Chapter 829 Heavy Rain (8)

Lin Wenxuan stood up staggeringly, looked straight at the mountain god in neon clothes and jade crown, without any reverence and piety, his eyes were full of hatred, burning with anger as oil.

He spit out one word at a time: "Such a god, don't mind!"

After saying that, he held the dagger that Fan Bei used to save his life and share food, and it was inserted into the heart by Lin Hu. It was stained with Lin Hu's blood, and he rushed over viciously.

He wants to kill the gods, he wants to kill the mountain gods, and avenge all the innocent people who died in vain!

But he is just a mortal and cannot get close to the gods.

At a distance of half a foot from the mountain god, it is separated by the invisible glow, and the peaceful glow falls on the body, so warm, but so cold.

Lin Wenxuan waved the dagger and roared in pain: "I want to kill you! I want to kill you! I want to kill..."

The ends of his eyes were stained scarlet, his pupils turned completely black, his face was extremely distorted, raging anger erupted from his chest, surrounded him and burned him.

Suddenly, he felt that all the villagers were roaring in anger: kill him!kill him……

Not only the villagers, but also other people, those strangers who have never met, the poor, the rich, men, women, old people, children, even tigers, leopards, bears and rabbits, snakes, insects, rats and ants, etc. All living things are in his presence. Screaming in the ear: kill him!kill him……

The mountain god looked indifferent, and said in a contemptuous voice, "How dare a mere ants kill a god? Hmph, arrogance!"

With a wave of the gleaming white robe, Lin Wenxuan landed straight down. He raised his head and saw the immortal standing on top of layers of ink clouds.

This time, he saw clearly that there was not pity, but contempt, indifference, and disdain in those drooping eyes.

He even looked away after just a glance, completely ignoring their anger, and the mountain god's radiant body flew up to the sky.

No!He can't go!

All the creatures screamed in Lin Wenxuan's ear: Don't let him go!

The falling stopped suddenly, as if there were countless pairs of invisible hands supporting him. The heavy rain was still pouring, but not a single drop of rain fell on him. Before they got close, they were evaporated by the invisible force.

Don't let him go!kill him!kill him……

Those desperate screams, painful moans, and angry roars all poured into his body, and there was endless power in his body.


Lin Wenxuan let out a terrifying roar, his body suddenly jumped up, and he chased towards the mountain god like lightning.

The aloof god lowered his head, and the usual indifference on his face disappeared, replaced by fear.

The mountain god sped up and fled, Lin Wenxuan also accelerated, and the distance was shortened little by little. As soon as he was about to catch up with the mountain god, the mountain god threw down a golden charm, and a huge golden palm suddenly pressed down.

The brilliant golden light burned Lin Wenxuan. He let out a painful roar, and his ascent speed dropped sharply. Seeing that the distance between the two sides was opened, and the mountain god was about to disappear from sight, Lin Wenxuan roared angrily and threw the dagger with all his strength.

The silver-white dagger pierced the sky like a black lightning, and there was a scream in the glow, and then the mountain god disappeared into the sky, the dagger fell, the rainstorm stopped suddenly, the glow disappeared, and the whole world fell into darkness.

It is not the darkness covered by dark clouds, but the darkness shrouded in demon energy...

Shaohaoyue put away his dog teeth, kicked the rock beside him angrily, and whispered angrily: "What a provocative drama!"

This is a complete conspiracy, a premeditated guidance, and the two so-called immortals are nothing but two middle-stage Mahayana monks.

There is indeed no interference from evil spirits in Rongshu Village, because the core of the evil spirit layout is in Jinding Mountain.

First appear as a god, get the support and protection of the people, and then rain heavily to destroy the world. In the desperate situation, people's only hope is to go to Jinding Mountain to pray for God's blessing.

When they came to Jinding Mountain after going through all kinds of difficulties and dangers, there was another small confusion formation, which made them go around in circles in the mountain, fighting each other for their lives.

The last person who survived embodies the hopes and obsessions of all the dead.

When he reached the top of the mountain and was one step away from hope, let him discover the truth. The so-called flood of annihilation was actually caused by the gods.

At that moment, all beliefs collapsed.

What's more, Lin Wenxuan embodies the last kindness and humanity of the villagers of Rongshu Village.

When he was destroyed, the remaining good humanity was also destroyed, and he fell into the devil.

Shaohaoyue looked up and glanced around, and said, "Lin Wenxuan, come out."

A gust of cold air came from behind, Shaohaoyue made a wrong step, turned around, raised his hand and swung it out, the spinning dagger was knocked away together with its owner, and fell heavily to the ground.

Lin Wenxuan, who was surrounded by demon energy, quickly got up from the ground, stepped back cautiously, and asked in a deep voice, "Are you also a god?"

Shaohaoyue looked at him, slightly surprised, uttered words clearly and calmly, and his thinking was normal. Obviously, Lin Wenxuan had passed the crazy stage of obsession and stabilized.

She is a little bald, how to solve him?

Although Lin Wenxuan didn't practice any exercises, he was already a demon, so he should be killed immediately. However, all the creatures in this small world were dead, and he was the only one left. She couldn't bear to kill him like this.

Don't kill him. Those who can recover their sanity after being enchanted are all the best in the demon clan, and they will bring endless disasters when they grow up.

Just as he was thinking about it, Lin Wenxuan, who was burning with anger, swung his dagger at her again. He had no tricks at all, just stabbed and slashed at her, and even a monk at the first level of qi training in the world was more proficient in fighting skills than him.

Shaohaoyue didn't even use the exercises, just raised his hand casually and knocked him into the air again.

Lin Wenxuan fell to the ground, but the dagger flew up and struck like lightning. In an instant, countless angry roars rang out in her ears.

"It turned out to be like this." Shaohaoyue suddenly realized that Lin Wenxuan put all the obsession and malice of other creatures into the dagger, and was not disturbed by them, so he regained his sobriety and was not completely swallowed by the devilish energy.

Now, this dagger has become a good magic weapon.

Immortal light surged under her palm, the dagger trembled, and she wanted to escape immediately, but was enveloped by fairy light, unable to move.

"Are you the boss of that mountain god? The Emperor of Heaven?" Lin Wenxuan's eyes flashed doubts, and Xuan Er became even more angry, "Is the life of a mortal, in the eyes of your gods, so despicable?"

"It's really humble."

Lin Wenxuan's fingers were slightly bent, and he firmly grasped the soil. The devilish energy surged in his dark eyes. Feeling his anger, the dagger shrouded in the fairy light trembled slightly.

"It's too troublesome to kill."

The indifferent voice sounded again, Lin Wenxuan was stunned, his fingers relaxed, and the devilish energy in his eyes subsided, "The mountain god and that person..."

He didn't ask for the latter words, his voice was soft, with cautious expectation.

"Two ants dare to pretend to be gods."

Her voice was still indifferent, but Lin Wenxuan's heart was sore and mixed, "So, it's not that the gods have abandoned the kind people, but the bad people pretending to be gods."

The anger and despair in his eyes disappeared, and the devilish energy around him also faded a lot, and he was instantly relieved.

Shaohaoyue was stunned for a long time, then asked softly: "Is the god so important to you? It is just a clay statue, standing there will not answer your prayers at all.

Birth, old age, sickness and death, and the change of dynasties are nothing to the gods. Unless such a major event of world destruction, they will not pay attention to the mortal world at all. "

(End of this chapter)

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