Of course, for the Bai family to secure their position as the number one hermit master in Qingxuan, there must also be geniuses among the disciples in the cultivation.

In Daoxiu, the vast majority of people don't know the existence of Baijiamoxiu. Only the Patriarch and some high-level people with real power know this secret.

The old man's name is Bai Hui, he is the leader of this class in the Bai family demon cultivator, also known as the owner of the Yin family, he directly communicates with a person who is called a demon envoy, but he has never seen the face of that demon envoy, and he doesn't even know gender.

Under the leadership of the successive heads of the Yin family, the Bai family created thousands of places polluted by demonic energy, large and small, and planned more than a dozen demonic disasters, the biggest one being the demon monk Huineng.

They restrained their actions and were extremely patient. Many of them happened once in thousands of years, especially for the evils in the Qingxuan Starfield. Most of them were to find suitable candidates for the evils, and they secretly contributed to the flames, and they never showed themselves.

After asking about all the places polluted by demonic energy and the surviving disciples of the Bai Family Demon Cultivator, Shao Haoyue tightened the Huanshi Ling and strangled his neck.

Groups of demons became violent, roaring and rushing towards them. She brushed them away casually, and turned her head to look at Shen Canghao. He was checking Bai Zheng's situation. Judging by the degree of frowning, the situation was obviously not optimistic.

Shen Canghao: "He is indeed one body with two souls, and the other soul should be the remnant soul separated from Bai Xi, but his cultivation is indeed only at the state of integration, and there is no hiding."

"So Eryu's Mahayana period is false, and they have secret techniques to adjust their cultivation?"

Shen Canghao shook his head, "I can't say, but I don't think their situation is simply a matter of adjusting their cultivation."

There are thousands of spells in the world, and the spells in the low-level planes are not necessarily inferior to those in the fairy world. It is indeed possible that the Bai family's secret spells are too subtle to hide it from him and Shaohaoyue, but this possibility is very low.

The most important thing is that Bai Zheng and Er Yu are completely two people no matter how you look at it.

Shaohaoyue glanced at the demon spirits that gathered again, and said: "Take them away and check later, the Patriarch of the Bai family should also know a lot of information."

She jumped into the sky, pinched the seal, and the crimson fire rain fell, covering the entire secret realm, and the demon energy was dispelled. After a cup of tea, the demon energy in the entire secret realm was completely wiped away.

She opened her consciousness to investigate the situation in the secret realm, and demonic energy appeared around her again, but it was very faint, and it was difficult for ordinary people to detect it.

Shaohaoyue raised his head and looked at the light gray sky, a burst of immortal power shot out, the dark sky suddenly lit up, and the dark purple formations outlined vertically and horizontally, it was a magic circle covering a secret realm, and wisps of magic energy were seeping in from the formation .

The magic energy produced was introduced here?

She rummaged through Bai Hui's body, found a formation card, and easily located an area polluted by magic energy through the formation card.

After thinking about it for a while, she understood that all the demon cultivators of the Bai family need to breathe out the demonic energy to cultivate, and it is not difficult to pick a piece of land polluted by the demonic energy they created for their own use.

Yun Liancheng.

In the first viewing booth, a male cultivator pinched his gray beard and said with a smile: "It is rumored that the disciples of the Luoyang Sect are all handsome and elegant. When I saw them today, they are indeed true."

The Luoyang sect's high-level officials are multi-faceted, and the disciples in the income sect are not only the regular inspection indicators such as talent and heart, but also the appearance is also a reference factor.

Therefore, the handsome men and beauties of the Luoyang Zongmen are a beautiful landscape every time there is a grand event in the Zongmen.

The male cultivator who spoke had some grievances with the suzerain of the Luoyang sect when he was young, and he especially hated the Luoyang sect's famous appearance.

In the arena, the disciples of the Luoyang Sect were being beaten all the time. In the previous few competitions of the Luoyang Sect, there was no victory.

At this time, it is natural to be yin and yang.

Hearing this, the Luoyang Sect Master was not angry at all, and squinted a pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes, "Sect Master Wang is absurd, I am envious of the disciples of the noble sect, all of them are big and thick, and they are all very imposing..."

The head of the Bai family, Bai Yugao, sat at the head, listening calmly to the fight between the heads and heads of the clan. Most of the children of the Bai family have not yet lost.

Among the many forces, the only one that worries him is the Qingyu Sect. This sect has risen too fast and is too eye-catching, but in just a few hundred years, it has become one of the most powerful sects in Qingxuan.

More importantly, the former head of Qingyu ascended to the fairy world on the same day as the master of Danfeng. In the eyes of monk Qingxuan, this glory has already surpassed the Bai family, and even predicted that Qingyu will replace the Bai family in the future.

Bai Yu secretly disdains, for tens of thousands of years, there are about a dozen monks who have ascended from Qingxuan to the immortal world, but only the Bai family can stand tall, and these ridiculous people who have been kept in the dark will not know the reason.

Thinking of this, Bai Yu's heart was filled with resentment and depression, and his thoughts drifted away involuntarily.

At this time, the Baihuashan Secret Realm card in the ring suddenly shimmered, and then it shattered with a click.

Bai Yu was so shocked that he almost couldn't maintain the expression on his face. At this moment, a rainbow light fell behind the crowd, and the deacon of the Bai family guarding the Soul Lamp Hall staggered down from the flying sword, his face panicked.

In the next second, a sound transmission sounded in his sea of ​​consciousness, "Patriarch, it's not good, the soul lamps of the elders of the hidden hall are all off."

Bai Yu's head buzzed, all the elders of the Yin Temple were wiped out?
How can this be?

That's fourteen Taoist cultivators who have completed the tribulation period, and there are only four Taoist cultivators who have completed the tribulation period in the entire Qingxuan Starfield. What's more, according to the standards of Taoist cultivators, many of the elders of the Yin Temple have exceeded the cultivation level required for ascension.

"Friend Daoist Bai?"

The woman's doubtful voice pulled Bai Yu back from the shock. After his vision became clear, he was facing the gaze of An Ran, the head of Shangqingyu. Those thick and beautiful phoenix eyes were deep and probing.

Bai Yu turned his eyes and scanned the heads of the various forces, and their eyes fell on him. Many monks watching the competition below also looked at him, and even the two juniors who were fighting on the ring slowed down their fighting skills. Pay attention to him with all your attention.

He was too shocked just now, the expression on his face did not tense.

Bai Yu took a deep breath, ignoring the crowd, and said, "Bai has something important to leave first, and I will leave this place to fellow Taoists."

Before he finished speaking, he disappeared from the spot and went straight to Bai's house.

Everyone looked at each other, and after a moment of silence, there was a lot of discussion, secretly guessing that something big happened to the Bai family, and the head of the family could leave in public.

There were those who were curious and wanted to take a look. Just as they were about to make a move, a cultivator from the Bai family stood up and bowed to An Ran and the leaders of various forces, and said: "The owner of the family has something to leave, and there is a competition, and I would like to thank all the distinguished guests. bother."

The eyes of the leaders of the various forces changed, and no one had the intention of answering the words. The competition can be done at any time. The major events of the Bai family may affect the entire Qingxuan situation, and that is the most important thing.

An Ran's phoenix eyes moved slightly, and she glanced at the panic-stricken old man behind the crowd. She had noticed it as early as the moment the old man appeared.

The strangeness of Bai Yu should be after receiving this person's voice transmission.

While the scene was stalemate, in the direction of Baihua Mountain in the northeast, a vast spiritual light swayed like waves.

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