"Jinding Mountain is here!"

"Jinding Mountain is here!"

A group of people almost wept with joy. The mutual guard over the past few days dissipated at this time. They stood on the boat, staring at the top of the mountain, and conveyed joy to each other.

At this time, the flood flooded the halfway up Jinding Mountain. They rowed quickly, abandoned the boat and landed on the shore. When their feet landed on the ground again, the hope of survival greeted them.

The village was saved, they were saved!
After walking a few steps, Lin Hu stopped everyone with his arms crossed, "Wait, someone!"

When everyone is on alert, someone means danger. People in the same village may let a horse go if they have enough food, but that is not necessarily the case when they meet outsiders.

Several people groped carefully, and saw two men kowtowed step by step, climbing up the mountain. This is the usual way of praying to the mountain god when they come to Jinding Mountain.

The problem is, now that it is raining heavily and floods are raging, if you go up the mountain in this way, you may not be able to climb it in ten days.

Several people exchanged in low voices, Lin Hu took a man to ask, before they could open their mouths, the two men who kowtowed took the initiative to ask: "Are you also here to pray to the mountain god?"

Lin Hu nodded, "Yes, the village was sealed off by mountain torrents, and everyone couldn't get out, so we asked the mountain god to bless us."

The outsider sighed, "All the villages and towns around us were flooded. The people in the village were okay. They ran up the mountain and survived. The people in the town had nowhere to run, and they all drowned."

They were shocked, secretly glad that Rongshu Village is located halfway up the mountain, with a high terrain, usually remote, and few people come. In this heavy rain, the barren location gave them a little more hope than others.

After some conversation, I learned that before them, someone had already run up the mountain, but they couldn't find the mountain temple. The top of the mountain was empty and there was nothing.

Everyone guessed that one had to kowtow up the mountain step by step as usual in order to move the mountain god with sincerity and pray for the blessing of the mountain god.

The group of people was in a hurry, kowtowing one step at a time, how long would it take to reach the top of the mountain, at that time, let alone the villagers, few of them would survive.

Looking at the glow on the top of the mountain, and then looking at the mountain road, besides the two men, there were several other people kowtowing in the distance.

Lin Hu was silent for a while, then knelt down in the icy rain and bowed down. Where they were, the flood water had already spread up to their ankles, and the muddy muddy water covered their mouths and noses when they bowed down.

But so far, they have no way out, and their only hope is to go up the mountain and pray for the blessing of the mountain god.

Lin Wenxuan was a scholar and a boy in his teens, his physical strength could not compare with others, so he was soon left far behind by everyone.

I don't know whether his speed was too slow or the rain was too heavy. Every head of his was knocked in the water, his mouth and nose were submerged in muddy water time and time again, and his limbs and bones were oozing with cold.

Gradually, he felt that his body was not as stiff as his own, and his consciousness seemed to float out of his body, condescending, watching his body kneel down, kowtow, and stand up like a puppet, repeating mechanically over and over again.

"Wenxuan... Wenxuan..."

The call seemed to come from the distant sky. Lin Wenxuan shook his head and finally regained consciousness.

Lin Hu's face was enlarged in front of his eyes, he was startled suddenly, and subconsciously wanted to break free.

Unfortunately, in front of Lin Hu, his strength was no different from that of a kitten. Not only did he not break free, he even almost lost the strength to move.

"Hu, Uncle Hu Zi." He stammered and shouted, feeling anxious.

Although he is weak, he is not as fierce and powerful as Fan Bei, and he can fight back, but he does not want to become food for others.

He wants to live.

"time to eat."

Hearing this, Lin Wenxuan heaved a sigh of relief, and escaped another catastrophe, and could live for a few more days.

After receiving the barbecue, he subconsciously searched for Fan Bei, and soon found him beside a big tree in the distance.

He was sitting against a tree, eating barbecue with indifference. There was a deep gash on his face, and the wound was washed white by the rain.

Did Fan Bei kill an adult again?

Looking over, Lin Wenxuan soon found that several people in the village were alive, and the two foreigners who had spoken to them before had disappeared.

In the days that followed, Lin Wenxuan was in a trance, feeling that he had been kowtowing and advancing, but the distance from the top of the mountain seemed to have not changed. Can't get there.

And the people around him decreased one by one.

One day, Fan Bei's ferocious roar sounded in his ears, from blurry to clear, pulling him out of his dazed state.

He stood up and saw two clay figurines in front of him wrestling with each other, punching, kicking, elbowing, knee gouging...

It was Fan Bei and Lin Hu.

It turned out that there were only three of them left, so it should be his turn next.

Lin Wenxuan stood up and walked up, no longer bowing his head and moving forward. After getting away from the waterline, he sat down against a tree trunk, and the fear in his heart suddenly disappeared.

Those who are still alive are no different from the evil spirits in hell, and it seems to be nothing if they die like this.

After the heavy rain for so long, how many people are still alive in the world?How many people have become food for others?

He survived by eating others, so naturally he should accept being eaten by others.

During the period of wild thinking, the battle above was over. Although Fan Bei was relentless and ruthless, he was young and of poor stature.

His wide-open eyes were full of unwillingness, and he refused to close them until he died.

Time passed, I don't know how long it had passed, Lin Wenxuan just climbed up numbly, when he felt hungry again, there was a heavy panting sound from the top of his head.

He raised his head, and Lin Hu was standing in front of him with a dagger in his hand.

Lin Wenxuan smiled weakly, with a look of relief on his face: "Uncle Huzi, I'm afraid of pain, so hurry up."

Lin Hu nodded, swung the dagger, and stopped when the dagger was an inch away from Lin Wenxuan's chest. He remembered the boy who knocked on the door to deliver rice in the rain, and the dagger couldn't get through.

Before, it wasn't that they hadn't thought about attacking Lin Wenxuan. He was weak and had no strength. To a man like them, he was just meat on the cutting board, and he could be killed easily.

But every time they turned their eyes to him, they would think of the figure knocking on the door of every house in the rain, so they all ignored him tacitly and killed each other.

Lin Wenxuan closed his eyes, and there was a muffled pop, the familiar sound of a knife piercing his flesh, and scalding blood splashed on his face, so hot, so scorching hot.

But he didn't feel the pain.

He opened his eyes, Lin Hu had a dagger stuck in his heart, and blood was gurgling.

"Uncle Hu Zi, you..." Lin Wenxuan was stunned, his mind went blank.

Lin Hu looked at him quietly, the old kindness reappeared on his face, "Live well."

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