all the way to fairy

Chapter 833 Doubt

Chapter 833 Doubt

Next, the two discussed the military situation for a while, then Qing Luo left Bai Xi's residence, and the video ended.

Shao Haoyue asked: "What about the rest, what's Bai Xi's reaction after Qing Luo left?"

This picture stone gave a lot of information, and now, she was [-]% sure that there was something wrong with Bai Xi.

Judging from the results, two of the five immortal envoys who suppressed the Seven Star Rebellion returned to Star Tower alive, but the other one besides Bai Xi died in a battle not long after.

In other words, the only immortal envoy who is still alive today is Bai Xi.

And Baixi, as he wished, obtained the Canglan Continent and became the only one among the Ascension Immortals who owns the world.

At the beginning, the senior officials of the Xianmeng paid great attention to this matter. Not only did they send people to investigate several times and ask Bai Xi for questioning, but the people in power also discussed and voted.

Back then, in order to solve the world problems of Lian Yang and others, Shao Haoyue was also very concerned about this matter, and asked for detailed investigation results, hoping to find inspiration from Bai Xi's experience, and refer to one or two, but found that there was no way to learn from it. .

The Seven Stars Rebellion was a horrific battle, multiple middle-level planes fell apart, three immortal envoys were killed in battle, another was seriously injured, and Bai Xi was also injured, but he was still able to act, and was responsible for all the aftermath work.

Afterwards, he gave the reason that Canglan was his hometown, and many relatives and friends were there. To ensure Canglan's safety, he sacrificed Canglan's origin of the world and conducted a thorough search of Canglan Continent .

Of course, this statement is just a superficial rhetoric. Everyone knows that most of the Ascension Immortals are eager to own the world.

However, Xianmeng couldn't blame it.

Naturally, the unwritten tacit rules cannot be put on the table.

After reading the survey results, she also lamented that Bai Xi is lucky, smart and good at seizing opportunities, and he will definitely achieve a lot in the future.

Sure enough, not long after, Bai Xi picked up Song Wanran, moved closer to the Song family, and with the help of the Song family, formed the Beifu Legion, took control of one side, and successfully integrated into the Xianmeng.

Now it seems that her praise for Bai Xi is still not enough, he is not only good at seizing opportunities, he is a person who has no opportunities, and will create opportunities for himself!
If it wasn't for the way he created opportunities that were too unscrupulous, she would have admired him!

Yunque shook his head: "Grandma Ah Yin said that there was no movement after Emperor Qing left."

Shaohaoyue frowned, why did she feel like Bai Xi was performing?The audience left, everything returned to calm, the actors took off their disguise, and there was no more passion, anger, depression and helplessness.

She poured the photo stone back to when Qing Luo was injured, and stared at the wound on his ankle, but found nothing unusual, it was Bai Xi's anger, which was inadvertently scratched when the celestial power surged. The wound was very short and shallow. Broken skin a little.

However, Baixi had no choice but to give up contact with the demons because he was concerned about the safety of the Qingxuan Starfield. In desperation, he kicked objects to vent his anger and accidentally injured Qingluo.

As far as she knew, Bai Xi was gentle on the outside, but she had a strong opinion of the city in her heart, and she would not do anything to vent her anger.

Besides, judging from the results, he didn't value the safety of Qingxuan's life as much as he showed, and his scruples about Qingxuan was just an excuse he used to confuse Qingluo.

An act of confusion, so angry that he couldn't control Xianli's accidental injury to others, could he be acting too hard?

Qing Luo has known him for many years, and they often discuss each other, so he should be very clear about his strength, isn't he worried that Qing Luo will doubt him?

Her intuition told her that there was something wrong with the wound on Qing Luo's ankle, and perhaps the purpose of Bai Xi's anger was to leave a wound on Qing Luo's body in a reasonable way.

Shaohaoyue rubbed the center of her brows, let's check slowly, Bai Xi's fox tail has leaked out, keep checking, sooner or later she will figure it out.

In the final analysis, Bai Xi's cooperation with the enemy was for the sake of the world.What Qing Luo said is correct, Xing Que has too much injustice, too much filth, and it's time to clean it up.

After a while, she said to the girl: "The photo stone you provided is very helpful to me, what reward do you want?"

Yunque's eyes were bright, she had already seen that the woman in front of her was of extraordinary background, and she was so approachable, her tone of voice was equal when she asked, and she didn't have the sense of questioning from the superior to the inferior.

In addition, from her words of reprimanding Zhang Ming and Kang Fei, it is not difficult to see that she is a very upright person and a real strong person.

"I want the high-level exercises of the Yu clan!"

The girl's eyes flashed with desire for cultivation, Shaohao Yue couldn't bear it, organized his words, and tried his best to say euphemistically: "Your situation can't be solved by exercises, and the blood of all birds is the exercises for you from the Phoenix clan. There will be no progress."

The light in Skylark's eyes went out immediately, and after a while, he looked at Shaohaoyue again, and asked as if begging: "Is there really no other way? No matter how poor human talent is, as long as we work hard, there is hope for change. Why do we beasts Humanity is doomed from birth?"

Monster beasts are born with powerful physiques, and their strength in the early stage of cultivation is far stronger than that of human cultivators at the same level. Low-level demon clans are very disdainful of human cultivators. This is the first time Shaohaoyue has heard from low-level demon cultivators that they yearn for human beings.

This is rare. Humans are actually very strong creatures. Their intelligence, creativity and tenacity often allow them to defeat the strong with the weak and the many with the few.

Of the eight pillars of the Immortal Alliance, the human race accounts for half of them. The dragon, phoenix, white tiger, and Xuanwu are all natural beasts, but they are only a quarter of them, and they have to work together to compete with them.

The situation in each plane is similar. The combination of beasts and various races can compete with the human cultivators, and the monster cultivators on some planes are even squeezed into a corner by the human cultivators.

Renxiu often envies the gods and beasts, saying that they are blessed by nature, but in fact, human beings are the real darlings of heaven and earth!
After thinking for a while, Shaohaoyue said: "Follow me for the next few days, how much you can improve your cultivation depends on you."

Skylark's eyes lit up again, and he saluted quickly, "Thank you, senior."

I was very confused again, could I improve my cultivation by following her?

"Call me sister." The senior sounded very old.

Yunque is as good as others, "Sister."

Shao Haoyue took her to the Demon King's Palace and asked about the progress of the investigation: "How is the investigation going?"

Han Yi replied guiltily, "Only two of them were found to be loose cultivators, one named Ban Ying and the other named Rong He. They appeared in Junlian City a hundred years ago, and they disappeared after that. They may have retreated."

Skylark's eyes widened. The demon king naturally knew that the majestic master of the demon domain respected her sister and called herself a subordinate. The identity of her sister was self-evident. She was either an emissary from the fairy world or a divine beast!
She promised to help her improve her cultivation, it will definitely work!
Skylark was overjoyed and felt like being hit by a pie again.

Jun Liancheng, Shaohaoyue's heart moved, according to the message from the master, the current location of the Bai family is Jun Liancheng!
She nodded, and said: "Continue to investigate, let me know in time if there is any news." After thinking for a while, she added: "Prepare a spirit boat."

She is alone, she can go wherever she likes, but with a Qi training period, it is convenient for her to travel in a spirit boat.

(End of this chapter)

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