all the way to fairy

Chapter 852 Fairy Demon Battlefield

In that unparalleled battle, the blood demon, as the clan directly under the Demon Emperor, had suffered heavy casualties, and lost the Demon Emperor and a group of strong men. He was no longer able to resist, and was soon wiped out.

Unexpectedly, there are still races of blood demons surviving!
This matter is also ridiculous to say the least, the blood demon clan who was once famous and in charge of the demon clan did not die in the hands of the fairy clan, but in the hands of the former subordinates.

And many tribes of the Yaozu also perished under the greed of former allies, and the Fengzu was almost one of them.

Shaohaoyue's heart sank slightly, the blood demon tribe who escaped from the dead planned such a...

Find out what they're planning as soon as possible!
Shen Canghao also had the same thought, the silver-white and bluish-blue sword blade was filled with fairy light, and fierce sword intents were generated, tearing apart the blood-colored surroundings, and a smoky green brilliance shot towards the center of Zongsu's eyebrows.

This sword is crisp and sharp, and there is nothing special about it, but Shaohaoyue admires it, the sharpness is restrained, concentrated in one point, if she wants to receive this sword, she will have to work hard.

However, Zong Su just raised his hand casually, slightly blocking it with the bloody dagger, as casually as if he just raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

When Yan Qing Guanghua came into contact with the blood blade, the edge of the blade glowing with cold light was like the surface of water, creating circles of ripples.Soon, the ripples disappeared, the blood blade was as cold as before, and the smoky brilliance disappeared without a trace.

Zong Su put down his hand, and slowly stroked the bloody dagger again, as if nothing had happened.

Shaohaoyue's face changed again, this is the secret technique of the blood demons - blood ripples, which eliminates and swallows the opponent's attack in the way of blood waves.

This secret skill is not as fierce as other skills of the Blood Demon Clan, and it is not even sharp, but it is very practical.

When facing an enemy stronger than yourself, you can use this skill to weaken the opponent's attack and save your life; for enemies with almost the same strength, use this skill, and the balance of victory will gradually tilt towards your side;

As for enemies whose strength is far inferior, this secret technique will appear extra sharp, and can swallow all the enemy's attacks, Shen Canghao is in this situation now.

Being in the intermediate plane, both sides can indeed only unleash the perfect attack during the tribulation period, but the physical strength and the level of immortal power and magic energy are still there. It needs to be resisted and dispelled with ten times and a hundred times of strength.

If it goes on for a long time, the immortal power in the body will definitely not be able to support it, not to mention that the opponent's devil energy is several times that of theirs.

Shen Canghao tightened his hand holding the sword, the light of the long sword faltered, and the spreading devilish energy evaporated like morning dew, forming a mist in an instant.

I don't know where the breeze is blowing up, and the mist is blown away, revealing the shadowy mountains and mountains in the distance, the mountains and rivers are rushing, and the mountains and rivers are magnificent.

Shen Canghao raised his eyes, looked at Zong Su lazily rubbing his dagger, and said softly, "Mountains and rivers are forever!"

As soon as the words fell, a sword was swung out, and thousands of miles of rivers and mountains swept and surged, submerging Zongsu in an instant.

Under the constantly collapsing mountains, the bloody dagger whirled, causing waves of ripples, and built a barrier of ripples in front of Zongsu. He controlled the knife with one hand, and looked at the long sword with admiration, "It is indeed a divine weapon!" Mountains and Rivers Sword, as soon as the sword is released, the mountains and rivers will be smashed!"

Shen Canghao's expression remained unchanged, more immortal power was poured into the long sword, and the surging mountains and rivers became more and more vast, as if the whole world was under pressure.

Several cracks appeared on the blood-red ripple barrier, and the cracks spread at an extremely fast speed, and the entire barrier was covered with spider web-like cracks in the blink of an eye.

And the continuous blood ripples not only failed to stabilize the repair, but accelerated the appearance of cracks.

Zong Su's eyes froze, the whirling bloody dagger stopped abruptly, and with a flip of his hand, a cold light went straight to Shen Canghao's ribs.

Shaohaoyue's wrinkles, although most of the devil's mind is on Shen Canghao, but he also has a ray of spirituality to lock her, as long as he shows a little flaw, his main target of attack is likely to change from Shen Canghao to her.

The old monster is quite cautious, and an alchemist is also so concerned.

With a silent spit, she called out the Meng Zhan Dao, Huan Shiling automatically loosened her wrist, and attached it to the Meng Zhan Dao, disguised as a decoration.

Flying above Zongsu like a ghost, he exhaled loudly, raised the Dream Slashing Saber high, and then chopped off his head without any tricks.

Zongsu's offensive continued unabated, the blood blade in his hand was still stabbing at Shen Canghao, but his body was covered with thick blood, and the blood mist flew away and condensed, blocking the Meng Zhan Dao.

However, the blood mist resisted for only a moment, before it was burned to ashes by the flame on the knife, the sharp knife energy entered his body, and the phoenix flame approached, Zong Su suddenly felt his scalp go numb.

He pursed the corners of his lips tightly and thought to himself: Feng clan is really troublesome. Even alchemists who are not good at fighting, with the blessing of Phoenix fire, are far more threatening than ordinary fairy clan. Fortunately, he was on guard.

A blood-colored veil flew out from his sleeve, and the blood-red light on it blocked the Dream Zhanjian before the blood mist was completely burned.

At this time, Zongsu's blood blade finally came close to Shen Canghao, the blood blade was abnormally cold, and the devil energy contained on it was extremely pure, Shen Canghao had to dodge to dodge, and the mountains and rivers could not last forever.

Zongsu's heart was slightly relaxed, and he overwhelmed mountains and rivers with one sword. The Mountains and Rivers Sword is one of the two super divine weapons of the Shen family, and it once shined brilliantly in that peerless battle.

Shen Canghao has been famous for a long time, and with every move, he has the appearance of the predecessors of the Shen family. If he wants to escape, he must seriously injure Shen Canghao.

After thinking about it, he suddenly saw the corner of Shen Canghao's mouth slightly raised while he was dodging, Zong Su's heart tightened, there is still a backhand for the move Shanhe Yonggu?

The bloody veil floated in front of his eyes, and there was a hint of orange on it. It was a piece of orange veil, which was tightly attached to his bloody veil. Because the two veils were very light and thin, they looked like a whole when they were pasted together, but one side was blood red. , one side is orange-red.

This orange gauze, he remembered, was the ornament on Shaohaoyue's peach-pink scimitar. No matter human, monster, or monster, most women love beauty, and the magic weapon should also be exquisite, unique and beautiful.

Zong Su didn't pay attention, but in the next second, the alarm went off in his mind, his body trembled uncontrollably, and the body-protecting magic energy around him dissipated like ice meeting a scorching sun.

Unparalleled heat surrounded him and burned him. The burning sensation penetrated into the skin and penetrated into the depths of the soul. As far as the eye could see, the flames were raging and beeping.

The fighting instinct made Zongsu subconsciously mobilize all the demonic energy to resist, "Nirvana Sky Fire! You have already Nirvana!"

Zong Su couldn't believe it, how old is Shaohao Yao?

After the initial shock, he quickly reacted, the skills in his body flew, while resisting, he flew up at the same time, trying to get out of the range of Tianhuo.

His speed is very fast, within a small range it is no different from teleportation, and he is out of the range of the sky fire in an instant, and the endless sky fire will burn around him again in the next second.

Zongsu was shocked, and looked up, only to find that the fluttering orange gauze was like a shadow, and the silk gauze was full of brilliance, and the endless fire of Nirvana flowed directly from it.

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