all the way to fairy

Chapter 838 Magic Cultivation

"I don't know who it is. It turns out that it's the angel who came. Some people are far away to greet them, some people are far away to welcome them." The old voice was hoarse like metal rubbing against each other, and Shaohaoyue's heart couldn't help but prick his ears when he heard it like embroidery needles poking his ears.

Shen Canghao flicked his robe sleeves lightly, and the menacing demon splintered like a bubble, without the cover of the demonic energy, the secret realm showed its true face.

The location they were in was a long and narrow valley with towering peaks on both sides, black soil and gravel, and no grass grew.

On the top of the mountain on the right stands a dry and thin old man. He looks like an ordinary mortal old man. He is dressed in a light brown Taoist robe without any accessories, and he is no different from ordinary people.

She stepped forward slowly, frowned and said, "The voice is so unpleasant, can you stop talking?"

A flash of sullenness flashed across the face of the brown-robed old man, and he soon returned to normal, "Old people have limited talent. After exhausting their time, they will only reach the completion of the tribulation period. They are not as immortal as immortals, and their youth remains forever."

"The period of crossing the catastrophe?" Shaohaoyue sneered, "According to the cultivation system of demon cultivation, this is not called the period of crossing the catastrophe. Why, didn't the person who taught you the cultivation method tell you the cultivation system of the demon clan?"

Faced with her ridicule, the old man Gu Jing said calmly, "It doesn't matter what you call it, what matters is your cultivation base and strength."

Shaohaoyue raised his eyebrows, "That's right, since the trap has been set up and we're here, let's fight!"

"As expected of an immortal envoy, we can't hide this trivial trick from you." As soon as the old man finished speaking, thirteen demon cultivators who were at the same level as the old man appeared around them.

Shaohaoyue glanced at them. Although these people were of different ages and degrees of aging, their eyebrows and eyes were more or less similar.

There is no doubt that they come from a family.

Shen Canghao also saw this, squinted his eyes, and said in a cold voice: "On the surface, a group of disciples practice Taoism and lead all forces in Qingxuan; secretly, a group of disciples practice demons and create purgatory, Baixi's clansman, it's a bit interesting. "

He had guessed wrong before, Bai Jun was indeed the leader of the younger generation of the Bai family, but he was just the one who practiced Taoism on the surface.

"It's the first time I saw the emissary, so I talked too much. The two emissaries, please forgive me. Our array has been set up. We will talk slowly after leaving the two." The old man smiled, "Let's go!"

The thirteen demon cultivators shot together, and a series of creepy demon energy gathered at the feet of the two from all directions. The speed seemed to be slow but fast, and it reached their feet in an instant.

The magic energy was intertwined and connected, and soon formed a huge magic net, and the two of them stood in it, like two sporadic chess pieces, extremely small.

Shen Canghao tilted his head: "Shimei chooses first, and I leave the rest to me."

Shaohaoyue rolled her eyes. His cultivation level was indeed higher than hers in Xingque, but this is the lower realm, and both of them's cultivation bases were suppressed to the completion of the tribulation period.

"I don't have the habit of taking advantage of this. Counting the old man, there are fourteen, seven for each of us."

As for Bai Zheng who brought them in, she just ignored him.

Shaohaoyue turned around, Huanshiling flew out from her wrist, with crimson awns dotted, the magic energy that passed by instantly boiled and sizzled, and the formation that had just formed was damaged and became bigger and bigger...

Many of the demon cultivators of the Bai family who were besieging panicked and attacked the fairy envoy from the upper realm. They did not have enough confidence in the first place.

But now, their biggest reliance was the formation, which was destroyed by the opponent in a single encounter, and it hardly played any role.

Isn't this formation also from the upper realm?Why are there almost zero restrictions on monks from the upper realm?
The leading brown-robed old man's pupils shrunk and his face changed. He forced himself to calm down and reminded loudly: "Don't worry about the golden fairy and silver fairy. When they get here, they can only show the strength of the completion of the tribulation period. Two grandmas of the same realm Baby, I'm afraid they won't succeed!"

Shaohaoyue is speechless, although she and Shen Canghao are very young, judging from the lifespan of the immortals, one is in the stage of a girl and the other is in the stage of youth, but they live much longer than these old guys.

Most importantly, the fights she fought in a year were likely to be more than the fights they had experienced in their entire lives.

The old man took it for granted.

After the brown-robed old man finished speaking, a huge phantom appeared behind him. He raised his hand and pressed down, and the giant phantom also raised his hand and pressed down.

A group of demon cultivators from the Bai family regained their composure, six of them met Shao Haoyue, and the remaining seven attacked Shen Canghao.

Shaohaoyue didn't even look at the giant demon palm that was pressing down. Immortal power poured into the illusionary silk like a tide, and the thin silk gauze was even more radiant. Go out, the whole body is burning with flames.

They tried their best to mobilize their demonic energy to resist, but it was useless. The crimson flames burned them with a smile.

The gray-robed old man was stunned and exclaimed: "How is this possible?"

At this time, Huan Shi Ling who just passed by in a circle suddenly appeared beside him like smoke and mist, wrapping around his neck.

The shock of the brown-robed old man was no small matter, and he almost lost his wits.

Although he was the strongest among the tribe, his strength was not much different from the others. They couldn't withstand the burning of the crimson flames, so naturally he couldn't either.

His whole body was stiff, like falling into an ice cellar, his mind was blank, and he only relied on the fighting instinct formed over the years to avoid dodging.

Time passed for a while, but he didn't feel the pain of the burning fire, except that his neck was strangling him and he couldn't breathe, there was no other feeling.

Only then did he realize that the other party didn't want to kill him, but rather wanted to keep him for questioning.

Temporarily recovering a life from the gate of hell, the brown-robed old man's heart was beating like thunder, and he was thinking about the way to survive. His eyes swept around, and only then did he realize that the seven clansmen who attacked the young man were also dead.

The boy in willow-yellow clothes holds a long silvery-white long sword that is slightly bluish, and the sword is horizontal in front of Baizheng's neck. The silvery-white blade is cold and cold, and the blade is like autumn frost.

Something is wrong, something is wrong with these two!

The ancestor once said that these monks who have ascended from the lower realm have rich experience in fighting skills, and their strength exceeds that of the native immortals in the immortal realm.

What is going on now?These two immortal envoys killed them like crushing ants? !

The strong sense of suffocation on his neck disappeared a lot. He was panting heavily. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the girl's eyebrows raised slightly, "Which big fool told you? No matter how low our cultivation base is, we are using immortal power. No matter how high the cultivation base is, it is still a mortal body."

The brown-robed old man was silent. It's not that they haven't thought of these things, but they must forget and believe that they can defeat the immortal.

Shaohaoyue didn't talk too much with him, and directly used the confusion to ask questions. Shen Canghao's guess was right, the Bai family indeed had two teams, only the selected elites could practice demons, and the rest continued to practice Taoism.

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