At Zhang Dapeng's house, Niuniu leaned against Mrs. Xu and said in fear, "Mother, I seem to hear Erya's voice."

Xu's face was pale, and she hugged her, covered her ears, and shouted loudly: "You heard it wrong, except for the sound of thunder and rain, where are there any human voices?"

She pretended to be calm, and the trembling of her voice could not be concealed by her deliberately raised voice, but Niuniu was young, so she quickly accepted what she said, muttering to herself, "I may be asleep and dreaming, it's fine in a dream Hungry……"

Before she could finish speaking, Mrs. Xu quickly covered her mouth and yelled at her sharply: "Shut up, talk nonsense, go to bed quickly."

When she said this, Mrs. Xu looked at her husband suddenly, her eyes were full of fear, lest the listener would be suspicious.

Under the big banyan tree, lightning pierced the night sky, the girl's distorted and terrified face came into Zhaodi's eyes, bright red and hot blood sprayed all over his body, and a lot of blood splashed on the big banyan tree behind him.

The rain splashed down and quickly washed away the blood, and Zhao Di's father collapsed to the ground as if he had been sucked away.

On the other side of the big banyan tree, Zhaodi also fell into a pool of blood.

At this point, in the sound of the rain, shrill screams sounded from time to time.

On the fifth day of the food shortage, the village head was replaced by the strongest Lin Hu. He organized a team to go to Jinding Mountain to pray for the blessing of the gods.

Together with Lin Hu, four middle-aged men and two half-aged boys, one of them was Lin Wenxuan.

They built two boats out of planks, and rowed away from the village.

On the sixth day without food, Zhang Dapeng staggered towards Niu Niu, squatted down, and forced out a friendly smile.

Niu Niu, who had been drinking water for six days, had no strength left, her head drooping, her eyes lit up when she heard this, and she nodded vigorously.

Zhang Dapeng nodded with difficulty, "Well, Dad has a way."

Niu Niu grinned and urged: "Then dad, go quickly."

Zhang Dapeng walked out of the house with heavy steps, Niu Niu struggled to get up, and found Mrs. Xu who was boiling water.

Xu's face was startled, all blood was gone on her thin yellow face, her lips trembled uncontrollably, as if she was about to let out an earth-shattering roar, after a long while, she finally said, "Mother knows."

A quarter of an hour later, Zhang Dapeng came back with a bamboo basket. As he walked, faint blood seeped from the bamboo basket and poured into the rainwater.

Niuniu didn't know where the strength came from, and ran to tell Xu with cheers.

Xu's face became more and more reluctant, and her hands trembled uncontrollably. Niu Niu was not surprised, her mother always loved Qian, and every time her mother didn't have a good face.

The strange thing is that the brother who is usually the happiest has been silent today, Niuniu thought he didn't pay attention, so she went to tell him specially.

Shuanzi turned his face to the side, lowered his eyes, and let out a "hmm" like a mosquito.

The four-year-old girl couldn't understand the unbearableness in their eyes. She ignored her brother's strangeness and was immersed in joy.

The wet firewood is difficult to burn, the water vapor outside the house is hazy, and the house is billowing with thick smoke, almost covering the entire small courtyard.

At that meal, Niuniu ate very happily and satisfied. It was rare for the whole family to eat a full meal. It was even better than before the famine, and it was almost the same as during the Chinese New Year in the harvest years.

After the meal, Zhang Dapeng, Xu Shi, and Shuanzi looked outside from time to time, and stood up in shock at the slightest movement, with extremely nervous expressions.

The ignorant Niuniu felt their strangeness, she couldn't understand their emotions, but she was so keen that she felt that it was a bad thing, and kept asking Xu, "Mom, what's wrong..."

Mrs. Xu was startled by her question, and lost her temper, "Ask the bottom line, do you want me to bring that hoe!"

Her almost irritable rhetorical question made Niuniu cover her mouth and retreat behind the door.

Boom boom boom!
There was another knock on the door, two short and one long, Zhang Dapeng stood up sweating profusely, and came to Niu Niu, "Niu Niu, do you want to play? Dad will take you out to play."

Niuniu looked at him, then turned to look at Xu Shi and Shuanzi, and said timidly, "Father, it's raining outside."

Zhang Dapeng squeezed out a stiff smile, and said awkwardly: "Your sister Chuncao and Xiaotao are playing hide-and-seek under the big banyan tree, and we will go too."

Niuniu looked at Xu Shi again, and seeing that she had no objection, she nodded in agreement, and then looked at Shuanzi: "Brother, aren't you together?"

"You girls play, your brother is a boy, he and Xiaozhu are going to play other things."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Dapeng picked up Niuniu and walked out.

When they reached the door, Mrs. Xu's sharp and trembling voice came from inside the room, "Zhang Dapeng!"

Zhang Dapeng stopped and looked back at Mrs. Xu with fiery eyes, seeming to encourage and look forward to it.

Xu's lips were pale and colorless, they kept trembling, they opened and closed again and again, but they couldn't utter a word.

After a while, she managed to squeeze out a few words from her throat, "Doo, bamboo hat, put on her bamboo hat so that she doesn't get wet."

The light in Zhang Dapeng's eyes went out, and his arms unconsciously tightened, strangling Niuniu.

Niu Niu frowned and reminded timidly, "Father, it hurts."

Zhang Dapeng turned around stiffly, took the bamboo hat hanging on the wall and put it on for her, walked out of the house, muttering, "It's my father's fault, my father's fault, my father's fault..."

Shaohaoyue held her breath slightly, and then walked out of Niuniu's house. Through the sound of the rain, she heard the suppressed crying in the house behind.

The pouring rain hit the body, like a huge boulder falling down, and like ten thousand years of ice piercing the bone, the cold from the inside out seeped into the limbs and bones.

Under the big banyan tree, three girls were exchanged. Chuncao was 12 years old and already a governor. She knew exactly what she was doing here. She was trembling with fear, but her desperate cry failed to soften her father's heart;

The scene shakes and crumbles as the pile of tiny bones is put into clay pots, engraved with exorcism charms, and buried in the soil.

The pouring rain, the desperate village, and the crazy villagers all disappeared, and there were barren ruins in front of them.

Shaohaoyue stood on the spot without moving for a long time, the [-]th floor of hell is nothing more than this.

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