Chapter 823 Heavy Rain (2)

Combining all the information, she roughly deduced that this place should be a village. From the location of the bones, combined with the ruined walls, she can roughly infer the size of the village, which is very large, with hundreds of households.

A flood destroyed the village and killed many people.

She summoned the fire of Nirvana to burn out the devilish energy in the entire village, and then used her spiritual sense to thoroughly investigate the area.

Under the consciousness, the items buried deep in the ground surfaced in the sea of ​​consciousness, once again confirming the speculation about the village and the flood.

Suddenly, a pottery pot caught her attention. It was obviously a pottery pot that had been buried artificially. There were several strange symbols engraved on the pottery pot, and the white bones inside were not normal, as if they had been boiled.

But it was a human bone.

She simply dug the clay pot out of the ground and checked it again. The human bones were indeed boiled, and there was a mark on one of the ribs, which looked like a tooth mark.

The bones are small, about the bones of a child.

Shaohaoyue's heart was slightly chilled, there was a situation of cannibalism in this village, looking at the teeth marks, the gnawing person was very hard, maybe in an extremely crazy state.

Floods, cannibalism, demonic energy...

In the years of famine, driven by the instinct of survival, the cannibalism of the people at the bottom has happened in the history of every world.

Although this situation is tragic, it is still unreasonable to generate demonic energy.

After thinking about it, she performed the backtracking technique on the bones, backtracking time, to see what happened some time before the death of the deceased.

As the magic tricks flowed and penetrated into the bones, the scene in front of him changed, and when the vision became clear again, there were laughter in the ear.

"It's raining! It's raining!"

"Hahaha, it's finally raining..."

Barefoot children in rags romped about in the rain, happily welcoming the heavy rain.

Next to Shaohaoyue was a four or five-year-old girl with a round apple face and big black eyes like grapes, lively and cute.

She was wearing a cloth shirt full of patches, standing outside the yard, happily treading water.

She is the owner of the jar of bones.

A voice full of anger came from the yard behind him, "Shuanzi, get out of here, I have a cold, and I don't have the money to see a doctor and take medicine for you!"

Shaohaoyue looked back and saw a middle-aged woman in a coarse blue shirt standing under the eaves, although her words were fierce, her eyes were full of joy.

Not far in front of the little girl, a boy who was playing in the water with his friends turned around and yelled: "Mother, it's summer, how can you get cold!"

In the yard next door, a woman with a round face smiled and poked her head out of the eaves, "Mother Shuan, don't scold the children, don't talk about them, I want to rush into the rain, seven months, seven months , not a single drop of rain! Ouch, the millet in my field is alive!"

"Isn't it?" the blue clothed woman responded, looked at the children playing outside the courtyard, and shouted: "Niuniu, come back, the girls are going crazy too, it's outrageous!"

The little girl pouted, reluctantly returned to the courtyard, and stood under the eaves with her mother. She stretched her little hands out of the eaves to catch water to play with.

The woman shook her head, but she didn't stop her.

Outside, the laughter of the villagers continued, and even many adults rushed into the rain to feel the long-lost heavy rain.

Shaohaoyue let go of her consciousness and felt the movement in the village. Under the rainy curtain, houses with earthen walls were in disorder, with traffic in the distance, surrounded by mountains, and the gaps in the dry rice fields were filled with rainwater.

The idle man winked at the old man triumphantly, "I told you that the gods of Jinding Mountain can be seen. You still don't believe me, old man. Look, after the worship, did it start to rain?"

The man who laughed loudly stopped the young man from the opposite door, "Wen Xuan, what does the book say, the four great joys in life, what drought and rain?"

The thin young man was leaning against the door, wearing a green cloth straight gown, his demeanor was very different from that of the villagers. Hearing this, he said with a smile: "A long drought brings rain."

"Yes, yes, the rain comes after a long drought. We are talking about our current situation. Wenxuan is educated and scholars can speak, unlike us..."

When his consciousness swept across a family, he suddenly 'saw' a familiar face, the girl in the Bubble Fantasy Realm with a basket full of pigweed on her back.

Is the mortal consciousness in Bubble Illusion related to this mortal world?
With a thought, she speeded up her search, and quickly matched a few faces with the consciousness in Bubble Illusion, and some of them didn't match.

The mortal consciousness in Bubbleland comes from this world!

This incident was weird from beginning to end. She let go of her perception, listened carefully to the conversations of the villagers, observed their behavior, and slowly pieced together the situation of the village.

There are two surnames Lin and Zhang in the village, and other surnames as well. The villagers have different personalities. They are a group of simple and kind villagers.

It is common for neighbors to borrow east and west to help each other.

Niuniu, the owner of the bones in the pot, is the youngest daughter of Zhang Dapeng's family. She has a pungent mother, a weak father, and a mischievous brother. Although the parents are partial to their son, they seldom have a good look towards her daughter, but they have never severely abused her.

Shaohaoyue sighed lightly, ordinary girls, especially girls of this age, have a miserable life, and girlhood is already considered a good time.

The only literate person in the village is the young man named Lin Wenxuan. He lost his mother when he was young, and he lives with his father. His father was the only scholar in the village, so he also can read and write.

Unfortunately, seven years ago, when several family members in the village went to the city to go to the market, they encountered robbers on the road. His father tactfully led the robbers away, but unfortunately fell off a cliff and died on the way to escape.

Thinking of his father's kindness, the villagers treated Lin Wenxuan very well. He grew up eating a variety of meals, and almost every family in the village had invited him to dinner, especially the people surnamed Lin.

The village head is surnamed Lin, and he is a kind old man. The girl carrying pigweed is called Zhaodi. The family is very patriarchal. ...

The heavy rain lasted for several days. Not only did it not stop, but the rain became more and more heavy, and it became a pouring trend in the back, rushing down.

The initial joy of the villagers turned to worry. Many people stood in the house, looking at the rain with sad faces and sighing.

"Oh, why doesn't it stop raining?"

"Drought followed by flood, God, you don't give us poor people a way to live..."

The old village head organized the young and middle-aged people in the village to dig ditches around the village to release the flood in the rain, and Lin Wenxuan also followed in his coir raincoat.

(End of this chapter)

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