all the way to fairy

Chapter 853 Fairy Demon Battlefield

"Phantom Ling!"

Zongsu blurted out, his enchanting red and blue eyes widened, filled with disbelief and a little fear, "You are not Shaohaoyao! Who are you?"

The Huanshi Ling is also a super divine weapon, it is to the Feng family what the Shanhe sword is to the Shen family, this kind of great weapon is absolutely impossible for alchemists who are not good at fighting to use.

Shaohao Yue raised his eyebrows, "I am your uncle!"

The orange silk in his hand swept up, wrapped around Zongsu's arm with lightning speed, and yanked fiercely. The incomparable strength made Zongsu who was dealing with Tianhuo stagger.

How could Shen Canghao let go of this kind of beating a dog in the water?He trampled on his body, with the spirit of mountains and rivers and swords, bringing up a series of smoky blue brilliance, looking for a gap in the sky and fire, and stabbing at Zongsu.

The scorching fire of Nirvana Sky broke its defenses, and the entanglement and strangulation of the silk gauze prevented it from moving and dodging, and Shen Canghao's Sword Intent Zongsu almost accepted it forcefully.

In the blink of an eye, he became a bloody man, stretched to the left and right, so embarrassed, he never saw the laziness and calmness before.

The situation was under their control, and Shaohaoyue felt at ease. If this continues, the old monster will be killed in a short time, and there should be time to find Wen Xueluo.

At this moment, her heart ached, as if a pair of invisible big hands held her heart and squeezed it hard.

The heart-piercing pain is even comparable to the burning pain of the heavenly fire before Nirvana.

Shaohaoyue's complexion paled instantly, cold sweat dripped from her forehead, she circulated the world of mortals without thinking, mobilizing the immortal power and heavenly fire to wrap her heart.

Shen Canghao, who was slashing wildly around Zongsu like a storm, caught a glimpse of her strangeness. From the corner of his vision, her heart was bursting with immortal light, and the crimson flames flickered rapidly. It was obvious that she was fighting something.

However, in his perception, apart from her Xianli Tianhuo, he found nothing else at all.

Shen Canghao's eyes were slightly condensed, and he observed Zong Su carefully, and soon found that his left eye was getting redder, like a bottomless pool of blood. .

"It's pupil art!"

As a reminder, the Mountain and River Sword in his hand flew around, piercing Zongsu's eyes with surging sword intent.

Shaohaoyue separated his mind and mobilized the Nirvana Skyfire to get out of the way, allowing Shen Canghao's sword intent to attack Zongsu's left eye without any resistance.

With Shen Canghao's restraint, the power of the pupil technique is greatly reduced, and the crisis in the heart is relieved. Shaohao Yue's heart swayed, and the dream-slashing knife in his hand turned over, and suddenly rushed to Zongsu's body, and plunged into Zongsu with a scorching blade. The key.

Facing Shen Canghao's full-strength sword, Zong Su didn't dare to be careless, the blood blade whirled in his palm, and even made the dagger feel like a long weapon, and swung the impenetrable saber energy to resist Shen Canghao's sword.

At this moment, a deadly scorching heat suddenly appeared in the heart, and then poured into the body like surging magma, the blood core shrank and beat sharply, pumping out thick blood.

However, it was useless. Under such a hot temperature, the blood core only persisted for a few breaths before it was covered with cracks and was swallowed by the sky fire.

The pupil technique was forcibly interrupted, Zongsu's left eye was in severe pain, and warm liquid oozed from the fundus of the eye, but he had no time to take care of it.

He looked down at the woman with a pale face and cold orange eyes, and said in disbelief, "Impossible, with such pain, how could you still be able to move?"

This pupil technique is called Killing, and it is Zongsu's biggest hole card. It has a miraculous effect when it is launched at the right time when facing the enemy. Those who respond slowly will have their hearts crushed immediately. Those who react quickly will lose their hearts for a short time Combat power, let him slaughter.

His killing pupil never misses!

Shaohaoyue's eyes were cold and cold, and most of the fire of Nirvana in her body was poured into Zongsu's body. Then, she suddenly opened the distance and said coldly: "With this degree of pain, do you still want to restrict me?"

If it wasn't for worrying that her heart would be crushed by the pupil technique and she had to defend herself, she could completely ignore this level of pain.

Zong Su stared at her blankly, still in disbelief, he was about to be killed by a junior!

He wanted to fight back, but the magma in his body rushed and took away his strength.

The raging sky flames burned, and half a quarter of an hour later, Zong Su was burned to ashes, leaving only two brilliance, one red and one blue.

"As expected of the Demon Ancestor Realm, the body is strong and can burn." With a mutter, Shao Haoyue summoned two groups of brilliance, and said to Shen Canghao: "One for each!"

These two groups of brilliance were separated from the pupils of the old monster. Don't think about the blood-red one, it should be able to ignore the defense and pinch the heart's pupil technique. I don't know what the blue one is.

Shen Canghao had no objection, and said with a smile: "Senior Sister please first."

Shaohaoyue made great efforts to kill the old monster, she didn't refuse, hesitated for a moment, and chose the killing pupil technique with known effect.

First of all, she has personally experienced this pupil technique, it is extremely domineering, it can ignore any defenses, and directly hits the heart. Shaohaoyue believes that apart from her, there are few people in this world who can not be affected by the huge pain at that moment.

Secondly, this pupil technique will obviously change the color of the owner's pupils. Her pupils are orange. If one eye turns blue, the contrast is too stark. This is not Da Lala telling others: Look, my eyes The color has changed, I'm going to make a big move!

Orange is similar to red, and one eye suddenly turns red. It is difficult to be found in fierce battles, and it is difficult to guard against it!
After distributing the spoils, they did not sacrifice immediately, but looked for Wen Xueluo's breath.

In the battlefield of immortals and demons, there are traces of various auras, and it is not easy to find people inside. Fortunately, Shaohaoyue left a mark on Wen Xueluo in advance.

Searching for the imprint, they quickly found it. It was the top of a mountain, without rolling demonic energy, dissipated immortal energy, stirring fighting intent, piercing murderous aura, no obsession, no tyranny...

That mountain top didn't seem to be located in the battlefield of immortals and demons, it just stood there quietly, like the most common mountain in Qingxuan.

The only strange thing is that its peak looks like it has been cut by something, it is bare and flat, and the lead gray slate is as clean as new, with many patterns engraved on it.

At this time, Wen Xueluo fell in the center of the platform, and blood gushed out from her body, flowing along the lines of the pattern.

On the edge of the platform, a man stood in the air, his gauze robe, which was as light as catkins, was blown up by the wind, revealing his thin and thin chest.

Seeing the two Shaohao and Yue who had been found, his pure and charming eyes were wonderfully blended, revealing madness and joy.

"I didn't expect that it would be you who won in the end!"

After saying that, he laughed out loud, his long eyebrows twisted, revealing a bit of ferocity, "I don't want to die, you still have today!"

There was a bit of gnashing of teeth in the tone.

Shaohaoyue raised his eyebrows, there are quite a lot of internal conflicts.

After a while, Eryu stopped laughing and said: "Don't you want to know the purpose of the old man, I want to know too, why don't you go and see together!"

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