all the way to fairy

Chapter 841 Questioning

Shen Canghao raised his eyes, his eyes were as indifferent as looking at ants, "What a thief shouting "Catch the thief, it's really insightful..."

Before he finished speaking, Bai Zheng on the side suddenly struggled violently, and cried sadly to Bai Yu: "Patriarch, why did you come here? Patriarch Baihui and the other elders are all dead! The thirteen elders were all killed by the devil!" Already!"

Shaohaoyue:? ? ?

Is this baby short-hearted?The elder of Yindian is the hidden power of the Bai family. He is so big and shakes out, and he is rushing to divide the Bai family and the Qingxuan sects!

She looked at Shen Canghao and asked with her eyes: Is this the leader of the younger generation of the Bai family?That's it?

Surprise flashed across Shen Canghao's eyes, and Bai Zheng's reaction was beyond his expectation. According to his previous investigation, Bai Zheng was definitely not such a brainless person.

Bai Yu's forehead protruded, and a ferocious look flashed across his face very quickly, and the others were stunned.

After a long while, the head of the Luoyang Sect turned his head, "Fellow Daoist An, did I hear you wrong? Why did I hear this junior say Patriarch Bai Hui?! There are two Patriarchs in the Bai family?"

Before An Ran could answer, a gray-haired old Xiu hesitated to speak: "Bai Hui? The ancestor of the Bai family, didn't he die ten thousand years ago?"

Many of the people present were old monsters who had lived for many years. They quickly remembered who Bai Hui was, and almost dropped their jaws in shock.

Turning around, they thought of the thirteen elders that Bai Zheng said, the elders who can be called together with the Patriarch must be above the tribulation stage, and there are thirteen elders in the Bai family!

Except for the Bai family, Qingxuan has a total of twenty or so for the period of crossing the catastrophe.

Taking another look, several known elders of the Bai Family Transcend Tribulation Period were present, and the thirteen dead...

After thinking about the key points, everyone broke out in a cold sweat. The Bai family is really well hidden!

Right now, all forces are very afraid of the Bai family, and the situation is in favor of Shaohao and Yue. Although this bias is dispensable to them, if they have an advantage, they have to take advantage of it.

Shen Canghao continued what he hadn't finished before, "The Bai family is very capable of creating evil troubles, cultivating evil cultivators, and slandering immortal envoys."

Demon troubles, demon cultivators, and immortal envoys, just a few words, shocked the minds of all the monks in Qingxuan, thinking of the brilliant, clean and majestic aura that swayed from Baihua Mountain before, and realized later that it was not some kind of spiritual light. power, but celestial power.

Looking at the two people standing facing the wind, their auras were peaceful and peaceful. When they looked over, they seemed to see two groups of lights. At first they looked pure and soft, but after watching them for a long time, they felt that the lights were extremely strong, like the sun in the sky, burning people's souls.

Everyone hurriedly looked away, and their attitudes unconsciously became respectful, although it is not certain that the other party must be an emissary based on the power of the fairy.

But the old guys all cherished their lives. Since the other party was able to kill the so-called thirteen elders and Bai Hui before the Bai family could react in time, it must be easy to kill them.

Based on this, they are more willing to believe that the two are angels.

The children of the Bai family were divided into two groups. Those who knew were panic-stricken. The Bai family who didn't know were first confused and then angrily framed the Bai family. Soon, their eyes looked at Bai Zheng, who was smoldering with evil spirits, and then looked at him again. Seeing the tense face of Patriarch Bai Yu, he became confused and hesitated again.

In the Bai family, is there really someone who cultivates demons?

The other Qingxuan monks were not as complicated as the Bai family. They all bowed and bowed, "I have seen the fairy envoy."

The envoy's lower realm must be related to the demon. According to the past practice of receiving the envoy, the head of Qingxuan's first force should go forward to answer the envoy, listen to the envoy's orders, and convey the order of the envoy.

Now that the Bai family has a problem, and the other forces have not yet decided who is superior, who should represent them?
The thought turned in his mind, and the helmsmen of several top forces took a step back, leaving only An Ran in front.

Although the Qingyu faction was established for a short time and its background is not as good as other big factions, there are many new talents. In recent years, only people from Qingyu have ascended to the fairy world. The most important thing is that the identity of the fairy envoy is currently in doubt, and the person who takes the lead has the ability to detect mines mean.

An Ran knew what they were thinking, but didn't care. He wanted to replace the Bai family and become the number one force in the Qingxuan Star Region, so he naturally had to do his part in major matters!
Opportunities and risks have always coexisted.

Shen Canghao was very satisfied that there was no need to prove his identity. He threw a jade slip and a picture stone to An Ran, and said in a low voice: "This is the list of the Bai family's demon cultivators and the places polluted by demon energy. Your task is to kill Moxiu, clean up the magic energy."

After a pause, he added: "If you encounter someone who is possessed by a demon, or a demonic energy that cannot be cleaned up, please tell us, and we will deal with it."

All the monks bowed again, "I would like to abide by the decree of the law."

Doubts about the identity of the immortal envoys are reduced by one point. Judging from the past history, the only thing that the immortal envoys care about is the demons. Let them clean up the demon energy and kill the demon cultivators, but they don't care about their lives. There are indeed immortal envoys in their actions Sample.

The hearts of the high-ranking insiders of the Bai family sank to the bottom of their hearts. Slandering the fairy envoys as villains who harmed the Bai family was originally an expedient measure, and it could not be verified at all.

Seeing that the forces of all parties are about to move, Bai Yu sneered and raised his voice: "Emissary? Are they really qualified to be called envoys?"

He straightened his body, and glanced at everyone with mournful and desolate eyes, "My Bai family has stood in the Qingxuan Star Region for hundreds of thousands of years, and our ancestors have ascended to the Immortal Realm. Why do we cultivate demons?"

He turned his eyes to Shaohaoyue and the two of them, and said word by word: "If there is no hope of cultivating the Tao, how can we go to cultivating demons?"

He spoke very slowly, and Shao Haoyue understood that this was implying the two of them, and if he was in a hurry, he would reveal the truth about the development of Ascending Immortals restricted by Xingque.

Looking at Bai Yu who thought he was grasping the handle and putting all his hopes on the threat, Shaohaoyue sighed lightly. There was a Hongyuan between the superior and the inferior, and Bai Yu would not understand. For Xingque, Qing Xuan Xingyu is just a drop in the ocean.

In the universe, worlds of planes like Qingxuan are vast. His so-called threat is like an ant holding a stone to protest an elephant, which is stupid and ridiculous.

Seeing that the expressions of the two immortal envoys remained unchanged, Bai Yu's heart cooled down a lot, and her heart became more and more angry, and she continued to speak sadly: "I think you all know that the ancestor of the Bai family, Baidi, came down to the world as an envoy after his ascension, and he told We, the Immortal Realm, control the cultivation resources and greatly restrict the monks who ascend.

We have practiced for many years, improved our cultivation, sharpened our hearts, experienced tests, and finally ascended to the fairy world, but our path was restricted by them, and we no longer had the chance to go to the great path.

Everyone, if you heard the news, how would you save yourself? "

The monks of Qingxuan were stunned by the news, and heard him shouting sadly: "Is this kind of fairy world the fairyland we yearn for? Should such a fairy be respected by us?"

Shen Canghao's expression remained unchanged, and he asked quietly: "Is there anything else to accuse?"

Bai Yu's momentum froze, and he was full of astonishment, "You...don't explain?"

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