Chapter 830
Lin Wenxuan tilted his head, his eyes fell on the empty space, and said softly: "God, so many people pray to him, how can they pay attention to everything. When he is there, the final justice is there; when he is there, evildoers have to think about it." Think about the consequences."

Inexplicable emotions poured into her heart, and the grievances hidden deep in Shaohaoyue's heart suddenly melted a little at this moment. Although she sacrificed her childhood and has been doing things she didn't like, but being able to be regarded as the last righteous belief by the common people is also Not too bad.

She let out a breath slowly, gave Lin Wenxuan a brief knowledge of popular science and practice, and then said: "Now I give you two choices, first, I will help you get rid of the magic energy and roots, and you will die and re-enter reincarnation;

Second, I will take you to the Demon Realm, where you can practice and become a Demon Cultivator.Of course, I am a fairy, and you are a demon. When we meet someday, I will kill you. "

"So I really became a demon." Lin Wenxuan smiled wryly, "So, those two monks designed all this to stimulate our evil thoughts to the greatest extent, let us become demons, and generate demon energy?"

"This is the case at the moment. As for why they did this, the reason remains to be investigated." Shaohaoyue explained lightly, waiting for his choice.

Lin Wenxuan lowered his head, like a puppy abandoned by fate, "I don't want to forget everything and re-enter reincarnation, and I don't want to become a demon cultivator. I want to be a good person, and I want to become a fairy, a god who truly protects mortals."

Shaohao Yue was moved, "After experiencing so many terrible things, do you still want to be a good person?"

"You said that I bear Uncle Huzi's last kindness and humanity on their backs. If they don't become good people, their kindness will disappear."

"You can live now because you are nourished by the devil's energy. Without the devil's energy, you will immediately turn into a pile of loess. If you want to cultivate immortality, you will be reincarnated. If you have spiritual roots, you can practice."

"But if I enter reincarnation, I will forget everything. I may encounter such a thing again. I don't want to reincarnate." When he said this, he lowered his eyes and stared at his toes, as if he was still the shy young scholar in Rongshu Village.

"Then you can only become a demon cultivator."

Lin Wenxuan remained silent, and even the strands of his hair were expressing his resistance.

Shaohaoyue sighed lightly, softened his tone, and said earnestly: "The evil is never the power, but the person who uses the power. Cultivating the devil or cultivating the Tao, the essence is just that the system of cultivation is different.

Among the immortal cultivators, there are also many people who are dignified and do harm to the common people; among the demon cultivators, there are also those who stick to the bottom line and do not harm the common people. "

"Really?" Lin Wenxuan stared fixedly at her, in the depths of his eyes, there was a cautious expectation, so faint, as if she could snuff out that spark with a single hesitation.

Shaohaoyue had a thought, a potential demon cultivator genius with a heart for good, a very good candidate for dark chess!

She nodded solemnly, "Of course it is true. Isn't that so-called mountain god a ready-made example?"

Lin Wenxuan was persuaded by her and agreed to go to the Demon Realm to practice magic!

Shaohaoyue nodded, took him into the world of Ling Nei, circled a place, and said: "You stay here first, I will send you to the Demon Realm after finishing the work, and return the dagger to you after going to the Demon Realm."

The dagger is condensed with the obsession and malice of thousands of living beings. Getting close to it will affect the mind. Even though Lin Wenxuan is its owner, he cannot avoid being affected by it. If he goes crazy, it will cause disaster in her world , quite troublesome.

Lin Wenxuan stared blankly at the scorched world, was amazed by her methods, and believed her words even more, nodded hastily.

After a pause, he asked again: "Is this world also harmed by demon energy?"

"Uh, no."

Speaking of this, Shaohaoyue felt a little guilty, she was completely responsible for the tragic situation in the world of Ayane.

Looking at the empty world of Ayane, a thought suddenly popped up in my mind, if you can transform all living things, you can use the ideas of those mortals, and their stories are also very good blueprints!

Thinking of this, she left in a hurry and found a suitable place, and the tricks changed. There were 12 people at the entrance of the village hugging a big banyan tree, the winding and muddy path into the village, and the criss-crossing field ridges. The seats were either new or old, or spacious. Or a narrow thatched adobe house, a small yard surrounded by a fence...

After a while, Rongshu Village appeared in front of my eyes, but the village was empty and silent.

Shaohaoyue smiled, some people in the village are living too hard, so they should sort out the story carefully and revise it!
On the day when her mortal martial arts advances greatly and the transformed things come into life, the people of Rongshu Village may be able to be reborn in the world of Huan Shi Ling Nei.

She came out of the world of Ling Nei, made seals to clear away the demonic energy in this world, and then returned to the Qingxuan Star Field, summoned the demon king Hanyi, and took out the portraits of the two monks, "Find these two people , I want to know all their information."

Han Yi respectfully responded, and immediately ordered his subordinates to investigate, and then presented her with the secrets and anecdotes collected recently.

Shaohaoyue looked through it carefully, and found that most of them were baseless falsehoods. At first glance, they were just fabricated stories in the scriptures. However, there were some real information in these stories, such as the place of the final decisive battle, which was in the depths of the endless void. , as another example, the approximate timeline of the Great War is also consistent with the facts.

Because the fairy envoys are high above and the monks of Qingxuan don't have much contact, so in each version of the story, they are all supporting roles who take care of the overall situation and play the role of the sea god needle.

Instead, it is the sage monks from Qingxuan who are the protagonists in the story.There are counterattack heroes who are first looked down upon by all kinds of people because of their low status and cultivation level, but are identified as generals by the immortal envoys; there are also growth heroes who have grown up in the flames of war through several efforts; Various romantic stories with the background of the battle between immortals and demons.

Among the characters of Qingxuan, the ones who are most popular in various stories are Baidi and Qingdi, who ascended from Qingxuan to the fairy world and served as fairy envoys to the lower realm.

In a stack of anecdotes, Shaohaoyue has seen a dozen or so Qingxuan genius monks who became famous in one fell swoop, won the favor of the second emperor, or accepted them as disciples, or had some love-hate stories, and there is one more shocking, After a young man was accepted as an apprentice by the Qing Emperor, he had an affair with his master!

In contrast, Bai Xi's love stories are much less, probably because his Taoist partner Ru Ge is in Qingxuan.

After seeing a bunch of obscenity, Shaohaoyue's face was covered with black lines. What the hell is this? It's far worse than Xingque's words.

Bah bah bah!What kind of story, what she wants are secret rumors, not goofy stories!

She quickly shook her head and told herself secretly that she was here to look for clues, not to judge whether Qingxuan's script was good or bad.

Slowing down, she looked carefully again, and a fresh and refined anecdote came into view: before the final battle, Baidi and Qingdi had a quarrel, and they fought, Baidi even hit Qingdi's ankle .

(End of this chapter)

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