all the way to fairy

Chapter 820 Join

The power of faith and merit have the same effect in some aspects, including assisting cultivation, but in fact there is a difference, and it is an essential difference.

Without merit, one would not be able to pass the hurdle of Da Luo Jinxian, and one would not be able to become a high-level powerhouse.

Yufu calmed down and continued to transmit the voice: "Thank you for telling me, now I am more determined. In order to fight against the sect family, the loose cultivators in the lower realm will form a casual cultivator alliance. How about we also form a loose immortal alliance?"

Wei Lin was a little surprised. He and Yufu had a lot of intersections, but his understanding of her was limited to being gentle on the outside, tough on the inside, and very assertive. Unexpectedly, she had such a bold and decisive side.

Sure enough, who can be a mediocre person who can practice all the way to become a fairy!
After a while, he said quietly: "This road will be very difficult, almost everyone is enemy."

"You won't be afraid, will you?" Yufu stood on the side of the boat, looking up at the sky slightly, the sun fell on her, with a kind of vigor.

Without waiting for Wei Lin to answer, she said to herself again: "We all ascended after going through thousands of dangers, we are the same in our bones, how can we be willing to be interrupted in the road, how can we succumb to the oppression of others!"

Wei Lin stood on the other side, leaning on the ship's side, with a relaxed posture, "In the past, the ancestors also went through thousands of dangers and became immortals. We are not willing to surrender, and they will not be willing and surrender. Now, where are these predecessors? ?”

Yufu withdrew her gaze and remained silent. The answer was very clear, those who dared to resist were already dead.

Outside the celestial boat, strong winds picked up, and the deck was full of voices. This moment was far away in the ears of the two of them, leaving only silence.

After a long time, Yufu's voice transmission resounded in Wei Lin's Sea of ​​Consciousness again. It was short, crisp, and powerful, "The direction of the Taoist heart, regardless of thorns and cliffs, will never stop!"

Wei Lin lowered his eyes, concealing the approval in his eyes, he faded away from his leisurely, serious voice transmission: "I have registered a sect, and now I officially invite you to join our Qingyu sect!"

Surprise flashed in Yufu's eyes, and Xuan Er curled up her lips, "It turns out that the head of the sect has long had the ambition of Lingyun, Yufu accepts your invitation, not only me, but also Ai Si, let's join the Lantau School together!"

After seriously confirming the relationship, Yufu reined in her vigor and returned to her usual gentleness and elegance, "Now we have four people in the Qingyu School, which is pretty good. Two alchemists guarantee the cultivation of elixir, and two good fighters guarantee safety."

"There will be more people in the future." Wei Lin replied indifferently, what he didn't say was that Mu Yan would only be the Qingyu faction's guest minister.

What Mu Yan wanted all her life was to become Yuecheng's chief alchemist, and in her heart, Yuecheng belonged.

Afterwards, the two continued to communicate with each other and decided on a major development plan for the sect. The most urgent task at the moment was naturally to improve their cultivation. Solve the merit problem.

Of course, these have to be discussed in the long run, and there is no rush right now.
Canglan used to be a part of the Qingxuan Starfield, but it was shattered in the Seven Stars Rebellion and reduced to the Small Thousand World. The primary investigation site for Shaohaoyue and Shen Canghao was the Qingxuan Starfield.

Approaching the Qingxuan Starfield, Shaohaoyue quickly felt that her cultivation was restricted. When she officially entered the Qingxuan Fan Realm, her cultivation was fixed and restricted to the late stage of the Mahayana period. The same was true for Shen Canghao.

While feeling the environment in the lower realm, she said, "Have you read the dossier of the Seven Star Rebellion, remember to check Baixi's family carefully."

Shen Canghao raised his eyebrows, "What about you?"

"Of course I'll go to the demon cultivator." Shao Haoyue glanced at him angrily, "Why, you're still afraid of life after knowing the situation?"

Shen Canghao: "..."

He said helplessly: "Shimei, we are also old friends. This is the first time we have cooperated after you left the customs. There is no need to carry a gun with a stick."

Shaohaoyue rolled her eyes, and said in her heart: cooperation is a fart, without him being troublesome, she can find out the matter in peace and quiet, and now it is good, not only to investigate the truth, but also to guard against him discovering that she was in the lower realm Experience calamity.

"See you."

She waved her hand, leaped into the sky, made a rough check, and sighed that she was unlucky, the current location is the territory of the human race, which is far away from the demon domain.

Flying all the way, after two days, finally arrived at the demon domain.

The night in Yaoyu is more lively than the daytime, the stars are extraordinarily bright, the mountains are more majestic in the night, and the neighing of unknown beasts in the wind is barely audible.

The demon king Hanyi came back from the outside and entered the bedroom. At a glance, he saw a woman sitting by the desk next to the window. The moonlight shone through the window and fell on her. It was like water, like a goddess descending into the world.

Hanyi was shocked, and the magic weapon of life appeared in his hand in an instant, and asked vigilantly, "Who are you?"

In her perception, there was clearly no one there.

Hearing her voice, the woman turned her head and looked over, a pair of light orange eyes filled with moonlight, compassionate and indifferent, just like a god on high.

The god tilted his head slightly and asked, "The demon king?"

When she was not speaking, she was like a cloud of air, and there was nothing in her perception. When she opened her mouth, all her breath was released, and the coercion from the depths of her blood made Han Yi tremble involuntarily.

"Feng, Fenghuang! Are you... an emissary?" She stumbled a few words.

Shaohaoyue nodded, and calmed down, "This time, I have an old case to investigate. Remember the battle between immortals and demons in ancient times. I want all the information about it, even if it is just hearsay."

With no breath to suppress, Hanyi stopped trembling, hearing this, his hanging heart also fell to the ground, just investigating the old case, Qingxuan has no evil.

She respectfully complied, and hurriedly sent the nearby subordinates to go to work, find the file of the file, and call a meeting of the chiefs of the various tribes.

Shao Haoyue instructed her again, "Don't spread the matter of my arrival unless it is necessary."

Han Yi nodded respectfully, "I will obey the law."

In the next two days, Shaohaoyue looked through the dossiers recorded by the Yaozu, and there was basically no difference with the dossiers recorded by Xingque except for the difference in direction and angle.

She had expected this kind of situation long ago, and she was not depressed. If the Seven Star Rebellion was really tricky, it would be impossible for them to find it out easily.

It's been a long time, and the monks who experienced the great battle in person, either died or ascended, and got very little information.

She ordered Hanyi to collect the secrets and anecdotes of the year from the entire Yaoyu, while she went to the Qingxuan Star Territory, two hundred light-years to the west, planning to take advantage of the time of separation to quickly retrieve the fragments of the fantasy world, and then look for them later. Opportunity, acting alone, will not be easy.

After finding the place, the first thing Shaohaoyue saw were floating white bubbles.

This situation, placed in other places, will almost always produce a sense of romance and beauty, but in the pitch-black void, it looks very scary.

Take a closer look, there seems to be a person curled up inside the bubble? !

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