all the way to fairy

Chapter 846 Escape?

Shaohaoyue was stunned. Huahua's reincarnation belonged to the Lantau School like Ah You, so wouldn't that mean that he had already reunited with Huahua during the calamity!

She was suddenly curious about her own history, and accidentally brushed the name 'Chunan' with her fingertips, and the image of a handsome man appeared, even with an image.

It seems that this personal guard's cultivation base is a little lower, and his blood is a little weaker, but there are still merits, and he is careful.

At this time, there was a sudden movement in the nearby courtyard, followed by the scream of the skylark. Shaohaoyue was slightly startled, and hurried over. The skylark in the house fell to the ground, his chest was bright red, but his life was not in danger.

Shaohaoyue spread his consciousness to cover the whole city, searched for the source of the abnormal movement, and at the same time gave Yunque a pill, Yunque woke up quickly, and said with blood in his eyes, "Yes... Bai Zheng, Bai Zheng ran away."

Bai Zheng?

Sound East and West!

Shaohaoyue was startled, and searched more carefully, and soon found that there was a subtle and subtle fluctuation of spiritual power in the backyard of the restaurant in the west of the city.

She concentrated her consciousness as a whip and whipped it. Bai Zheng was forced out and appeared from hiding.

He was determined to escape, so he flew directly towards the gate of the city. Such a big movement naturally alarmed the others. The restaurant staff subconsciously blocked him, and only after he swung his fist did he realize that the other party was in the middle stage of the Fusion Realm, and he wasn't alone. It can be dealt with in the early stage of refining.

Unexpectedly, he hit the punch!

The culprit who fled flew backwards, slammed into a big tree in the backyard, and then fell to the ground with a slap.

The guys were dumbfounded, staring blankly at their fists, when did he become so powerful?

At this time, a woman in light yellow clothes appeared in the courtyard and was checking the situation of the thief. Only then did the man realize that the thief might have been injured before.

As he walked closer, he saw that the woman in yellow had a condensed expression on her face, and the thief on the ground was already completely dead.

The guy couldn't help but swallowed, and said blankly, "I couldn't have killed him, could I? I just punched him."

Shao Haoyue ignored him, she was full of suspicion, Bai Zheng died, no matter how you think about it, it seems evil.

She almost subconsciously threw out the formation disk to block a hundred miles away, and then began to check the scene. Bai Zheng was indeed dead, and his body was not stiff.

In fact, there is no need to check. After realizing Bai Zheng's escape, her spiritual consciousness has been covering the entire Yunlian City, and she quickly activated the formation, and she did not notice any signs of secretly escaping.

Bai Zheng is a key clue, if they can't ask for information, they won't kill him, that is to say, he stays obediently and there is no danger for the time being.

However, he chose to escape, and he should be able to escape with great confidence, but he died.

According to past experience, she preferred Bai Zheng to run away, which was his best move to get out of the shell.

Of course, it's also possible that Bai Zheng was young and energetic, didn't think carefully, and was unlucky. When she deliberately controlled her consciousness, she was seriously injured and couldn't dodge, and was punched to death by a buddy.

Next, she searched the backyard of the restaurant carefully, not letting go of even a single grain of sand, and found no hiding places like the Immortal Mansion, and no trace of the teleportation formation.

The weirder the matter, the more certain she was that Bai Zheng was a very important clue.

Unable to find out here, Shao Haoyue went to ask Yunque who found Bai Zheng's escape, "How did you find out that it belonged to Bai Zheng? He attacked you?"

This matter is also full of doubts. Yunque only has to practice Qi cultivation. After Bai Zheng escaped from the restraint, even if he just spit, he could easily kill her, but she only suffered some minor injuries.

Yunque was also very puzzled by this matter, "Recently, I felt that my realm was loose, and I have been concentrating on cultivation, and today I finally succeeded in breaking through the seventh level of Qi training.

When I was consolidating my cultivation, I suddenly 'saw' a green lotus blooming in the dark.At that moment, my consciousness suddenly became very light, as if I had broken away from the shackles of my body, and became free-wheeling, and then I saw Bai Zheng escaped from the restraint at full speed.

I thought I was dreaming, but Bai Zheng seemed to notice my gaze and turned to look at me.There was blueness in his eyes, and there was a faint flash of blackness in his eyes.

Seeing that point of blackness, my energy and blood surged instantly, and my spiritual power became disordered, and what happened next was just like what you saw. "

Shaohaoyue frowned, the skylark was just an ordinary bird, who followed her recently and was nourished by the phoenix aura, only then could she touch the threshold of the seventh step, her bloodline talent was average.

Not to mention that she has never learned formations, and her spiritual consciousness can only be used, and she has not yet opened the sea of ​​consciousness. In this case, something can only pull her spiritual consciousness and put her in a mysterious state, which can only be broken. Zheng's secret method saw him fleeing.

The question is, what can quietly draw Skylark's consciousness under his nose?
Bai Zheng was able to successfully break through the courtyard restrictive formation they had set up, and he was able to break through the protective formation of Yunlian City.Without Skylark's warning, she probably won't be able to find out in a short time, and Bai Zheng can escape smoothly.

The existence of pulling Skylark's consciousness seems to be helping them.

Is it that green lotus?

Thoughts were spinning, she unconsciously tapped on the table and asked, "Can you draw that green lotus?"

Yunque nodded, and raised his hand to outline out of thin air with his spiritual power. He didn't want to just draw a stroke, his complexion turned pale, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, his two strands were fighting, and he was about to fall down.

"Stop!" Shaohao Yue's expression changed slightly, and a soft celestial power burst out, interrupting her sketching.

"What's going on here?" Yunque stared wide-eyed, full of lingering fear.

She only sketched a stroke and drew a line, but her spiritual power was released in an instant. What's more frightening was that she couldn't stop, as if a powerful suction abyss appeared, trying to suck everything in her. Walk.

"That green lotus is too high-status, even if it's just a shape, it's not something you can describe." High-status objects are full of mystery in every stroke, and seemingly simple lines require majestic spiritual power to paint. outline.

Shaohaoyue patted her forehead, she was too big, how could she let Skylark describe that kind of existence.

"Qinglian." She murmured softly, thinking about which extraordinary things are in the form of Qinglian, spiritual plants, objects inspired forms, and even exercises.

After thinking for a while, she picked up a brush and brushed to draw several highest-grade spiritual plants that resemble Qinglian, "Recognize it, which one is the most similar to what you see."

Although many spiritual plants are in the shape of green lotuses, the details are different. She originally intended to filter them out. She didn't want Yunque to point to the first green lotus and affirmatively: "That's it!"

Shaohaoyue was startled, "Are you sure? Are the details different?"

"That's it, I'm sure!" Yunque was decisive, the green lotus was so amazing, she observed it very clearly, "Sister, what kind of spiritual plant is this?"

"One of the nine wonder medicines of heaven and earth, the chaotic green lotus."

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