all the way to fairy

Chapter 818 Nether Realm

Shaohaoyue felt even more sad, "But..."

"It's important." Jiu Xi interrupted her, not wanting to continue the topic.

Slightly raising his fingertips, the jade slip that fell on the ground flew up and stopped in front of Shaohaoyue. He continued what he said just now: "This is the dossier of the Seven Star Rebellion, take it back and study it carefully."

Shaohaoyue looked at him, but finally couldn't hold him back, took the jade slip, and said in a low tone, "I see, let's start with Baixi's investigation, he probably has a problem."

"Don't worry about Bai Xi, we will send another person to investigate him, you go to the lower realm."


Shaohaoyue was a little surprised, this matter is not big or small, but due to the limitation of the plane, no matter how high the cultivation level of the immortal envoys in the lower realm is, in the lower planes, it is only the highest cultivation level of that plane.

Xing Que can go down casually and investigate it personally, so asking her to go down and investigate this matter is really overkill.

Jiuxi shook his head, helplessly reminded: "Your Huanshiling."

It was only then that Shaohaoyue realized that investigating the evil was a matter of convenience, and the key was to give her an excuse from the lower world to get back the Huanshiling.

Since the establishment of the Immortal Alliance, all the demons have been intercepted within the range of the star tower. Except for the saints of the Goddess Palace, no immortals are allowed to descend to the realm at will.

As the immortal general guarding one side, her whereabouts have attracted even more attention, and her rash descent will definitely arouse the suspicion of other forces in the immortal alliance.

"Thank you, Master, for your concern."

Jiuxi nodded slightly, "Let's go back first, arrange the military affairs and city defense, and after the order from the lower realm is issued, I will ask Uncle Kong to send it to you."

Shaohaoyue agreed, turned around and walked out, when she reached the door, she stopped, turned her head and said: "Master, don't act casually."

The low tone was full of worry and reluctance.

Jiuxi sighed softly, "Xiao Yueer, no one in this world can be with anyone forever, you always have to learn to be alone."

Shaohaoyue drooped her eyelids slightly, staring at the floor not far away, her voice was as low as a mosquito, "I want to learn slowly."

"Okay, you can learn this slowly."

Time passed, half a month later, the warrant from the lower realm came down.

Fortunately, Shaohaoyue often had to perform special missions to leave before, so he was familiar with all kinds of affairs arrangements.

All kinds of military affairs are decided by the personal guards together, Lian Qi is in charge of the internal affairs of the city, Shao Haojin is responsible for the affairs of the clan, and as for the occasions where she must come forward, Shao Haoyao pretends to be her.

This time, there was Yan Qi, a spy, she went to find Shaohaoyao specially, and told her a lot of details that should be paid attention to when getting along.

Of course, just in case, the best way is to find an excuse to go out and not get along with Yan Qi for a long time.

On this day, the morning light was faint, and the sun rose from the horizon little by little, like a peeled egg, revealing its orange-red belly.

In front of the reception hall, the young man was dressed in willow-yellow clothes, leaning against the door, the sun was shining all over his body, he raised his head slightly, his eyes were slightly scattered and unfocused.The white and slender fingers fiddled with Jian Sui'er one after another, so carelessly, it almost dazzled Hua Shao Haoyue's eyes.

Her gaze was fixed on the hand that was playing with the sword tassel. Under the bright yellow sun, her beautiful five fingers were so white that they shone brightly against the yellowish translucent sword tassel, and there was an indescribable sense of familiarity.

"You're here." Qingyue's voice came with the wind, as lazy and leisurely as he was playing with Jian Sui'er.

Shaohaoyue regained her senses and frowned: "Why are you here?"

Against the light, Shen Canghao stood up straight, and smiled slightly, "Baixi is a human race after all, so why don't you just work hard for Shimei, I can't tell if I can do my best."

Shao Haoyue rolled his eyes, Bai Xi, as the commander in chief of the army alone, is the backbone of the human race, if he wants to investigate him, he must greet the supreme human race, Shi Yan.

When Shi Yan intervened in this matter, the investigators from the lower realm could not hide it from him. If he knew it, the Shen family would also know it. Those old foxes must have smelled something unusual from it, so they specially asked Shen Canghao to stare at him.

Shen Canghao is as smart as a fox, and his whole body is full of cunning. To sneak under his nose to get back the Huanshi Ling, the difficulty is no less than that of a childish child snatching food from a tiger's mouth.

What's even more unfortunate is that Canglan is her place of calamity, and her legend may be spread everywhere. How can she hide this from Shen Canghao?

Shaohaoyue's head is getting bigger, the only good thing is that in the information given by the master, there is a specific location of a fragment of the fantasy silk, which can save a lot of trouble.

So far, we can only take one step at a time.


She muttered angrily, walked into the reception hall first, and waved the warrant in front of the deacons, "We are going to the lower realm."

Shen Canghao didn't mind her muttering at all, shrugged, and followed into the reception hall.

The deacons were respectful and didn't ask to check the warrant, so they quickly took out a token and handed it to her. In fact, even without a warrant, their faces were the best pass.

The appearance of the only apprentice of the God of Jiuxi together with the most valued junior of the God of Shi Yan means that this time there are two great gods of the immortal race in the lower realm who endorse him, so he has nothing to worry about.

Passing through the Immortal Pond, Shaohaoyue threw out the token, and a magnificent magic circle appeared, imprisoning a thick gray mist, which was the origin of Xingque's space.

In the past, as long as the cultivation base was strong enough, the space origin of Xingque could be shaken, and the lower realm of the passage could be opened;

Later, the Xianmeng established the Great Hall of Reception and Yin, and used formations to imprison the source of space. If you want to go to the lower realm, you can only open the passage to the lower realm by holding the warrant of the Xianmeng and the token of the Guardian Envoy of the Reception and Reduction Hall.

Of course, those whose cultivation level is so high that they can forcibly break through the formation can still forcibly descend to the lower bounds.

It's just that there are almost no such strong people in Xingque.It is said that the formation of the leading hall has the power of Goddess Ye Nian and the eight supreme beings under her, and breaking the formation is equivalent to fighting against each other in the air.

In the nameless forest, Wei Lin pulled out the long sword from the fat middle-aged man's chest, took out the killer jade piece the size of a fingernail, and recorded the video of the man's death.

Yu Pian will send the image to Qiuxi Building, and then Qiuxi Building will transfer it to the person who issued the task. After the other party verifies, the bounty will be automatically deposited into the killer's account.

Wei Lin was very skeptical that the Qiuxi Tower had an official background, and the role of this killer jade piece was almost equivalent to that of the Immortal Certificate, and it could be consumed directly.

This is the tenth mission he has taken on since he became the killer of Qiuxi Building. The deceased was the elder of the outer sect deacon of Ziyangmen, who was a late-stage cultivator of the Heavenly Immortal Realm.

Wei Lin waited outside Ziyang Gate for five days, and finally waited for him to go out, followed him here and killed him easily.

After sending back the images, he skillfully destroyed the corpses, wiped away the traces of the battlefield, and was about to leave when he suddenly noticed a faint wave of immortal power. That kind of vagueness was not because someone was lurking around, but rather far away.

He immediately hid his figure and sneaked over. In a valley, a group of immortals and demons were fighting. Early days of Wonderland.

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