all the way to fairy

Chapter 843 Arrangement

The disciple shrank his neck, realizing that he was reckless, and the heads of all the sects were there, so there was no reason for him, a little monk, to intervene.

"It's okay." Shaohaoyue shook his head, his tone softened, not as indifferent as before, and asked again: "Alchemist? Is she very powerful?"

Combined with Ah You's previous strangeness, An Ran realized who the fairy envoy in front of her was, and her heart suddenly became sour, with never such a cold and unfamiliar gaze from the end.

She really doesn't remember her.

She can recognize Huahua's reincarnated Ah Yan by virtue of the pill, and recognize Ah You by virtue of the contract, but she will never know her again, and will not remember that she once grew up with her.

The cousin who played around with her since she was a child, after all, is gone.

Waiting for An Ran's answer, Shaohaoyue was a little strange, and then remembered that she reprimanded her disciples for being unruly. Could it be that she heard that the fairy world restricted the ascending immortals, and was worried that she would ask for information and go back to find trouble with their peak master?

Shaohaoyue raised a slight smile, trying to show his kindness and kindness, "Don't worry about the master, our Xingque values ​​alchemists very much."

Right now, she will not be unfavorable to their former master Danfeng.

Unexpectedly, after hearing her words, An Ran's expression became more and more strange, as if a little... sad?
At this time, Shen Canghao also spoke suddenly: "My sister's words are true, and the head of An Ran can rest assured. The former peak master of your sect is in the middle plane, and he can refine the Xuanyuan pill, which is very good luck."

Shaohaoyue's joy faltered, and she almost forgot that there was something in the way.

However, after being reminded by him, she realized that the reincarnated Huahua might have memories. Although Xuanyuan Pill is only an ordinary healing pill in Xingque, it is very rare to appear in the lower realm.

She leaned over and fed Xuanyuan Pill to the bewildered injured disciple, straightened up and stared at Shen Canghao coldly, and said through voice transmission: "With your exquisite mind, you can guess who the former master of Dan Peak in Qingyu is."

Shen Canghao smiled lightly, "Who else can make Shimei mess up, except for that little flower fairy."

Her eyes were piercing, "It's good that you know, I just tell you one thing, don't touch people you shouldn't touch!"

Her heart is more relaxed than ever, she has already Nirvana, no longer a weak person, and has the ability to protect those who want to protect.

A few days later, the news of the Bai family's cultivating demons spread throughout the Qingxuan Star Field through various means, and the entire star field was shaken. Rush to the place polluted by demonic energy to clean up the demonic energy.

Seeing one dead zone after another, even hard-hearted powers can't help but be touched. The reluctance to restrict immortals to ascend monks is suppressed, replaced by anger and fear of demons.

In a place polluted by demonic energy, An Ran stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the busy disciples, Ayou through voice transmission: "Is it her?"

She wanted to ask this question a long time ago, but since there were other angels around, she tried her best to keep it in her heart.

Ayou was stunned for a moment before realizing what she was asking. After the surprise that day, he quickly realized that His Royal Highness no longer remembered the past.

Then what she ordered to shut up naturally included shutting up to An Ran.

"So you already recognized His Highness." Ayou touched his nose, embarrassed to explain, "I didn't mean to hide it from you, she is a divine beast, and her orders to us are above those of her master, and..."

Ah You didn't say anything later, but An Ran already understood that in fact, Ah You was not her spiritual pet, he was just protecting her under that person's order.

Ayou followed An Ran for the longest time, he could tell what An Ran was thinking at a glance, and said: "You treat me very well, even better than my father and mother, even if there is no order from His Highness, I will protect you. "

An Ran let out a sigh of relief, "Ayan said that she has a very high status in the fairy world, how could she go down to the world to deal with things?"

According to Mu Yan, the immortal envoys sent from the lower realms are just ordinary immortals in Xingque, so they never imagined this possibility, nor did they make arrangements.

The sound transmission from Ah Li to Ah You obviously did not want to recognize each other. With the arrogance of the fairy envoy, this kind of concealment is naturally not for the Qingxuan cultivator.

At this time, a message talisman flew over, and An Ran crushed it, and the voice of a disciple under the sect sounded inside: "Master, Luoyang Sect agrees to exchange with us."

An Ran breathed a sigh of relief, and took out a list to him, "I'll take them to the Shijiao Devil's Cave in a while, and you try to give her the list quietly."

The Shijiao Demon Cave was acquired from the area under the responsibility of the Luoyang Sect, and its location is very remote. According to records, this Demon Cave has been born for a long time, with strong demonic energy and extremely dangerous.

Ah You didn't understand why she wanted to change with Luoyang Zong?
He lowered his eyes to look at the list, all the names of the disciples who cleaned up the demonic energy below were all on it, with two exceptions, Chu Nan and Wen Xueluo.

He was stunned, and belatedly realized that these were monks who had ascended from Cang Lan. On second thought, the areas they were in charge of during this period were almost all remote places.

Only then did he understand that An Ran was worried that her identity would be discovered by the monks who ascended from Cang Lan, so he put the people together and took them far away.

Over the years, the monks who ascended from the Canglan Continent, after hearing about the Qingyu School, would come to ask to join as long as they had no serious grievances.

For the sake of their fellow countrymen, the Lantau School will also take it under their sect.

Now there are only two Canglan monks who are exceptions, one is Chu Nan and the other is Wen Xueluo.

Wanting to understand Guan Qiao, Ah You said seriously: "Yes, I'll go right away!"
Ninefold Star Que.

After Wei Lin disguised himself, he disappeared and fell behind a caravan.

This time, he also took the assassination mission, assassinating a caravan steward, in the late stage of the fairyland, the reward is very generous, [-]% higher than the usual assassination mission.

I don't know if it's because the prices have fluctuated recently, and the rewards for many assassination orders are much higher than before. The assassins in Qiuxi Tower are very active. If he hadn't performed well since he took the order, he might not be able to get such a good order.

The only trouble is that the steward of this caravan will be escorting a batch of important goods in the near future, and there are always guards by his side.

Wei Lin had no choice but to follow behind them, waiting for an opportunity.

This time, they arrived at the edge of the fairy and demon front, a gray city in the demon area.

After entering the city, the caravan went directly to a weapon shop and unloaded wooden boxes. These boxes looked rough but were actually expensive.Its production material is the same as that of Najie and other storage spaces, but the craftsmanship is not so particular, it is not as light and compact as Najie, and only requires a large space.

There are so many wooden boxes, and there are countless goods in them.

If there is no accident, this weapon shop is actually opened by the family to which the caravan belongs, and the other shops may also have some kind of relationship. No wonder the gray city keeps banning it repeatedly.

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