all the way to fairy

Chapter 842 Elixir

"Then it's gone." Shen Canghao murmured softly, the silver light flew across the water like a dragonfly, and the simple and plain scabbard hit Bai Yu's neck hard, and Bai Yu immediately fell limply.

There was silence.

The monks of Qingxuan were shocked and fearful, Bai Yu had completed his tribulation period, the highest cultivation level in Qingxuan Starfield, but he was unable to break through the slash, so he failed to ascend to immortality.

With him like this, under the hands of the immortal envoy, he has no power to resist. If this blow is not the scabbard but the blade, there is no doubt that it will be Bai Yu's head flying into the sky.

Didn't it mean that the immortal envoys from the lower realms can only reach completion in the Tribulation Transcending Period?Why is there such a disparity in actual combat power?
In the battle between immortals and demons back then, if the immortal envoys had this fighting power, how could the battle be so tragic?

Shaohaoyue raised his hand and grasped it in vain, and the fainted Bai Yu was photographed. As the head of the family, Bai Yu must know the most things under normal circumstances, so save his life to ask questions first.

The head of the family fell into the hands of the enemy, and there was no room for change. The senior monks of the Bai family went crazy. An old man held up his natal sword and raised his arms and shouted: "If the sky is not fair, we will reverse this day, sons of the Bai family, Follow this seat to kill!"

The moment he opened his mouth, several tribulation-crossing monks attacked together, but instead of attacking Shaohao and Yue, they poured their attacks on the later low-level monks.

Shaohaoyue was furious, and he shot like lightning, restraining the few cultivators of the Bai family who had crossed the catastrophe, and the other monks who reacted also shot one after another, intercepting the rest of the Bai family.

Their reaction was not unpleasant, but during the tribulation period, it was no different from a massacre to low-level monks, and many elite disciples from various forces were killed or injured.

Some people's eyes turned red immediately, and they didn't even care about Shaohaoyue, the envoy. They rushed forward and rushed towards a Bai family who was restrained by her, "Bai Ping! This old man killed you!"

"The bastards of the Bai family! Don't even want to lose face, dignifiedly take action against the juniors during the tribulation period..."

All the monks were furious, their anger was unbearable, and they stared at the eyes of the monks of the Bai family almost wanting to spit fire.

Shaohaoyue's face was sullen, these cultivators from the Bai Family's Tribulation Tribulation were not as good as Bai Yu's, and if they attacked her and Shen Canghao, it was tantamount to a mantis' arm being a cart.

And then, it was no surprise that Brother Qingxuan would start chasing and killing the Bai family members. Now all the people present are the main force of the pursuit. Now that they kill one more person, the hope of escape for the Bai family members will be more.

She understands the choice of the senior members of the Bai family, but she can't agree with it. It is really disgusting to point the butcher's knife at the weak.

She said coldly: "I've never seen someone as stupid as you, who was sold and returned the money. Qingxuan is under the jurisdiction of the fairy clan, and it is impossible for the demon cultivators here to ascend to the upper realm."

The monks of the Bai family were startled, "What did you say?!"

They wanted to refute, but the family history flashed in their minds one by one. As she said, for tens of thousands of years, countless children of the Bai family practiced demons, but none of them ascended to the upper realm.

"No, it's impossible, this is the decision made by Bai Xi's ancestor, it's impossible..."

Shaohaoyue's eyes flickered, Bai Xi clearly understood this rule, why did he let the Bai family practice magic?
"Murdering and punishing, Shimei's move is really clever."

Shen Canghao's sound transmission sounded in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and Shaohaoyue pursed her lips. She didn't want to punish her, her goal was other Qingxuan monks.

Qingxuan is irrelevant to Xingque, but it is very important to the creatures who grew up here. Bai Yu exposed Xingque's bad habits in front of everyone.

The two of them are here, so they can be suppressed by force. Why are they gone?
There must be a lot of monks who are desperate. If they go down the path of evil spirits because of this, I don't know how many souls will suffer.

Point out that there is no way to cultivate demons, so it can be regarded as a little warning. Cultivating Tao can ascend to the fairy world, but cultivating demons can only die of old age and Qingxuan.

The goal has been achieved, Shao Haoyue raised his hand, using the palm as a blade, and killed several Bai family monks neatly.

The culprit was dead, and some of the angry Qingxuan sects were busy dealing with the casualties of the juniors, while others turned their malicious eyes on the low-level monks of the Bai family.

Yunli frowned, and looked at the bewildered Bai Zheng, Eryu who might be related to Baixi, maybe this kid is a very important clue.

While thinking, she suddenly smelled a faint and familiar fragrance, Shaohaoyue froze, and slowly turned her head to look over.

Among the angry and noisy crowd, the head of Qingyu was full of frost, taking out a pill and feeding it to the woman who was vomiting blood.

The familiar fragrance was emanating from that elixir.

At this moment, the world became silent, even her heartbeat stopped, and only the elixir was in her field of vision, and the vague fragrance magnified infinitely between her nostrils.

In a daze, she saw a girl in pink sitting on the window sill, with a pair of short legs dangling leisurely, holding a book in her hand, reading seriously, with a melodious voice.

When she read something unreasonable, she frowned delicately and raised her eyes and muttered to her: "This is too ridiculous. It was said earlier that the heroine was oppressed by her aunt, and she had endless work every day. Why is she so free?" ..."

The wind came out from behind her, filling the room with the fragrance of flowers.

"Xuan Yuan Pill?" Shen Canghao's surprised voice sounded, pulling her out of that past memory.

It was only then that Shaohaoyue realized that he had been beside the injured Qingyu disciple at some point, and the elixir was also in her hands, and the elixir was still stained with blood, while the others all looked at her in astonishment.

It seemed that she snatched the elixir from the mouth of the injured Qingyu disciple.

Shaohaoyue pinched the Xuanyuan pill, the strong smell of blood was mixed with the fragrance of the pill, but it still couldn't cover the insipid floral fragrance, the floral fragrance of pink glass white jade peach.

With her five fingers slightly bent, she held the elixir in her palm instead, her movements were extraordinarily gentle, as if she was dragging the most delicate flower, for fear that someone who wasn't paying attention would destroy it.

She looked up at An Ran, and asked nervously and anxiously, "Where did you get this pill?"

An Ran was slightly stunned, her heart moved, she stared at her eyes carefully, but there was a soft light in her vision, and she couldn't see clearly.

Among the disciples of the Qingyu School, some couldn't bear it anymore, and said respectfully and proudly before An Ran: "This was refined by our former peak master of Danfeng."

"Danfeng, the predecessor, the peak master?" Shaohaoyue repeated very slowly, she could only feel the blood boiling all over her body, and great ecstasy poured into her heart.

Huahua is still alive, she is still alive!

Excitement, joy, guilt, eagerness...

All kinds of emotions came to her heart, and she had mixed feelings.

Being able to talk to the fairy envoy, the Qingyu disciple was so excited that he quickly suppressed his joy and replied, "Yes, she is also a fairy. A few years ago, she ascended to the fairy world with our former head."

An Ran's eyes flickered slightly, she glared at the disciple, and reprimanded softly: "There are no rules!"

Then he laughed along with him, and said to Shaohaoyue and the others: "Young junior, you don't have much knowledge, so the two immortal envoys laughed at you."

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