Chapter 828: Heavy Rain (7)

"Why, why?" Lin Wenxuan's throat was sour.

He didn't understand why Lin Hu would do this. In this purgatory on earth, parents and children can use it for food, let alone a nephew from the same clan as him.

Lin Hu looked at the sky shrouded in ink clouds, and laughed at himself, "It's probably the only bit of humanity left. Whenever I want to attack you, I think of you giving us food. In a desperate situation, everyone cares about whether they are enough or not. Only you are as kind as ever, so you can't do anything."

Lin Wenxuan pursed his lips, and his cold and numb heart was once again filled with great sourness. He wanted to say that he was not that kind. He knew that he could not keep the food alone, so he would take the initiative to give it to them. Can gain some kindness.

But facing the dying Lin Hu, he couldn't say anything. At that moment, he felt that he was extremely dark and filthy, filthier than the murderous villagers.

Lin Hu knew he didn't have much time, so he hurriedly said, "We are all bloody ghosts. If the mountain god sees us, he might not agree to our prayers. Wenxuan, you didn't kill anyone. You are still clean. You go and pray." The mountain god bless our village, bless the people all over the world, and let the rain stop."

"I..." Lin Wenxuan opened his mouth, warm liquid flowed into his mouth, he nodded vigorously, "I will definitely go to the top of the mountain and pray to the mountain god!"

Lin Hu was relieved and slowly closed his eyes.

Lin Wenxuan burst into tears.

He didn't cry when the kind elders in the past broke into the house and robbed him of the few food he had. He didn't cry when the village started killing people, and he couldn't sleep because of fear. He was selected by the villagers as food, and he didn't cry when he was sent to the wooden boat...

At this moment, he couldn't hold back any longer. He cried loudly in the rain, as if he wanted to cry out all his fear, sorrow, and despair.

When he hit the road again, his eyes were full of determination and fearlessness.

The thought of going up to the top of the mountain and entering the mountain temple was stronger than ever, and the numbness and exhaustion of many days disappeared. Now, he only has one thought, either go up to the top of the mountain, or die on the way!

He took a steady step, knelt down, bowed down, got up, took another step, knelt down again...

As time passed, the calories and physical strength brought by the food also passed away. Slowly, he was unable to do what he wanted again, and his movements became slow.

However, this time, he didn't let himself go on in a daze, but gritted his teeth and moved forward slowly and firmly.

In the dark, there seemed to be an unparalleled force supporting him. Although the speed was slow, it never stopped.

Finally, when he kowtowed again and stood up, there was no raindrops on his body, and the soft glow swayed in front of his eyes, illuminating the surroundings.

Lin Wenxuan lifted his spirits and looked around. Unknowingly, he had already reached the top of the mountain. Outside, the heavy rain was still pouring down, but on the top of the mountain, it was sunny.

Ten feet in front of him, the mountain temple stands quietly in the sun.

Lin Wenxuan was filled with grief and joy, and he limped into the mountain temple with his legs that were so painful that they were numb. The golden lacquer statue was holding a jade ruyi, and his eyes were slightly closed, with a compassionate expression.

Lin Wenxuan knelt down in front of the statue and prayed devoutly.

At this time, he suddenly heard the sound of fighting, vaguely, it seemed that someone was talking, he was taken aback, he was the only one in the mountain temple, who was talking?
He opened his eyes, listened intently, and walked behind the statue looking for the voice. A brass-colored mirror was floating in the air, shining with light, and the voice came from inside.

Lin Wenxuan couldn't help but take a closer look. The mirror burst out with strong light, which made him raise his hand to block it. When the light disappeared and he lowered his hand, he was no longer surrounded by mountain temples.

The soles of his feet were thick dark clouds, endless and churning. In front of him, two people were fighting. They were all dressed in brocade and neon clothes, with gold and jade ribbons, and they looked like immortals.

One person made the formula and formed the seal, under the blazing light, and the other held the jade ruyi. During the movement, there were lightning flashes, thunder and thunder, and wind and rain.

The face of the one holding Yu Ruyi is exactly the same as the statue in the mountain temple.

Lin Wenxuan was puzzled, "Mountain God?"

Hearing his voice, the two stopped their hands and turned their heads to look over. The man with the face of a mountain god said softly, and whispered in surprise, "Why did a mortal break in?"

"Hmph, naturally your thunderstorm technique flooded the world, and this mortal came to look for you."

The mountain god flicked his sleeves lightly, and the thick dark clouds below quickly receded, revealing a huge open space. Looking down, the ground was flooded with torrential waves, all cities and villages were submerged, and floating corpses were everywhere.

Lin Wenxuan's heart trembled, he had expected such a scene, and seeing it so intuitively, he still couldn't help feeling sad.

He knelt down, kowtowed, and hurriedly prayed, "See the mountain god, the boy is Rongshu Village..."

"Drinking is wrong, drinking is wrong! Why did I start a fight with you, ouch, I will have to talk to me later, my ears will be callused again."

Before he finished speaking, a slightly annoyed voice sounded, with a light tone, as if to say, oops, why did you spill the tea.

"Hahaha..." Another immortal laughed loudly, flicked his robe sleeves, and flew towards the higher sky, "Let's go, the winner or loser is uncertain, we will fight again next time!"

With a bang, Lin Wenxuan's brain went blank, and his blood boiled, then froze in an instant, and then quickly decayed.

He pinched his palm hard, and the pain made him sure that he was not dreaming and everything was real.

He climbed up the mountain, entered the mountain temple, and saw the mountain god himself, but the so-called flood was caused by the mountain god and another immortal who fought with each other after drinking!
Ordinary people are struggling in the flood, and in order to survive, they will not hesitate to devour human flesh and kill relatives and friends, but the culprit of all this is the god they worship devoutly!
They went through all kinds of difficulties and dangers, came out of the village, kowtowed to the top of the mountain step by step to pray for the blessing of the gods, and everything they suffered was the fault of the gods after drinking!
God, so high above, in front of Him, the lives of mortals like them are no different from ants.

After learning about the matter, what he was worried about was that he would be told by the Heavenly Emperor that he didn't feel any guilt about the death of thousands of creatures, and he didn't even stop the heavy rain first.

Is this the god they worship devoutly?

Lin Wenxuan closed his eyes, and the faces of the villagers emerged in front of his eyes one by one. They were so devout when they mentioned the mountain god. Anyone who offends will be reprimanded by them, and he will not be allowed to be offended by anyone.

He finds it absurd, extremely absurd.

Lin Wenxuan knelt on the dark clouds, and laughed loudly, leaning forward and backward, laughing so hard that tears flowed, "Is this the mountain god? Is this the god? The god we worship? Hahaha..."

(End of this chapter)

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