to postpone the trip and ordered Lian Xiao to stay at the Suzaku City mansion, while she teleported directly to the foot of Tianyu Mountain through the teleportation circle inside Suzaku Divine Continent.

After seeing the ceremony, the Nine Rivers God Venerable handed her a page, "Look at these."

Shaohaoyue lowered her eyes and glanced, there wasn't much content on the paper, there was a small world named Canglan listed one by one, the occurrences and near-occurrences of evils, the frequency was so high that it was obviously abnormal.

Looking at it again, she was surprised to find that the place where she experienced calamity was the Canglan Small World.

Is this the fate of the Daughter of Destiny? No matter whether she wants to or not, she must embark on the mission of stopping the evil, and even those self-righteous resistances are actually contributing to it.

"Who does Canglan Small World belong to? It's so obviously abnormal, why didn't you report it earlier?"

Jiu Xi said lightly: "These are not reported by Bai Xi."

Shaohaoyue thought back for a moment, and vaguely remembered that Canglan was Baixi's Little Thousand World, maybe it was obtained in the Seven Star Rebellion.

Jiuxi understood what she was thinking, and handed over another jade slip, "This is the volume of the Seven Star Rebellion..."

The half of his outstretched arm disappeared suddenly, and the jade slip in his hand fell to the ground, making a crisp sound on the floor.

But in a short moment, his missing arm returned to its original state. If it weren't for the jade slip that fell to the ground, it would be hard to believe it was real.

"Master!" Shaohaoyue frowned, his eyes were full of worry, "You can no longer do anything at will."

Jiuxi smiled at her and comforted her: "It's okay, this is the inevitable way back for us cultivators, there is nothing to be afraid of."

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