all the way to fairy

Chapter 831 Skylark

Chapter 831 Skylark
"This anecdote is not bad." Shaohaoyue lifted the page, "This is the anecdote I want to read, and I will screen according to this standard in the future, don't show me all the bullshit stories."

"Yes!" Han Yi trembled.

Shaohaoyue frowned, how could such a courageous person work under her command?

After thinking about it, she took out 100 yuan of immortal crystals, and said softly, "This is your reward."

Han Yi suddenly smiled, "Thank you, Your Highness, for the reward!"

With her current cultivation base, she can barely absorb the immortal energy in the immortal crystals for cultivation. Two immortal crystals, at least, can equal the energy of the thousand-day crystal-contained spirit stone.

The most important thing is that the quality of the immortal energy is far superior to that of the heavenly crystals and spirit stones. With the immortal crystals, not only the cultivation speed is much faster, but also the spiritual power is more pure.

In addition, the 100 yuan immortal crystal is a signal that if things are done well, there will be rewards!
Soon, Shaohaoyue went through all the secrets and anecdotes, and she had seen many hidden real things in the file. The only new thing was the dispute between Baixi and Qingluo before the decisive battle.

Of course, this matter needs to be checked for authenticity.

She frowned, took out the truth again, deliberated carefully, and thought about how to check the truth.

In the blink of an eye, she suddenly realized that something was wrong. Bai Xi Qing Luo, as a fairy envoy, had a high status. Except for important matters, it was impossible for low-ranking monks to know about their private affairs.

The two are close friends, playing around and chatting casually will not be regarded as quarrels.If a quarrel really happened and the low-level monks found out, it must be a very important matter, and it should be recorded in the file, but there is no record in the file.

According to the secret, the two started fighting, and pointed out in detail that Bai Xi had injured Qing Luo's ankle.Either this anecdote was made up by someone, or someone saw something with their own eyes!
Regarding Bai Xi, an important suspect, any clues should not be let go. She asked, "Who provided this secret? I want to see it in person."

After a pause, he said again: "Find out who it is, I'll go see it myself."

Han Yi had just received the reward, and he was full of enthusiasm for doing things. Immediately, the subordinate in charge of the sound transmission asked about it, and then replied respectfully: "It was offered by a little demon..."

Shaohaoyue didn't delay, and immediately went to see that little demon.

The setting sun is slanting to the west, and the red clouds all over the sky are plated on the dark green mountains, layer upon layer and cannot be separated.

In the forest at the edge of the demon realm, the light was dim, and the afterglow made the shadows of the trees grow long, but the forest was not peaceful. Two demon children, a boy and a girl, blocked the girl's way.

The little boy with Jindan Qi cultivation, with a chubby figure, was carrying a huge hammer that was extremely disproportionate to his height, and stood in the middle of the road with a big mouth, with his nostrils facing the sky: "I heard that you made a small fortune. Just hand it over, with your garbage bloodline, it’s useless to give the multi-element stone!”

The little girl next to her is also at the Jindan stage, with bright eyes and white teeth, and a very soft and cute appearance, but the things she does are not cute at all. She folded her arms around her chest, raised her chin, and said proudly: "I can count it as your protection." fee."

The girl Yunque, who was blocked by them, was a head taller than them, but her cultivation was far from enough, and she only had the period of Qi training.

She pursed her lips and remained silent, staring at the passers-by vigilantly, a cold light flickered on her fingertips, which was her only magic weapon.

Her movements were very subtle, but she couldn't hide it from the little girl. She sneered and said, "With your three-legged cat skills, do you still want to fight back?"

Yunque still didn't answer, the little girl lost her patience and raised her chin, "Xiao Feifei, come on!"

"Yes, boss!"

The chubby boy moved his arm, and the giant hammer in his hand rotated accordingly. The whirring sound of the blunt instrument piercing the air made one's scalp tingle. This is a common tactic used by low-level monks when confronting the enemy, to create psychological pressure on the opponent. .

Although in Qingxuan, people below the refining stage are all in the entry stage, and those who are extremely talented will break through and enter the refining stage in a year or two, but those with poor talent may not be able to enter the door for a lifetime.

And for those low-level monks who have not yet started, the gap between the Qi training stage and the golden core stage is still very rewarding.

Skylark sacrificed the magical weapon and tried his best to parry, but his knees still knelt down involuntarily, and the little boy hadn't even swung the hammer yet. All this was caused by the coercion of Jindanqi and the power of the giant hammer.

He deliberately slowed down, as if to let Skylark truly feel every ounce of power, and raised his voice to ask, "Will you give it?"

Skylark gritted his teeth tightly, the veins on the back of his hand and forehead popped out, and squeezed out word by word from between his teeth: "No! Here!"

This is her only hope, with this primordial stone, she can buy pills, and she still has a little hope of breaking through.

The little boy shrugged and swung the giant hammer, "Then don't blame me for being rude!"

Skylark is desperate, she has no cultivation and no treasures, and she is not even qualified to desperately face the Golden Core Stage.

At this critical moment, the sledgehammer was fixed an inch in front of her eyebrows, and in an instant, the coercion of the golden core stage and the power carried by the sledgehammer disappeared.

A faint voice suddenly sounded in my ears, "Although the strength of monks is paramount and the strong are respected, but robbing other people's property is an act of a villain anywhere, and robbing the weak is even more disgusting."

Skylark was startled, and turned her head suddenly. A girl in a light yellow dress appeared beside her at some point, without any aura or coercion around her, she was as ordinary as a mortal.

What was more shocking than her was the little boy and girl opposite. They watched her appear out of thin air without any warning.

The little boy was not afraid of tigers when he was a newborn calf, and asked imposingly: "Who are you? I am..."

Before finishing speaking, the little girl covered her mouth.

The little girl quickly bent down and saluted, "Thank you for your teaching, senior, I will remember this junior in my heart, and I will leave!"

After speaking, he took the little boy and ran away.

Shaohaoyue raised her eyebrows, but she didn't stop her. She looked at the girl in the Qi training period, and asked in surprise, "Skylark?"

The skylark is a mortal bird, a very common and common mortal bird, yet there is a skylark who cultivates and successfully draws energy into his body!
Yunque looked embarrassed, nodded cautiously, and explained: "My ancestors swallowed a transforming pill by chance and embarked on the journey of immortality."

Swallowing the Transformation Pill does not mean enlightenment, Shaohao Yue thought to himself, your ancestors had a good chance, not only embarked on the immortal journey with the blood of ordinary birds, but also passed on the Tao for future generations to practice.

It is not without precedent for Fanniao to start cultivation. For example, Kong Qing, the personal guard of his master, is a peacock, but the peacock itself has the blood of a divine beast, but it has degenerated over a long period of time.

At the beginning, the three clans of dragon, phoenix and kylin fought against each other. Yuanfeng, the ancestor of the phoenix, was seriously injured and wanted to return to the immortal volcano. On the way, he encountered the energy of the five elements entering his body and gave birth to a sparrow egg, named Kong Xuan.

(End of this chapter)

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