all the way to fairy

Chapter 851 Fairy Demon Battlefield

Shaohaoyue felt a little uneasy, leading the immortal clan to create a big war in the lower realm, breaking the plane, convincing Baixi to betray, Yihuanhuan developed completely according to the plan of the demon clan, would their goal have been achieved?
Wen Xueluo kept watching the expressions of the two of them nervously, seeing that their minds were solemn and all their attention was on the Nine Palaces Mitian Formation, she made a decisive decision, communicated with the Immortal Mansion, and escaped into the space.

Finally freed from the shackles, she let out a sigh of relief, and Xuan Er became worried again, these two monks were so strong that they had never seen before, they were extremely relaxed in the battlefield of immortals and demons, would they stay outside and wait for her to go out ?

She was worried for only a moment, but then she was relieved that they still had other enemies, such as that magic envoy, whether she left to look for the envoy or returned the envoy to find them, she would always find a chance to slip away.

These thoughts quickly turned in her mind, and she walked towards the palace not far away, planning to retreat and practice for seventeen or eight years, and also to review her insights in the magic battlefield.


The sound of thunder rolled, and the sky and the earth roared.

Wen Xueluo raised her head, her blood froze all over her body, her eyes widened, she couldn't believe what she saw.

Huge space fragments fell from the sky, space cracks appeared one after another, rolling "falling rocks" fell down, mountains collapsed, monsters screamed and fled in horror, but there was no way to escape.

The whole world is collapsing, and the end is coming!
Through the cracks, you can see the jade white 'colossal pillars' of similar size moving slowly, and the aura of the battlefield of immortals and demons permeates in.

Soon Wen Xueluo understood that those were not giant pillars, they were fingers, human fingers!
Her Yunshu Immortal Mansion was directly crushed to pieces!

How can this be?

There was a turbulent wave in her heart. The immortal mansions that could be used by living beings to live and cultivate were all made of plane fragments. Crushing the immortal mansion means crushing the world!
In her sluggishness, Yunshu Immortal Mansion was completely burned down in an instant, and she reappeared on the battlefield of immortals and demons. The woman in the light yellow gauze skirt moved her fingers lightly, as if she was shaking off dust and debris.

The man next to him raised his eyebrows slightly, and said in a very surprised tone, "You are really a...strange thing with the Immortal Mansion as your natal magic weapon."

Compared with Shen Canghao's euphemism, Shaohaoyue was much sharper, "Stupid."

The Immortal Mansion is only a temporary resting place, a higher-level storage space than the Najie, and the Immortal Mansion is the natal magic weapon. I really don't know whether to call her timid or reckless.

Wen Xueluo's brain was buzzing, and she stared at them blankly. Since she practiced, she had a great chance, and she learned the identity of the heroic spirit from Heihua, and she was jokingly called the daughter of Tiandao by others.

After arriving at Qingxuan, although she had a lot of troubles, she was able to escape smoothly every time. In the battlefield of immortals and demons, it was easier than many high-level powers.

Therefore, even though Wei Lin'anran and others surpassed her in cultivation, she quickly calmed down. She could achieve the level of cultivation that they could only achieve in a group, but she could do it alone, but it took a little later.

But now, her big reliance is like a joke in front of this female nun, and she will destroy it with a flick of a finger.

At no other moment did she realize so clearly that there are people beyond people and heaven beyond the sky, and she is just an ordinary one among hundreds of millions of beings.

She had always thought highly of herself.

The eyes were filled with black ink, and the thick devilish energy was as thick as soup, completely covering her, and her consciousness was in a trance, and she went to another dark place, and fell limply.

At the end of his consciousness, he seemed to hear a clear, calm and deadly voice, "I don't know who it is, it turned out that Mr. Shen came here in person, no wonder those idiots couldn't stand it."

The formation arranged by Baihua Mountain can keep ordinary immortals, but it can't stop the successors carefully cultivated by the Shen family.

The sect master of the seductive demon clan had many doubts in his heart. Dealing with demon troubles in the lower realm was only a trivial matter, and the one who paid the most attention was no more than sending immortals in the late stage of the fairyland.

Why did Shen Canghao come in person this time?Did they have other things to deal with the evil troubles by the way, or did they discover their purpose?

The sudden surge of demon energy made Shaohaoyue and the two of them vigilant. Before they could react, Wen Xueluo was teleported away, and then the snow-haired youth appeared from the demon energy.

Sensing each other's aura, Shaohaoyue and Shen Canghao changed their colors at the same time, they were in the Demon Ancestral Realm!The demon envoy left behind by the demon clan turned out to be the demon ancestral realm!

Shaohaoyue tightened Huan Shiling's wrist, and asked sharply, "Who are you?"

The high-ranking powerhouses of the Demon Race are basically recorded on the side of the Immortal Race, but this Dao Ancestral Realm powerhouse is not in the records.

The bright blue eyes on the right rolled slightly, and the blue light was clear. Zong Su smiled, "It turns out that she is Princess Yao of the Feng Clan, the genius of the two pillars of the Immortal Alliance, the Lower Realm, it is really a big deal."

He doesn't know her?
Shaohaoyue's heart moved. Has he never contacted the upper realm since the lower realm?Bai Xi didn't give a single word?

She sent a voice transmission to Shen Canghao: "Eryu is still there, I'm afraid I took Wen Xueluo to complete my goal, I have to find them as soon as possible!"

Shen Canghao nodded unobtrusively, raised his hand to hold it empty, and the silver-white and slightly bluish long sword slowly emerged from under his hand. Wherever the blade touched, the surrounding demon energy was swept away.

Zongsu's smile remained unchanged, holding the handle of the dagger with a dark gold pattern on a black background in one hand, and gently stroking the blood-colored blade with the other hand, he said leisurely: "As expected of No. 1 on the Qingyun List, I am not timid in the face of Dao Ancestor Realm."

Shen Canghao's tone was light, "This is the middle-level plane. The Dao Ancestor Realm has come to perfection, and you can only cultivate in the Transcendence Tribulation Stage. The same realm can't kill an old guy. I don't care about the name of this genius."

Shaohaoyue rolled her eyes, and said angrily, "Why are you talking so much nonsense, hit me!"

Since the other party recognized her as Yaoyao, of course she had to make good use of this and wait for the opportunity to sneak attack.

The corners of Shen Canghao's mouth twitched slightly, and he charged forward with the sword in his hand, attacking Zongsu like an autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves, the young man's left eye was filled with endless blood, the dagger in his hand was lightly raised, and endless blood flowed out.

The long sword froze and could no longer move forward.

"Blood Demon!" Shaohao Yue exclaimed, "You are from the lineage of the Great Desolate Demon Emperor!"

In the prehistoric period, the most prosperous power of the demon clan was not the four major demon sects today. At that time, the demon clan had only one center of power—the demon emperor.

The Blood Demons are the clans directly under the Demon Emperor, and the current Jiuli, Yushan, Shenyuan, and Qimen are just the second-tier forces of the Demon Clan!
To some extent, the four famous sects of the Demon Clan and the four families of the Immortal League have similar experiences.

Back then, Goddess Ye Nian sealed the Demon Queen, so her whereabouts and life and death were unknown. The Goddess Palace she created gradually declined, and she withdrew from the power center of Xingque.

The same is true for the blood demons. As the defeated party, they suffered even worse, and the demons blamed them for the failure.

The four famous sects took the opportunity to incite the demons and kill the blood demons.

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