The aura was bright and clear, and there was an irresistible majesty in Zhongzheng's peace, as if a god had descended into the world.

Someone exclaimed: "That direction is... Baihua Mountain?!"

Although Baihua Mountain is not within the sphere of influence of Junlian City, its geographical location is special, and it is surrounded by another mountain range in the southeast. It can be called the gateway of Junlian City and also the gateway of the Bai family.

Making such a big commotion in Baihua Mountain is tantamount to declaring war on the Bai family.

Almost everyone guessed that the Baihua Mountain's misfortune might be related to Baihuashan. They were so curious that they would never let go of the excuse of sending it to their door.

The Suzerain of Luoyang Sect looked serious, and the amorous and charming peach blossom eyes were completely awe-inspiring at this time, "I know that the heads of all the forces in Qingxuan are in Yunlian, but there are still madmen coming to attack, I simply don't take us seriously Li, hmph, this seat will meet for a while!"

As he said that, he stepped lightly and drifted towards Baihua Mountain.

An Ran secretly sighed at the talent. What happened was Baihuashan, but he blurred the other party's target into all the forces in Yunlian City who came to participate in the ranking battle, and directly blocked the mouths of the left-behind elders of the Bai family, giving everyone the right to go forward reason.

"This seat will also go to meet for a while!"

The suzerain surnamed Wang, who had been eccentric to him before, was the first to respond, and the others also expressed their opinions one after another, rushing towards Baihua Mountain with great arrogance.

Bai Yu originally planned to go back to Bai's house first, and enter Baihua Mountain through the secret road, but he didn't expect such a commotion from Baihua Mountain on the way.

Seeing the high-ranking monks rushing towards Baihua Mountain like wolves and tigers, he no longer cared about covering up, and dodged towards Baihua Mountain.

The high-level powers left, and the other monks watching the battle hesitated for a moment, and then rushed towards Baihua Mountain, even the two monks who were fighting in the arena were no exception.

The referees are gone, what else is there to do?

Shaohaoyue calmly put the prohibition array into the ring, looked at the crowd flying towards him, and said to the nervous Skylark, "Stand behind me."

Naturally, she didn't take this group of high-ranking Qingxuans to heart, but Yunque's cultivation base was too low, and it might just be her breath that could kill her.

As she spoke, she suddenly stopped, and raised her eyes to look at the flying crowd. A personal guard contract was rapidly approaching her.

Are there her personal guards in the crowd? !
Shaohaoyue was stunned, and felt it carefully, and sure enough, the one belonging to Xuanshuang Yanhu was abnormally bright.

She glanced at Shen Canghao from the corner of her eye, she was speechless, what is this?

In order to prevent Shen Canghao from discovering the clues, she went to the Demon Realm alone on the grounds of collecting information separately, because she was afraid that Shen Canghao would notice when she met her personal guard.

Unexpectedly, the personal guard was not in the demon domain, but was mixed among the human cultivators!
At this time, the other party also sensed her existence through the personal guard contract, and Shaohaoyue quickly sent a voice transmission: "Shut up and don't act strange."

Ah You, who was flying, was stagnant and almost collided with the monks behind. If he hadn't been concerned that he was the spiritual pet of the leader of the Qingyu School, and his strength was also extremely strong, the monks behind would have scolded him.

Having been together for many years, An Ran was keenly aware of his emotional changes. At first he was sluggish, then he was excited and ecstatic, but then he tried hard to restrain himself and not show it.

She asked via voice transmission, "What's wrong?"

Ayou subconsciously wanted to tell her via voice transmission, but at this time Bai Yu flashed past them and shouted angrily: "He Fangxiao is young, dare to come to my Bai family to play wild!"

His speed was fast and urgent, and his whole body was full of aura. Many low-level monks were so excited that they groaned, and some even fell directly from the air twitching.

An Ran frowned, and took action to protect a few juniors nearby. A'you ignored the sound transmission, and immediately turned to check the situation of the Qingyu disciples.

Fortunately, most of the juniors were slow, not on the way Baiyu passed by, but the disciples who had the strength to fly to the front had the lowest cultivation level and were at the Mahayana stage, with only minor injuries.

Bai Yu quickly passed the crowd and landed first. Looking at the two people standing quietly on the top of Baihua Mountain, the spiritual breath in his body was harmonious and peaceful. Looking next to them, Bai Zheng's body was churning with demonic energy, which was so strong that it almost covered him. Appearance.

Bai Yu's heart sank to the bottom, his thoughts were racing, and he had already made a decision to strike first.

"Monster, how dare you harm my disciple of the Bai family!"

His tiger eyes widened, and his voice was like thunder, causing sand and stone to fly and dust to roll back.

However, the mud and dust that covered the sky and the lightning-like sand stopped abruptly a foot in front of the two of them, as if there was an invisible barrier there, blocking all the sand and sand.

Maybe someone he knew was present, so Shao Haoyue was more cautious, and made up his mind to hand over the conversation with Renxiu to Shen Canghao. Anyway, he is a human race, and he will take over Renxiu's affairs, so there is nothing wrong with it.

She waited for Shen Canghao to answer the Patriarch of the Bai family, but she didn't want to receive his voice transmission, "That is the current head of the Qingyu School, and the junior sister from the same school as Wei Lin. It is said that they all come from the small world of Canglan." of."

Shaohaoyue followed his line of sight to look over, the woman was dressed in red, her eyebrows were thick and eye-catching, bright and compelling, what shocked her was that the frost-white boy with low eyebrows and pleasing eyes beside the woman was her personal guard Xuan Shuangyan Tiger.

She pursed the corners of her lips, suspicious in her heart: Shen Canghao wouldn't have noticed something, was he testing her on purpose?
Turning her eyes, she raised a smile that was not a smile, and said via voice transmission: "Mr. Shen has collected a lot of information in a short period of time. You care so much about that Wei Lin. Are you afraid that he will rob you?" Is your Qingyun Ranking No. [-]?"

The light in Shen Canghao's eyes moved slightly, and he replied lightly: "The Qingyun Ranking has always been for those who are capable, but brother Yu is only temporarily occupying his position, so how dare you say that it is my top?"

After a pause, he said again: "If there is a day when the top of the list is dislocated, I hope you are the top of the list more than him."

Shaohaoyue's heart skipped a beat. What she said meant something special. It could be understood that he saw that she had infinite potential, or it could be explained that he hoped that the top spot would always be in the hands of the native immortals of Xingque, or maybe he was testing...

Shaohaoyue suddenly felt dizzy, it was really tiring to get along with these [-] thoughtful people.

At this time, most of the monks had arrived, and they were all surprised to see Bai Zheng, who was surrounded by demonic energy.

Although Bai Zheng is the little transparent member of the Bai family, someone recognized him and said hesitantly, "This is Bai Zheng's little nephew, right? What's going on?"

Although the monk who was asking the question was asking Bai Zheng, his eyes were on Bai Yu. As for Shao Haoyue and Bai Yu, no one dared to be the first to take the lead because of Bai Yu's previous attempt.

Bai Yu's face was livid, his previous questioning was completely ignored by the two of them, and the other party obviously didn't take them seriously.

Of course, the fourteen elders who could complete the tribulation period in the hidden hall died before they could ask for help from the main family. The other party really didn't need to take them seriously.

He gathered himself together, and accused again full of resentment: "Monster, what did you do to my Bai family's children?"

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