all the way to fairy

Chapter 844 Ambush

After completing a task, most people will find a chance to relax, especially this kind of task that requires a high degree of nervous tension. At that time, it is the best time to assassinate.

Seeing that the caravan steward was handing over to the store manager soon, Wei Lin cheered up and was ready to start, but he didn't think the caravan steward didn't relax.

He raised his hands in vain, three objects about half a foot high and three meters wide, which seemed to be large boxes, flew out of the fairy boat, and were covered with a special black cloth to prevent detection by the spiritual sense.

The escort quickly moved it to the car, and the freight team disguised as a weapon shop left the weapon shop.

Wei Lin didn't want to know about the family's collusion with the Wang family before, but his task target also set off with the cargo team, so he had no choice but to keep up.

After a few rounds of detour in the wilderness, the cargo team turned into the territory of the demons. Obviously, the goods inside were intended to be traded to the demons.

Wei Lin: ...

Why does this kind of thing always happen to him?
Fortunately, there is no need to scare the snake this time, and you can wait until the transaction between the two parties is completed before doing it.In order not to lose track of the target, after thinking about it, he still chose to fall far behind the cargo team.

Not long after leaving the city, the cargo team stopped behind a leeward hill, and the guards sat or stood around the cargo team, waiting quietly.

Wei Linyin was a thousand meters away, observing patiently.

The night was low and his vision was dim, but at this distance, he could still see the situation of the cargo team clearly.

About half a quarter of an hour later, a small team floated out like a ghost, and the leader made a gesture to the guarded cargo team from a distance. Judging from his aura, it was indeed the demon race.

The one with the highest cultivation level was a late-stage demon in the Heavenly Demon Realm, tall and tall, but with thick eyebrows and small eyes, he looked a little wretched, but the leader of the team was another young man with red hair and black clothes.

If there is no accident, the young man should come from a famous clan in the demon clan, and the others are his guards.

The steward of the caravan heaved a sigh of relief, stepped forward to check the identity of the other party, and then approached the cargo team with the small-eyed guard with the highest cultivation level in the demon team, and opened a car for the other party to check.

Without the cover of the black cloth, the thing that resembled a large wooden box showed its true appearance.

That is not a box, but a cage.

In a small space of a few square meters, there were more than a dozen people crowded together, wearing array shackles on their wrists.

The target of this transaction turned out to be a human!
Wei Lin was stunned, what did the demons buy the immortals for?
The most likely thing involved in the trading of monks is the furnace. The problem is that for the two races, the strength of the other party is no different from poison. It is impossible for the demons to buy the fairy clan as the furnace.

The black cloth was removed, and the people in the cage turned their heads, looking around in horror and vigilance. Following the movements of the people in the outer circle, Wei Lin caught a glimpse of a familiar face——Zhang Duo.

He was even more surprised, Zhang Duo was quite strong, and he had a high status in the private army of Jun's family. After the third battalion was gone, he went to another regiment to be the deputy battalion commander. How could he appear here?
Taking a closer look, there are still a few faces that are familiar, they are members of the Zhou family's private army, and they fought together in Yueqing Jie.

Seeing Zhang Duo's face, Wei Lin decided to rescue him. He confirmed the effect of holding his breath and invisibility. Using the twilight and terrain cover, he sneaked within ten feet of the trading point.

The small-eyed guard was very vigilant, almost as soon as Wei Lin approached, he noticed the strangeness, and quickly sacrificed his natal weapon, with a strong demonic energy covering his whole body, he raised his voice and shouted: "Who?"

Wei Lin made a decisive decision, and went straight to the Xiaoyan guard. He was the most cultivated of all, and if he was eliminated, half of the ambush would be won.

The sword in his hand rushed with a cold light, as fast as lightning. Although the small-eyed guard was unusually alert, but at close range, he only had time to avoid the vital point.

Dodging one blow does not mean avoiding the second and third blows. Wei Lin swung his long sword in the basic sword style back and forth, but his attacks were fast and sharp enough. It was as fierce as a fire, and did not give the opponent a chance to breathe at all.

In just a short time, the small-eyed guard was blood gushing all over his body, stretched to the left and right, barely parrying.

Wei Lin also had a bad time fighting, this sword was a magic sword he bought for emergency, it was not as sharp as Mo Li, if it was Mo Li's sword, the small-eyed guard would have already died.

It took only a short time for the guards with small eyes to notice the abnormality, and it took only a short time for Wei Lin to attack and hurt people. Everyone was stunned. They reacted very quickly, and the guards from both sides attacked together.

Wei Linli ignored him, his body flickered like a ghost, all his moves and attacks were poured on the small-eyed guard, and the attacks of other people landed on him, the defensive soft armor gave off a faint aura, blocking [-]% of the attacks, and the rest Yicheng has little influence on Wei Lin.

Both the fairy and the demon sensed something was wrong. The demon youth who was suspected to be from a famous clan had a sullen face, his fingers were so fast that he couldn't see the shape clearly. Following his tactic, a cloud of extremely dense black energy appeared and went straight to Wei Lin.

This is the innate devil energy, which can only be cultivated by some demons, and it is also a symbol of the geniuses of the demons.

As soon as the innate devilish energy came out, Wei Lin immediately felt a chill of being stared at by evil spirits. Fortunately, he had experienced such things a lot, so he didn't panic at all.

On the other hand, the small-eyed guard became stiff in his movements, and his body trembled uncontrollably. He who was struggling to support himself showed such obvious flaws, how could he survive? If he couldn't dodge in time, he was taken away by Wei Lin life.

After beheading the small-eyed guards, Wei Lin jumped up, quickly dodged the cover of the innate devil energy, and with a backhand sword, beheaded the three guards affected by the devil energy, and then kept attacking the other guards.

Seeing this situation, the demon youth was startled, and hurriedly withdrew his demon energy, "Who are you?"

The innate devil energy of the demon race has a greater impact on the immortal race, and it is like a poison if it is stained, it will damage the fairy body in the slightest, and it will hurt the root in the worst case.

This situation was completely beyond his expectation.

At the same time as the demon youth questioned, several black darts appeared near Wei Lin out of nowhere, this familiar style, Tana's!
Wei Lin flipped his wrist, swung his long sword flexibly, and blocked the dart.

When the first sneak attack failed, the hidden weapons of the demon youths were even less effective. In a short time, the guards of both the immortal and demon were killed by Wei Lin.

When he pierced the steward of the caravan that was the target of this mission, a drop of exceptionally bright red blood flew out of the steward's body, emitting a misty red light. There is some kind of connection with this drop of blood.

The bright red blood drop only stayed in the air for a moment, then faded away, dripping on the steward like ordinary blood.

Wei Lin's heart sank, no good, the assassination mission is a plan!

At the same time, somewhere far away from Xingzhuo, a young gentleman smiled softly, "I found you, Wei Lin."

In less than half a moment, except for Wei Lin, there was no one standing in the wilderness. He quickly took out the two magic weapons in the ring, and after examining them, he found that there were several tiny marks on the inconspicuous parts of the two magic weapons. pattern.

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