Chapter 824 Heavy Rain (3)

A tall and strong man pushed Lin Wenxuan, and said loudly: "Wenxuan, you are a scholar, go back quickly, we will be here!"

Lin Wenxuan shook his head, and said earnestly: "Every family contributes their efforts. Although I am an orphan, I belong to one family. How can I hide at home."

The tall and strong man patted him on the shoulder: "Uncle Hu Zi did it for you. You usually help us write and read letters, and you are a lot of help. Go back quickly, scholars do their work, and there is no shortage of you here." A strength."

Lin Wenxuan was a little hesitant. He seldom worked, and digging ditches was really hard work, but looking at the figures of his aunts in the rain, he insisted: "I am a man. If my aunts can dig ditches, so can I!"

An auntie opened her mouth to persuade him, "We are all used to doing farm work, you are different, go back quickly."

"Yes, Wenxuan, go back quickly, don't be washed away by the flood with your small body."

"Go back, kid, you have a good brain, think of ways..."

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and it was painful to hit his body. Lin Wenxuan couldn't stand a stalemate with them, so he compromised.

After a hard night's work, the canal was finally dug out. Watching the raging torrent bypass the village and rush away, the villagers were thankful, thanks to the canal dug, otherwise their village would have been completely submerged.

When they returned home, they didn't wait for dawn. It had been rainy for days, the sky was gray, and they hadn't seen the sun for many days. However, this time, the sky was as dark as night, without any light at all.

At Zhang Dapeng's house, it was raining heavily outside and light rain inside, so all the wooden barrels and tubs were taken out to continue.

She didn't eat breakfast, and was hungry until noon, so Mrs. Xu cooked a pot of porridge with a clear reflection of the figure. The four members of the family took their bowls, and each found a place to eat without leaking, and remained silent.

Accompanied by a burst of thunder, something crashed down, the sound was louder than the sound of thunder and rain, and it was heard by the Zhang family.

Zhang Dapeng was stunned for a moment, finished the porridge in one gulp, dropped the bowl and rushed out, Mrs. Xu also followed, and told him as he went out: "Shuanzi, Niuniu, you brothers and sisters are not allowed to come out while I am in the house."

Standing beside Niuniu, Shaohaoyue already sensed the situation. Zhaodi's house at the end of the village collapsed, and all five members of his family were crushed underneath.

The villagers who rushed over worked together to dig them out. Zhaodi's grandmother and younger brother were dead.

Zhao Di's parents were crying heart-rendingly, and Zhao Di's mother rushed towards the ruins like crazy, "My son, my son..."

Zhaodi stepped forward and hugged her waist, crying for mother.

Zhaodi's father, who was crying bitterly, turned around suddenly, pulled Zhaodi over, and slapped her, "Why didn't you die? I told you to look at my brother, where did you go?"

"Second brother Wang, calm down, this is a natural disaster, how can you blame the child..." The villagers rushed forward to dissuade Zhaodi, someone pulled Zhaodi away, someone blocked Zhaodi's father, and an aunt hugged the beaten Zhaodi. Di, patted her on the back to comfort her.

Zhaodi's family went to live in the village chief's house for a while, and Lin Wenxuan distributed the surplus grain to them, and distributed some to several poor families.

The village was gloomy, and they didn't feel much sympathy for what happened to Zhaodi's family. If the rain didn't stop, their house would not escape bad luck.

After this incident, the adults did not dare to close their eyes for a moment, and many chose to live in thatched huts. At Niuniu's house, Zhang Dapeng and Xu took turns to rest, guarding this precarious little home.

The collapse of Zhaodi’s house seemed to be a prelude to the collapse of one family after another. At the beginning, the villagers helped each other, took in the homeless neighbors, and tightened their belts to squeeze out surplus food to help others.

However, with the endless heavy rain and the bottoming out of food, they stopped helping others and kept close to their own families. They carefully counted the rice for each meal. Niuniu’s family had 30 grains of rice per meal; Xu’s 5 grains, Zhang Dapeng’s 7 capsules, Niuniu 8 capsules, embolism 10 capsules.

Finally, someone rushed into Lin Wenxuan's house. His father was a scholar, he had more fields than others, and he had only one person, so his food was limited. These days, he distributed food to many families.

In the past, the villagers would stand up and yell at him to stop him. This time, everyone was silent, and many people were paying attention to the door of his house, trying to judge the surplus of Lin Wenxuan's family by the amount of food in the hands of the snatchers.

Soon, the snatcher came out, holding a slap-sized cloth bag and crying freely.

Shaohaoyue saw the situation clearly through his spiritual sense. Lin Wenxuan didn't panic when the snatcher entered the house, and he didn't even wait for the other party to speak. He silently led him to the rice vat, which contained only half a vat of coarse rice.

The snatcher filled a cloth bag with tears in his eyes, kowtowed to him, and walked out.

In Zhang Dapeng's house, the husband and wife were silent, looking at each other from time to time, and when they occasionally made eye contact, deep sparks burst out, which was a desire they couldn't suppress.

Shaohaoyue knew very well that they also wanted to go to Lin Wenxuan's house to grab food. Zhang's family had already eaten the food the day before yesterday, and the whole family was so hungry that their chests stuck to their backs.

Boom boom boom!
There were three rhythmic knocks on the door, and Zhang Dapeng went out to open the door, but there was no one there, and a cloth bag was hung beside the door, which contained half a bag of rice.

Zhang Dapeng looked around, and in the boundless rain, the boy was at the door next door to his house, tied a cloth bag of the same size to the door buckle, knocked on the door three times, turned and walked to the next place.

His clothes were already soaked through, and the lapels of his neatly dressed clothes were slightly opened. When he turned around, the dog's teeth hanging around his neck were warm and glowing, like fireflies in the long night, faint but lasting.

Zhang Dapeng's tears rolled down with the rain, and he bent far away in the direction of Lin Wenxuan.

Lin Wenxuan's kind deed brought the villagers back from the brink of chaos, and the village temporarily restored order.

The village chief convened a meeting to discuss sending people to Jinding Mountain to worship the mountain god and pray for the blessing of the gods. It became difficult to choose a candidate.

There is heavy rain everywhere, and if you accidentally fall into any pit, you will die. What's more, there are man-made disasters in addition to natural disasters. It is even more dangerous to meet outsiders at this time.

The plan was shelved, the food was exhausted, and the people who were so hungry and panicked turned their attention to women and children.

Finally, hunger overwhelmed human nature. The two men took their daughters to the big banyan tree at the entrance of the village and pushed their daughters to each other. One of the girls was Zhaodi.

As if she had a premonition, she hugged her father's leg and cried, "Dad, don't! Dad..."

Her father's eyes were scarlet, and he violently separated her fingers one by one, and pushed them to the man opposite, then grabbed another crying girl, pulled her to the other side of the big banyan tree, and found out the girl who was hiding under the tree. The kitchen knife stabbed hard.

Blood spurted out, and the girl's shrill screams were accompanied by thunder and echoed over the village, causing many villagers to be stunned.

 These chapters are dark
(End of this chapter)

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