all the way to fairy

Chapter 837 The same person

Shaohaoyue exhaled slowly, if it were her before, she would have to torture these two scoundrels who have caused countless tragedies before letting them die.

After solving the two, she sensed the location of Xia Huansha, and she was no longer in Huayuefang. She rushed over and met Shen Canghao near Baihua Mountain.

"How is it?" She looked at the spirit boat flying in front of her eyes, wondering in her heart, it is not far from the small town to Baihua Mountain, is it necessary to take the spirit boat?

"After you left, he left through the back door of Huayuefang. The singers and staff of Huayuefang were covering him."

"He is the owner of Huayuefang. Is Huayuefang a den of evil cultivators?" Shaohaoyue murmured, then raised his eyes, "No, since everyone in Huayuefang helped him, why did he start from Enter the front door?"

Could it be that they underestimated the enemy, and Eryu did something else while drinking and chatting with clients?

She carefully recalled the surveillance scene just now, the hall is a public place, there is no isolation restriction, and the spiritual consciousness of the two of them is far stronger than the people in the workshop, so they monitored the whole venue.

Eryu's words and deeds were all under their monitoring, there was no suspicious action, and no voice transmission from the divine consciousness was intercepted.

She is the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and Shen Canghao is the Daluo Golden Immortal. Even in Xingque, there are very few people with stronger spiritual sense than them, let alone the lower realms.

With the characteristics of Huayuefang and Eryu's cultivation level, this place is probably a contact station, and the person who contacts Eryu can never be an old monster in the Demon Ancestral Realm.

Did the evil cultivators agree on a contact code in advance?
While thinking about it, Eryu's spirit boat stopped in the middle of Baihua Mountain, and the shy boy Bai Zheng came out of it.

Shaohaoyue was confused, Eryu guessed that the emissary might have gone down, and what he had to do was to report to the higher-ups, but at this time it was Bai Zheng who came out to walk. Could it be that Eryu's online was Bai Zheng?
As she was sorting out her thoughts, Shen Canghao next to her suddenly realized, "I understand."

"Bai Zheng is Eryu, Eryu is Bai Zheng, they are the same person!"

Shaohaoyue blinked, and the previous blurred fragments were immediately connected into a line, and many doubts before were explained.

Bai Zheng is Eryu, and the No. [-] small world is the largest of the demon domains they have created so far, so after receiving the signal from the evil cultivator duo, he had no choice but to leave Junlian City at the moment of the qualifying match.

He has been using Eryu's identity to communicate with the evil cultivators. He disguised himself as Eryu halfway through and entered Huayuefang through the main entrance. He may have used Eryu's identity as an alibi for Eryu's identity in the eyes of the prostitutes.

Next, are they going to do something big?
Baihua Mountain is the territory of the Bai family, and only Bai Zheng can enter Baihua Mountain.

Shaohao Yue's expression changed slightly, "What kind of disguise is this, it can be hidden from you and me at the same time."

Eryu and Baizheng are completely different in appearance, temperament, height, oral habit, step distance, and various inadvertent small movements. They are all real cultivation bases!

In addition, she practiced illusion, and she couldn't hide most of the disguises from her, but Eryu and Bai Zheng are clearly two people, even the aura of spirit and soul is different!
Bai Zheng, Eryu...

Shaohaoyue racked her brains, wondering under what circumstances would such a situation arise, one body with two souls plus a disguise technique?
What happened to the cultivation base?

The two names Baizheng and Eryu were spinning in her mind, Eryu, Eryu? !
"Er Yu is Xi, so he won't have anything to do with Bai Xi?" She was startled suddenly, stunned by her guess.

Shen Canghao looked solemn, "It's possible that Bai Xi is a sound repairer, and the natal magic weapon is a flute."

Shaohaoyue's heart sank, when Eryu appeared, he was also holding a jade flute in his hand, and his status in Huayuefang is also a musician, so he must be good at melody.

She said in a deep voice, "Follow in and have a look."

At this point, you must go in and find out!
Shen Canghao nodded, and asked again: "What about you, what did the evil cultivator explain?"

Speaking of this, Shaohaoyue's heart became even more heavy: "Since the Seven Stars Rebellion, they have created many demon realms, and through a formation, they can guide the dissipated demon energy into a certain place.

Those two are just the second of the little guys who are doing things, and that's all they know.Something happened here, I'll go to the small world of Void [-] to check, there may be clues. "

The coordinates of the Fragment of Huanshiling given by Master are somewhat different from the coordinates of the small whirlpool where she actually took Huanshiling.

Originally thought that the position was changed by the turbulent flow of the void, but after hearing what the evil cultivators said, she had another guess: the magic energy of the small world of No. [-] passed by the original position of the fragment of Huanshi Ling on the way to introduce the formation.

The fantasy silk is an artifact, and its silk is made by the down feathers of the ancestors of the Feng clan. It condenses their group will and feels the magic energy. The fragments of the fantasy silk are tracked to the source, and the magic energy is prevented from dispersing by the illusion.

In other words, there may be traces of that formation between the original location of the fragment and the small world.

Shen Canghao thought for a moment, and said: "The place where the magic energy is introduced is probably the battlefield of immortals and demons banned by the Seven Star Rebellion."

After a pause, he said again: "Even if it is not, the battlefield of immortals and demons must be an important place for them who need magic energy. Next, we will focus on investigation."

Thinking of the message from her master, Shaohaoyue added: "There is also Jiuliyuan, which is where Qingxuan exiles evil cultivators. In terms of luring into demons, evil cultivators and evil cultivators are excellent candidates for becoming demons."

"Jiuli Yuan, is it related to the Demon Sect Jiuli?"

"I've checked. The few demons who smuggled into the lower realm back then were apparently within Yushan's jurisdiction, but they were all related to Jiuli, Abyss, and Qimen."

During their analysis, Bai Zheng had already arrived in front of the cave, and was doing tricks to open the cave.

Shaohaoyue became more determined. He came here to tell his superiors that whoever returns to his cave needs cumbersome formulas, and the formation restriction can be activated with a single thought.

She concealed her figure and flew to the top of Baihua Mountain, and an isolation array appeared in her hand. At the same time, Shen Canghao also concealed her figure and went to the vicinity of Bai Zheng. The moment the cave opened, he followed him in like lightning.

It was also at that moment that the array disk in Shaohaoyue's hand flew out, and the array flags landed around Baihua Mountain one after another, sealing them off.

After doing all this, she told Yunque who was outside the isolation and restriction: "Go and wait for me in the distance, and hide well. If someone finds you, don't hide it. Your life is the most important thing."

After just a few days of experience, Yunque's eyes were wide open. She didn't panic and nodded: "Sister, be careful."

With Shen Canghao's shot, the cave's restriction was not closed immediately, Shao Haoyue entered smoothly, passed through many magic circles, and the inside turned out to be a small secret realm, a small secret realm full of demon energy.

Crowds of demon spirits were rushing towards Shen Canghao, while Bai Zheng, who was not far away, looked at Shen Canghao in astonishment, apparently just found out that someone had come in with him.

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