all the way to fairy

Chapter 821 Mortal Consciousness

Chapter 821 Mortal Consciousness
Shaohaoyue was puzzled, she focused on the nearest bubble and checked it with her spiritual sense.

The human figure was only a faint consciousness, and as soon as her divine sense touched that consciousness, her own consciousness was in a trance.

In an instant, she seemed to be a seven or eight-year-old mountain village girl, carrying a basket full of pigweed, walking on the mountain road with difficulty.

In front of her, there were a few friends of the same age, and someone called her back, " hurry up..."

The sound is fuzzy and inaudible.

Shaohaoyue shook her head, broke free from the illusion, and was shocked that this bubble could pull her into the illusion!

Although it was only for a short moment, her illusion skills were at the Taiyi Golden Immortal level, and she practiced Xingque's top illusion techniques.

These bubble illusions are out of the ordinary!
She used Hongchen Kungfu to attack Bubbles, pop!Snapped!Snapped!They are like real bubbles, which burst easily.

"What are these?"

Shaohaoyue frowned tightly, and after thinking for a while, she dropped her spiritual thoughts on a bubble again. Perhaps she was prepared this time, and she was not pulled into the illusion, and found that the weak spiritual thoughts inside were also mortals. Yes, just like the little girl in the mountain village before.

Strange, how can a mortal's consciousness, or such a weak consciousness, constitute an illusion?

She opened her senses, inspected carefully, and was shocked to find that the power of illusion contained in that weak consciousness had the same source as hers!
After thinking about it for a while, she roughly understood that this place is where the fragments of the fantasy world are, and the source of the illusionary energy of these bubbles should be the fragments of the fantasy world, no wonder they can also pull her into the illusion.

Because the consciousness involved is a mortal, the fragments of the fantasy world will not attack, so this weird bubble is formed.

The question is, where does the consciousness of these mortals come from?
This is a vast void, not to mention ordinary people, it is impossible for monks with low cultivation to come here.

Logically speaking, even if Huanshiling's energy leaked out to create an illusion, the person who strayed into this place should be a high-ranking monk.

Since it was an illusion caused by the fragments of Huanshi Ling, as the master, it was easy for her to deal with it, but these consciousnesses...

After thinking about it, Shaohaoyue made a formula to seal all the consciousness in the bubble, put it in the ring, and prepared to investigate in detail later.

Without the cover of the bubble, the fragment of Huanshi Ling was revealed, floating above a small vortex.

The interior of the void vortex is a peaceful place, there will be no void turbulence, metamagnetic storm, etc., so the large vortex is mostly where the world is, and the peaceful place formed by the small vortex is mostly used by some void beasts as lairs.

The fragments of Huanshi Ling were above the small vortex, and it took many years to stay in place.

Sensing Shaohaoyue's presence, the slender piece trembled slightly, as if the child was finally waiting for the mother to leave, happy and wronged.

"I've kept you waiting." Shaohaoyue flew closer, raised his hand to caress it, and on the slender fragment, light orange light flickered, as if responding to her.

Immortal power was poured into the damask, and the phantom damask from the wrist flew out, and the light curls spread out, and the slender pieces quickly found their place, and when they fit together, a brilliant orange light burst out, illuminating the dark void.

In the next second, Shaohaoyue was pulled into Ling Nei's world, and the foreground became blurred. She was sitting on a swing, next to a pink glass white jade peach tree, and surrounded by a cold pool, the water was especially clear and crystal clear.

Part of the stone pillars protrude from the bottom of the pool and become the water pool on the surface of the pool. The place where she is located is the largest water pool in the center of the pool, with a radius of about five feet.

On the edge of the water, there are green trees and green vines, swaying and fluttering, and the light pink and white petals on the top of the head are flying down, covering the bluestone ground with soft tapestry, rolling up pieces of flying flowers as the swing shakes .

This is the forbidden area at the back of Tianyu Mountain. It is the place where she stayed for nearly 3 years in that unusual 10 years, and it was the first home in her childhood memories.

She knew without turning her head that there was a simple wooden house behind her, and from the window, she could just see the pink glass white jade peach tree.

"Yueyue, I've learned how to move flowers and trees!" The immature child's voice came from the bank of the deep pool, and the voice was full of joy.

She raised her eyes, and saw a girl in a light pink dress stepping on the water, and repeated excitedly: "I have learned how to transfer flowers to trees!"

"Really?" Young Shao Haoyue jumped off the swing in surprise, pointing at herself with both hands, urging repeatedly, "Hurry up, exchange with me!"

The little girl in pink nodded vigorously, stretched out her white and tender fingers and began to make a formula, muttering something in her mouth, she read very seriously, after a long time of tossing, the fingertips finally flickered with light, and flew into Shaohaoyue's body.

The burning pain in her body receded like a tide, Shaohaoyue was stunned, raised her hands in a daze, and murmured unconsciously: "Is this the feeling of no pain? It's so good."

There was no concealment of longing in the voice.

The sound of a heavy object falling to the ground pulled her out of the novelty, and saw the little girl in pink lying on the ground, twitching continuously, with a distorted and hideous expression.

Her joy dissipated in an instant, and she squatted down anxiously, panicking, "Huahua, what's wrong with you? Is it too painful? Cut off the spell quickly! Master! Master——"

The peach blossom swing gradually receded, and Shaohaoyue let out a faint breath as he looked at the world in Aya Nei shrouded in orange light.

Huan Shiling followed her for a long time and recorded a lot of her memories. The memory fragment just now was when her condition improved and she had not started to practice.

Since she can remember, she has been accompanied by the burning pain of the sky fire, and she can't understand the feeling of comfort and painlessness mentioned in the book.

It took Huahua three months to finally learn the art of transferring flowers to trees and exchanging feelings with her. It was the first time since she became conscious that she experienced a pain-free feeling.

Since then, she has understood the so-called pain.

Fortunately, Huahua's strength was weak at that time, and the spell only lasted for a few breaths, otherwise, she might have been torn to pieces by the sudden severe pain.

The orange light flickered, and another memory fragment played back in front of my eyes.

At the cardamom age, she twirled a white jade flute and pushed the door open.

In the room is a Huahua who is almost the same age, wearing a pale pink dress, her skin is as smooth as fat and shiny, her lips are beautiful, her nose is delicate, her eyebrows are delicate, and her only pair of dull eyes make her stunning face less beautiful. Go five points.

Hearing the sound, Huahua came over to Wensheng, and asked in surprise, "Why did you come out so soon?"

"It's okay, anyway, the evening banquet is in Suzaku City, and they will come out, let's go to Yanxiang Building, I ordered a luxurious spiritual meal." She said, pulling Huahua and walking out.

Huahua turned her head to look at her other hand, and asked, "What are you holding in your hand, keep turning it."

"Jade flute."

"Birthday gift?"

"Well, my father gave it to me." Shaohaoyue frowned slightly, "Why do you think he gave me the flute? I'm not good at rhythm."

(End of this chapter)

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