all the way to fairy

Chapter 836 Meeting the Evil Cultivators

A majestic monk in the Mahayana period, and Bai Zheng, a young monk in the Composite Realm, have to hide and hide. Could it be that there is some kind of family enmity?
Shen Canghao looked a little embarrassed: "Huayuefang is a beautiful girl, and both male and female guests are welcome."

"A serious actress?"


Shao Haoyue couldn't help feeling that Bai Zheng was so good at playing, the shy Bai family was transparent, and a famous actress who could be both male and female in Huayuefang, who would have thought that they had such a good relationship in private?

"Hey, Bai Zheng's happiness has been found, why are you still following Eryu?" She originally raised the doubt casually, but the moment she said it, she immediately realized something was wrong.

If Eryu is the spirit boat staying in Bai Zheng's fairy mansion, then Bai Zheng can be happy with him anytime and anywhere, and it is impossible to leave Bai's house at this moment.

He came out, there must be something important.

Now, with Bai Zheng staying in the Immortal Mansion and Er Yu walking out, could it be that their destination is inconvenient to show up as Bai Zheng?

Shen Canghao smiled lightly, "The relationship between the two of them is by no means a simple client and prostitute, keep up!"

After entering the small town, Eryu walked into Huayuefang with ease, and greeted all the guests he met one by one.

There was a guest who was very interested and asked him to drink, but he didn't refuse, like a boneless worm, sticking to the guest, pushing the cup to change, warm and fragrant nephrite.

Shaohaoyue secretly analyzed for a long time, and then communicated with Shen Canghao through sound transmission, but he did not see any suspect that he had secretly communicated with any client.

They roughly deduced that Eryu's target audience was not among the prostitutes.

After half an hour, Eryu finally got away from the guests and walked towards his residence.

This posture should be about to do business, Shaohaoyue cheered up, raised his hand to condense a grain of magic sand, under the cover of the light, it fell silently into the folds of Eryu's waist seal.

When Eryu left, he staggered and looked drunk, but after entering the residence, he suddenly became sober, quickly activated the house isolation restriction, and hurried to a corner of the inner room.

He took out a small and delicate token, and began to knead the formula. After a while, a small teleportation array appeared.

With the circulation of the power of space, two male cultivators came out from the formation, seeing their appearance and aura clearly, Shaohaoyue's eyes turned cold, "It's those two evil cultivators."

"It may be that you moved that small world and they noticed that they came to Eryu..." Shen Canghao raised his brows slightly, "Eryu is their boss!"

As he expected, the two evil cultivators knelt down as soon as they showed up, and the evil cultivator pretending to be a mountain god said anxiously: "My lord, something happened. The small world of No. [-] was discovered, and all the devilish energy was cleared."

Eryu was obviously taken aback, "Small world No. [-] succeeded?"

The fake mountain god Liu Chuan swallowed unconsciously, and murmured back: "It was a success, but we haven't had time to report it to you in the future, but for some reason, a phantom formation appeared above the void vortex, preventing the spread of demon energy.

We wanted to solve it by ourselves, but we didn't expect that the phantom array is too profound..."

Eryu's face was full of frost, and he interrupted his defense coldly: "When did it happen?"

"Two, 200 years ago."

"Bastard!" Eryu was furious, and swung his backhand. The two evil cultivators flew out like kites with broken strings, slammed into the wall, and fell to the ground again.

They knelt down again in a hurry, begging for mercy together: "My lord, spare my life! My lord, spare my life..."

Eryu took a deep breath, and the depths of those extremely charming phoenix eyes were filled with ice-cold, "Confession from the beginning."

How dare the duo of evil cultivators have reservations, they will explain everything clearly immediately.

Shao Haoyue glanced at Shen Canghao calmly, secretly thankful that the evil cultivator duo was not good at illusion, and did not see the fragments of the fantasy silk under the bubble of consciousness, otherwise Shen Canghao would not be able to hide it.

Eryu in the room's face became more and more ugly as he heard it, and he became serious at the back. He frowned tightly and murmured: "Could it be that a fairy envoy has come from the lower realm?"

Shaohaoyue secretly said: It's quite sharp.

Hearing this, the Xiexiu duo turned pale for a moment, and their kneeling bodies were shaking, "No way, that phantom formation has existed for more than 200 years. If the fairy envoy descended to the lower realm, it should have been destroyed long ago."

Shao Haoyue, who was quite leisurely at first, was a little startled, why did these two people talk so much, and if they continued discussing in the illusion, Shen Canghao wouldn't have any associations, would he?
She really wanted to turn her eyes to see Shen Canghao's expression, but she also felt that she was guilty of committing a crime by doing so.

Fortunately, Eryu, who thought of the lower realm of the fairy envoy, couldn't sit still, so he vented to the two of them and let them retreat.

With a thought in his mind, Shaohao Yue said, "I'll go and deal with those two evil cultivators. When you act, pay attention to Lark."

Now that Eryu has begun to suspect the lower realm of the fairy envoy, they naturally have to speed up to find clues as soon as possible to find out the purpose of the demons. With Eryu as the boss, the two evil cultivators are basically useless.

The corners of Shen Canghao's mouth twitched obviously, and he nodded slightly speechlessly, "Go and come back quickly."

Shao Haoyue turned around, secretly praying that this interruption would work, and that Shen Canghao would not make wild associations about the illusion.

She sensed the direction of the space teleportation array, stepped out of Huayuefang, and chased towards the southwest.

A quarter of an hour later, the Xiexiu duo slammed on the brakes and stopped in the air. Looking at the woman whose back was facing them in front of them, their hearts rose to their throats.

Holding Yu Ruyi in his hand, Liu Chuan cautiously asked, "Who is your Excellency?"

The woman turned around, with orange lights in her eyes, as gorgeous as the sunset glow in midsummer, breathtaking, "What are you doing to lure mortals into demons?"

Liu Chuan's eyes were dull, and he opened his mouth to answer: "Introducing the magic energy into the formation, my lord needs a lot of magic energy."

"What formation?"

"I don't know, we only have one formation card, responsible for..."

The tall and thin man with a mustache next to him was not deceived. Looking at his companion pouring beans from the bamboo tube, he was almost scared to pee. With Liu Chuan fully on guard, he was bewitched by a single encounter.

Could this person be the one who set up the phantom formation above World Zero Seven?
In his trembling, Liu Chuan confessed to the sky, and then those orange eyes looked at him. At the moment when his consciousness was chaotic, he was even more astonished. With such a powerful charm, it is no wonder that Liu Chuan has no power to resist.

After the explanation of the evil cultivator duo, Shaohaoyue was startled and angry. Apart from the ordinary small world, they also created many similar demon realms, but they were not as big as the small world of No. [-].

In addition, besides the two of them, there are many evil cultivators under Eryu who are responsible for luring living beings into demons and man-made demon realms.

As for Eryu, they didn't know much, they only knew that Huayuefang was his stronghold, and they found him through Huayuefang.

Shaohaoyue gritted her teeth, "It's your honor to meet me now."

Hearing this, the two evil cultivators who begged for mercy breathed a sigh of relief.

In the next second, his neck felt cold, and his two heads flew into the sky.

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