Chapter 832

It may be that Kong Xuan, the old ancestor, occupies [-]% of the power and immortality of the peacock clan. Apart from him, there is no strong person in the peacock clan, and later he became a mortal bird.

However, in their bloodlines, the lineage of divine beasts is still hidden. Kong Qing is the only peacock clan who has awakened their bloodlines and ascended to the star tower after Kong Xuan.

However, these are not important, Shaohaoyue took out the secret, "Is this from you?"

Skylark glanced at it, became nervous immediately, and subconsciously covered the storage bag at his waist, "What I said is true, I didn't lie to you."

Shaohaoyue could tell whether she was deceiving or not. She softened her tone and said, "I didn't say you were deceiving. How did you know such a secret thing?"

"Someone told me."

Shaohaoyue looked at her, waiting for her to continue, but the girl looked around and then at her, biting her lip, hesitating.

"Don't worry, no one can eavesdrop."

Skylark gritted her teeth, and took out a picture stone and handed it to her, "I live next to a grass grass flower, and before she sat down, she gave me this picture stone, which was passed down by the ancestors of the grass grass family.

During the war between immortals and demons, her ancestor was still a spiritual herb in the ignorance stage, and she was used as an ornamental vegetation, planted in the place where Emperor Bai stayed, and remembered this scene in a daze. "

When Shaohaoyue activates the photo stone, the first thing that catches the eye is a horizontal path of sapphire stone slabs, opposite to the path, stalks of weeds swaying in the wind.

There was a rattling sound, and the feet wearing the tea-white auspicious cloud pattern shoes entered the screen, took two steps, and then disappeared from the screen.

The corners of her mouth twitched, that Grass Flower Ancestor is not only in the ignorance stage, she should only have a little perception at this time, she can only feel the surrounding situation, but she has no concept of active reaction at all.

No wonder she was able to escape after seeing such a mysterious thing. In Baixi's eyes, she is no different from other spirit plants, they are all dead things without spiritual intelligence.

After a while, there was another sound of footsteps, and then the light blue leaf-patterned fairy shoes passed by. From the style of the shoes and the shape of the feet, it was basically certain that it was a woman.

For the next period of time, there were always large slabs of sapphire slabs in the picture. If it wasn't for the weeds swaying gently in the wind on the opposite side of the path, Shaohaoyue would have suspected that the picture had been suspended.

The sound of heavy hand slapping on the table broke the silence of the picture.

Then, the woman's cold and angry voice sounded, "Don't you explain?"

Shaohaoyue looked through the file and personal information related to the Seven Star Rebellion, and quickly recognized that it was Qing Luo who spoke.

After a long period of silence, Bai Xi finally spoke and admitted frankly: "There is nothing to explain. As you can see, they want me to be an internal correspondent. The reward is very generous, the world."

"You hesitated, didn't you?" Despite the question, Qing Luo's tone was very firm, after a pause, he said seriously: "Bai Xi, some things are the bottom line and cannot be touched."

After a long sigh, Bai Xi said softly, "I know, but I'm not reconciled. We've been cultivating for half our lives, and after going through all kinds of dangers, we can only stop at the Taiyi Golden Immortal. Are you reconciled?"

"Of course not!" Qing Luo said loudly, "I will find a solution."

"Find a way? What way?" Bai Xi's voice was full of mockery and decadence, "The world around Xingque is in the hands of the high-level officials of the Xianmeng. Behind the owners are all huge family sects who want to To get the world from them, you have to be prepared to be an enemy of one side.

Ten thousand steps back, even if we survived the pursuit of one side and got the world, there is still the Xianmeng.

It is an unwritten tacit understanding of the Immortal Alliance not to let the Feisheng immortals own the world. Can we be enemies of the entire Immortal Alliance?

In this case, we can only choose the world of the lower realms, but all people in the lower realms need to be registered. We cannot go to the lower realms except as angels to solve evil troubles. "

"You are wrong, there is still a way, an upright way, to evolve your own world!" Qing Luo's voice was firm, exciting, and resounding!

Shaohaoyue's eyes showed admiration. Although she couldn't see her appearance when she said this, it could be predicted that she must be shining and shining.

"The children of the four families and four clans have no shortage of worlds, but the core children have been preparing for the world of evolution from the beginning of their cultivation.

The reason why the dragon and phoenix races have a detached status among the beasts is because they have all the five elements, and they laid the foundation for the derived world from the very beginning!

Everything shows that the real way is to evolve the world by yourself!Let's take this path upright, let's see who can suppress it! "

"Dignified..." Bai Xi murmured blankly, and after a while, his tone suddenly turned passionate, "It's a good idea, but can it really be done?

Without enough merit, how to be promoted to Daluo Jinxian?If you don't get promoted to Daluo Jinxian, how can you get the source of the five elements and the carrier of the world? "

He sneered again and again, "From the power of faith, merit, to the origin of the five elements, the carrier of the world, one by one, the fundamental things related to promotion are all under the control of Xianmeng.

Jiuzhongxingque is the country under the control of the Immortal League. Only those big forces are the ruling class, and we ascended are just low-level people, and we will never make it to the top! "

Speaking of the latter, the celestial power surged all over his body, and even diffused into the sight of the grass flower ancestors.

"I know that you are very disappointed in the fairy world, and I am also very disappointed. The fairy world we yearn for is unrestrained and free, not the star tower that is unfair everywhere now."

As soon as Qing Luo finished speaking, Bai Xi became even more excited, "So, now is the opportunity, we are in the lower realm, there are tens of thousands of worlds, big and small, just do this internal response, and they will mark us a world without a Lord , as well as a sacrificial alchemy method!"

"Baixi!" Qingluo raised her voice, "Qingxuan is our homeland, do you want to see it become a demon realm?"

Bai Xi's excitement stopped abruptly.

Qing Luo said again: "The Immortal League is indeed full of filth and injustice everywhere, but they did one thing right, intercepting all the demons in the star tower, and in this regard, they are worthy of the title of immortal.

And we cannot become Qingxuan's sinners. "

Bai Xi seemed to be convinced, and was speechless for a long time. Suddenly, there was a loud bang, as if he had kicked something forcefully, "This damn Xianmeng!"

This time, his heart was obviously more restless, his celestial power was surging, and almost all the weeds on the other side of the path were cut off in the photo stone.

Qinghou took a step back, her feet appeared on the screen, and a bright red bullet appeared on the ankle of her right foot.

"Sorry, I really..." Bai Xi was annoyed.

Qing Luo raised her foot, seemed to look down at the injury, and then said: "It's okay."

(End of this chapter)

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